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Tying Performance Review Feedback and Learning to Actionable Development Plans Presented by Beverly L. Weise, M.B.A November 15, 2012 Sponsored by

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1 Tying Performance Review Feedback and Learning to Actionable Development Plans Presented by Beverly L. Weise, M.B.A November 15, 2012 Sponsored by

2 Experience President, Leadership Talent Solutions Performance Management Talent Management Executive and Leadership Coaching Adjunct Faculty, Antioch U’s Masters in Organizational Management Program Education  M.B.A., Organizational Management / Human Resources UCLA  UCLA Executive Program  ICF Certified Executive Coach Presenter – Bev Weise

3 We’ll Cover...  Reframing Performance Reviews - Setting the Stage for Learning  A “ How-To” on Identifying Development Gaps  Best Proven Methods for Learning That Impacts Performance  Appreciative Inquiry as a Learning Tool  What Constitutes a Stretch Assignment  Creating an Individual Development Plan

4 Goal A 4 Performance Reviews: “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”

5 Performance Reviews: The Good

6 6 The Bad...

7 7 And...The Ugly

8 8 Reframing Performance Reviews Johari Window

9 9 Rules for Giving Effective Feedback 1. Specific vs. Global 2. Descriptive vs. Evaluative 3. Owned vs. Attributed to Others 4. Open-minded vs. Certainty 5. Equality vs. Superiority 6. Change Needed vs. Ambiguous

10 10 Multiple Sources to Identify Development Gaps and Reduce the “Blind Spots” Self-AssessmentSupervisor’s Performance Feedback 360 Feedback from key stakeholders

11 11 In addition to Performance Review data, set learning and development goals from....

12 12 Employee’s Career Aspirations

13 13 Employee’s Strengths

14 Appreciative Inquiry: A learning and self- reflection process 14

15  Knowledge to acquire? Skills to strengthen? Experience to gain? Perspectives to broaden? Qualities to enhance? Strengths to leverage? Perceptions to change? Set Actionable Learning Objectives

16 Set Learning Objective Activities and Support Required Desired Outcomes and Measures Individual Development Plan (IDP) 16 Levels of Activity: What Will Success Look Like? Exposure How will you know Experience What are the indicators? Expertise Where I am today. Where I need to be: New Behaviors Knowledge Ways of Thinking

17 Development Poll 17 Think of a time when you felt you made a quantum leap in your own development as a professional or as a leader—you felt you were now ready and able to take your career to the next level.

18 Development Poll 18 To what do you attribute that quantum leap in your development? A)Overcoming a personal hardship B)Dealing with a challenging assignment/project C)Impactful training (classroom or online) or book D)A significant person (boss, mentor, coach, etc)

19 How People Learn and Develop Adapted from Center for Creative Leadership Hardships  Business failures and mistakes  Missed opportunities  Subordinate performance problems  Breaking a rut  Personal trauma Significant People  Good/bad/flawed bosses  Mentors  Role models  Coaches Assignments  Projects & startups  Scope jumps and fix-its  Strategic assignments  Coaching assignments  Activities away from work

20 Learning Platforms Instructor-Led Training Social Collaboration Virtual Learning  Webinars  E-Learning Courses  Video Channels  Teleclasses  On-line communities  Networking & Connections  Forums  Micro blogs  Communities of Practice  Training Programs  University Classes  Professional Assoc.

21 Stretch Think of a current or past Stretch Assignment

22 11 Criteria for Stretch Assignments 1.Success or failure possible; visible to others 2.Requires “take-charge” leadership 3.Work with new and/or lots of people 4.Pushes comfort zone 5.Must influence people/activities outside one’s direct authority or control 6.Complex, ambiguous projects *Adapted from 88 Assignments for Development in Place, Lombardo & Eichinger, CCL 22

23 11 Criteria for Stretch Assignments (cont.) 11 Criteria for Stretch Assignments (cont.) 7. Closely watched by higher management 8. Start-up of a team or project: fixing poor performers, departments, projects 9. Major strategic or intellectual component 10. Interacting with an especially good/bad boss 11. Missing critical element (e.g. management support, resources, technical knowledge).

24 Stretch Assignment Poll 1.1 – 4 criteria met 2.5 – 8criteria met 3.9 – 11 criteria met

25 Stretch Assignment Poll 1.1 – 4 criteria met low challenge 2.5 – 8criteria met medium stretch 3.9 – 11 criteria met overload?

26 Stretch Assignments – and ALL development, requires ONGOING COACHING AND SUPPORT to be most effective.

27 Summary: Tying Performance Reviews to Learning  Provide performance feedback to reduce “blind spots” and set the stage for development and learning  Set learning goals to close the development gaps based on multiple sources  Make the Individual Development Plan a living document.  Select appropriate learning platforms  Provide on-going coaching and support

28 Contact: Beverly L. Weise, MBA Phone:310.306.9898 Website: Email: +Sign- up for free issues of “Leadership Toolkits: Practical Tips to Develop Leadership Competencies.” +Complimentary 30-minute coaching/consulting session for first 5 requests. QUESTIONS?

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