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DO NOW Please read handout: PAL 3 Rubric 3.c.. SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP T-330 March 2, 2016 Class 18: Using Supervision and Evaluation for Instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Please read handout: PAL 3 Rubric 3.c.. SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP T-330 March 2, 2016 Class 18: Using Supervision and Evaluation for Instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Please read handout: PAL 3 Rubric 3.c.

2 SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP T-330 March 2, 2016 Class 18: Using Supervision and Evaluation for Instructional Improvement

3 Learning Targets I can analyze a peer’s feedback session and provide useful, data-based feedback for my colleague. I can explain how to supervise in a way that is fair, builds trust, and leads to increased student learning.

4 Agenda Panel of practitioners Feedback on colleagues’ videotaped feedback sessions Supervision that is fair and builds trust Preview next week Plus/Delta

5 Practitioner Panel Breckan Duckworth Dean, Uplift Academy Marco Curnen Assistant Principal, Amigos School Jim Heal Head of Sixth Form, Wellington College

6 Review PAL 3 Rubric for Feedback What data will you collect as you watch the video? How will you determine whether it is a “two-way” discussion? Suggestion for feedback provider: Instead of “I like the way you…” …replace with “When you did this ____, the [learner] did this ____.” i.e. What were the outcomes of the behavior?

7 Video of feedback session: Preparing for PAL 3 (and beyond…) Partner A: 1 min: Tell what you want feedback about 10 min: Share a 10-minute segment of your video 3-5 min: Share reflections on the video Partner A & B 8-10 min: Partner B shares relevant data from the video (based on Rubric 3.c. & Partner A’s focus); discussion. Switch roles and repeat for Partner B

8 Video partners Rachel A.AllyLarsen 513 Rachel B.MadelineLarsen 402 NickMike C.Larsen 709 KaitieThaddeusLarsen 615 AndyRachel H.Larsen 710 JimTremainLarsen 203 KristieJustin M.Larsen 203 LorenaJenCommunity space on 7th floor Michael R. Justin R.Larsen 214 Michael S.MarquesLarsen 214 MariaAleeshaLarsen 214 Andrew S.RyonCommunity space on 4th floor MattChrisCommunity space on 5th floor MaritzaSamCommunity space on 6th floor MaryKarlaCcommunity space on 4 th floor**

9 Working with underperforming teachers Key takeaways from readings? Anything you disagree with (or question) in the readings? How do you ensure fairness and trust in this process?

10 Building trust through supervision Be transparent & consistent about process Show respect Be a warm demander  high expectations + support Get feedback about your feedback, act on it No surprises

11 IMPORTANT announcements Friday March 4 th Volunteers to share about increasing responsibility at practicum? Want help with second guess memo? Print out LLP for you & mentor on Friday We’ll discuss “How to Talk So Teachers Listen” article PAL Prep Office hours for PAL 3 (or 4) with Joe Wednesday March 9 th from 3:30-5:00pm – SIGN UP PAL 4 deadline for T330: March 11 th Submit Artifacts #1-3, Commentary Statement that you have submitted to state PD plans from Dec 3 rd class For use next week

12 Preview Next Week Replaced Jensen Case with SchoolCheck tool Moved Jensen Case to March 23 rd Use SchoolCheck tool to assess your practicum site (Alert: “Big Three” have slightly changed since the book was written.) Unit reflections due next Tuesday. Gift of time: step back, reflect, synthesize; Reference at least one reading.

13 PlusDelta

14 Following are deleted slides…

15 Explicit Direction Constructivist Approach Learning-centeredTeaching-centered You spent 6 minutes giving directions. After you told them to start, You spent the next 10 minutes circulating to answer questions. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. You need to check for understanding before students do work independently. I counted 8 kids who were talking to each other when you were giving the directions. After you told them to start, 12 kids either raised their hand for help or waited for you to come over before they started. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. Kids need to know what to do so they can work independently. You spent 6 minutes giving directions. … (etc.) Did you notice that? How did you make sense of that? How can you ensure students know what to do before they work independently? I counted 8 kids who were talking to each other … (etc.) Did you notice that? How did you make sense of that? How can you ensure students know what to do before they work independently?

16 RETURN: 7:30pm Chris, Mary, Matt 214 Sam, Ryon, Jim 402 Jen, Jeanie, Katie 214 Marques, Karla, Aleesha 4 th CS Rachel B, Rachel A, Mike R 709 Maria, Alley, Michael C 710 Rachel H, Andrew S, Maritza 513 Justin R, Madeline, Michael S 615 Lorena, Thaddeus, Brandon 5 th CS Justin M, Liz, George 7 th CS Kristie, Tremain, Nick 203

17 Preview next class ALERT: Next week: bring video of you and teacher at post- observations conference Send us questions you have about PAL 3 Readings: SL2 and SL3 – dismissing a teacher Fiarman Book Talk: 6-8pm March 29 th in GCC, snacks! Who will host rounds visits in May? feedback and $500 for school

18 SLP 2016 Norms We collaborate and build a community of respect. We value vulnerability and truths over comfort. We trust each other and assume positive intentions. We expect and seek feedback.

19 Dismissal Review Positive intentions high expectations. Use student learning data Warm demander mindset No surprises School context of adult learning Document concerns, communication, support Dismissal Confidential Prepare for response (teacher and colleagues) Encourage resignation

20 Small groups + facilitators Alley Brandon Nick Thaddeus Andy G Rachel H Madeline Tremain George Justin R Aleesha Chris Rachel B Michael C Katie Liz Karla Justin M Mike R Maria Andrew S Alex Matt Maritza Sam Rachel A Jeanie Jim Kristie Lorena Jen Michael S Marques Ryon Mary

21 Video link

22 Ladder of Inference

23 Explicit Direction Constructivist Approach Learning-centeredTeaching-centered You spent 6 minutes giving directions. After you told them to start, You spent the next 10 minutes circulating to answer questions. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. You need to check for understanding before students do work independently.

24 Explicit Direction Constructivist Approach Learning-centeredTeaching-centered You spent 6 minutes giving directions. After you told them to start, You spent the next 10 minutes circulating to answer questions. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. You need to check for understanding before students do work independently. I counted 8 kids who were talking to each other when you were giving the directions. After you told them to start, 12 kids either raised their hand for help or waited for you to come over before they started. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. Kids need to know what to do so they can work independently.

25 Explicit Direction Constructivist Approach Learning-centeredTeaching-centered You spent 6 minutes giving directions. After you told them to start, You spent the next 10 minutes circulating to answer questions. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. You need to check for understanding before students do work independently. I counted 8 kids who were talking to each other when you were giving the directions. After you told them to start, 12 kids either raised their hand for help or waited for you to come over before they started. About 3/4 th of the students didn’t complete the assignment. Kids need to know what to do so they can work independently. You spent 6 minutes giving directions. … (etc.) Did you notice that? How did you make sense of that? How can you ensure students know what to do before they work independently?

26 Lingering Questions How do you choose what to focus on in observations & feedback? Teacher’s goal, team’s goal, school’s goal What is the task? Evidence of student learning? (for all students) What if you don’t know the content? “What do you want students to know and be able to do by end of lesson?” (alignment with standards?) “What evidence do you have of this?” (for all students)

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