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Ch. 8 Using Design in Fashion. Look down your row! Vote on the person who is wearing the best fashion when it comes to their “color choices”! That person.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 8 Using Design in Fashion. Look down your row! Vote on the person who is wearing the best fashion when it comes to their “color choices”! That person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 8 Using Design in Fashion

2 Look down your row! Vote on the person who is wearing the best fashion when it comes to their “color choices”! That person needs to stand in front of the class!

3 Elements of Design Color Shape Line Texture

4 Principals of Design Balance Proportion Emphasis Rhythm

5 Color Most exciting (noticed first) Used wisely 3 dimensions – Hue (name) – Value (lightness or darkness range) Tint-white, Shade-black Ex. Navy blue is a shade of blue What is a tint of blue? – Intensity (brightness or dullness of color

6 Color Neutrals – Black, white, gray – No hue – Used with most colors – White reflects light – Black absorbs light

7 Color Wheel

8 Using the color Wheel Primary hues – Red, Yellow, Blue – Can’t be mixed from other colors – All colors stem from these

9 Using the color Wheel Secondary Hues – Orange, violet, green – Mixed w/ equal amounts of primary hue – Found between two primary hues

10 Using the color wheel Intermediate hues – Between each primary and secondary color – Combine equal amounts of adjoining colors – When naming: primary first, then secondary (Ex. Yellow-green, Red-orange)

11 Using the color Wheel Warm colors – Red: Represent fire/ sun – Orange is warmest – Cheerfulness, outgoing, lively – Overdone- nervous Cool colors – Purple, Green: Water/ Sky – Blue is the coolest – Restful, calm, quiet, relaxing – Overdone-depressing

12 Color Schemes Ways they can be used together Monochromatic – Different tints and shades – From one color – Ex. Pale green pants with dark green shirt Analogous – Related colors on wheel – (Blue and green/ pink and purple)

13 Color Schemes Complementary Scheme – Hues that are directly across – Creates greatest contrast – Colors stand out when side to side – Rarely used in apparel – If so soft tint of one/ heavy shade of other – Example?

14 Color Schemes Split Complimentary Scheme – 3 colors – Combines one color with the other color on each side of compliment – Ex: Blue used with yellow-orange/ red-orange Trial Scheme – Combines three colors equidistant on wheel – Ex: Red, Yellow, Blue – Less intensity of some – Larger area of one

15 Color Schemes Accented Neutral Color-Scheme – Combines neutral colors with a bright color – Ex: Gray and Black Striped Suit/ with a red necktie or scarf – Pleasing to the eye – Color that looks best on wearer is accent – Near face/ shoulders/ around the waist

16 Fashion tips when using colors 1.Extreme Contrast=More exciting 2.Using color with neutral=brighter 3.Colors with medium/ dark value look darker next to light area 4.More attractive when light and dark isn’t equal 5.Light above dark 6.No more than 3 major colors 1.Extreme Contrast=More exciting 2.Using color with neutral=brighter 3.Colors with medium/ dark value look darker next to light area 4.More attractive when light and dark isn’t equal 5.Light above dark 6.No more than 3 major colors

17 Fashion tips when using color 7.Warm colors- make a person look larger 8.Cool colors-make a person look smaller 9.Place color next to body part you want to emphasize 1.(Ex: Scarf makes face stand out) 10.Single color (of one shade) makes person look slim/ taller 11.Sharply contrasting split in half makes a person appear shoulder 7.Warm colors- make a person look larger 8.Cool colors-make a person look smaller 9.Place color next to body part you want to emphasize 1.(Ex: Scarf makes face stand out) 10.Single color (of one shade) makes person look slim/ taller 11.Sharply contrasting split in half makes a person appear shoulder

18 Using Fashion in Color 12. When considering clothing – Quiet shy person is usually more comfortable wearing “quiet” colors (pale, cool, neutral) – Opposite with outgoing – Bright colors are more remembered – Narrow stripes and small plaids blend together from distance – (Red and white stripes look pink from a distance) – Fluorescent lights change colors) 12. When considering clothing – Quiet shy person is usually more comfortable wearing “quiet” colors (pale, cool, neutral) – Opposite with outgoing – Bright colors are more remembered – Narrow stripes and small plaids blend together from distance – (Red and white stripes look pink from a distance) – Fluorescent lights change colors)

19 Fashion in Action 2 Grab Poster Board – Divide Poster board into 6 sections – Label sections with the name of each color scheme – Find pictures from magazine to mount on the poster board (showing at least 3 of your color schemes) You may print/ and/or draw the rest Color schemes must be different then the ones I stated in the book

20 Review Questions Quiz (Perfect scores receive Moorebuck) 1.What was the one element of design that we focused on when we last met? 2.What is a hue? 3.T/F A tint is darker than a pure hue. 4.T/F An analogous color scheme uses different tints and shades from one color 5.T/F Navy Blue is a neutral color 6.Give two examples of warm colors 7.Give two examples of secondary colors 8.What is the “intensity” of a color? 9.List the 3 primary colors on the color wheel 10.What is the “warmest” color on the color wheel?

21 Reminder: Elements of Design Color Shape Line Texture

22 Shape

23 Who has the best “shape” in your opinion? 1`. 2 3 4 5 6

24 Silhouette Overall form/ outline of outfit Cut and construction Strategy Emphasize good features Tightly fitted (shows curves) Wide fabric- Look larger High fashion-fit body Facial shapes – Ex. People with oval faces don’t wear v-necks

25 You Examine…

26 Lines Line- leads the path of eye movement – (up, down, side, around, diagonal) Structured – Formed when garments are constructed Seams/ Darts/ Pleats/ Tucks/ Edges Decorative – Applied by adding details to the surface Topstitching, lace, tabs, flaps, buttons, scarves, necklaces

27 Structured vs. Decorative Lines

28 Line Types Straight lines- Strong/ power Curved lines-Less conservative, soft, youthful – Found around collar edges, scoop necklines, fabric prints Jagged lines- Change directions – Zig Zag, Confused feeling Horizontal- – Eyes go side to side (make smaller/ wider) Diagonal Lines – Dramatic Longer more vertical diagonals make taller Shorter horizontal diagonals make shorter

29 Review…Tell the type of line, and what effect this type of line adds to each style of clothing

30 Texture Texture-tactile quality of goods – (How it feels and looks) – 60 seconds to come up with as many adjectives as you can to describe texture (smooth, rough, dull, shiny, stiff, firm, harsh, sheer, loopy, etc.) – Partially determined by original fibers – Can create illusions

31 Rules of Thumb Fuzzy Heavy-Add visual size/ disguise Shiny Textures- Make people look larger Dull Textures-Make people look lighter Sheer-reveal body shape (if light) Combinations-fashionable if done with taste Satin/ Silk-dressy Added prints- noticeable

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