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Designing for innovation around OER Andy Lane. Evolutionary rather than revolutionary innovation at OU Open access, modular undergraduate programmes using.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing for innovation around OER Andy Lane. Evolutionary rather than revolutionary innovation at OU Open access, modular undergraduate programmes using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing for innovation around OER Andy Lane

2 Evolutionary rather than revolutionary innovation at OU Open access, modular undergraduate programmes using appropriate technologies of the day Long history of making educational content available to use ‘as is’ by wider community –Broadcasts via BBC –Text books via Educational publishers OpenLearn goes further by using –Open technologies –Open licensing –Open innovation

3 Stages in open educational resources development 1.Legal: release of copyright through creative commons 2.Practical: provide access to content 3.Technical: develop an environment for open access 4.Pedagogic: understand the designs that work 5.Economic: devise a model for sustainable operation 6.Transformative: change ways of working and learning

4 open educational content documents, learning objects, datasets, multimedia, etc… content sharing tools, platforms, devices, etc … sensemaking: community discourse Missing layers in the open educational innovation infrastructure R&E, market intelligence: user behaviour

5 Trends in the components of educational systems Analogue>>>>>>> Digital Tethered>>>>>>>Mobile Isolated>>>>>>>Connected Generic>>>>>>>Personal Consumers>>>>>>>Creators Closed>>>>>>>Open After David Wiley

6 Designs Many aspects and issues

7 Many possible approaches

8 Learner ResearcherEducator Social and institutional context

9 Mixing methods Monitoring Surveying Participating Sharing Researchers

10 Study and do activities Keep learning journals Share forum posts Take away content Communicate Cooperate Flashmeeting Learners

11 Collaborate Use as is Publish Drive technical changes Design Experiment Educators

12 Experimentation Staff development Collaboration Customisation Reputation XML Workshops Institutions

13 38 Units in LabSpace Staff development Institutional change Joining community

14 Open Innovation OLnet Netgen OLnet fm Learning Design OLnet


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