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What is the 90/90/90 Research?  The Original 90 90 90 Research  169 schools in high-poverty, high minority system  21 schools broke the mold – 90%

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2 What is the 90/90/90 Research?  The Original 90 90 90 Research  169 schools in high-poverty, high minority system  21 schools broke the mold – 90% poverty, 90% minority, and 90% meeting or exceeding state standards  Interviews and on-site visits to identify common elements

3 What was the SAME in High and Low Performing Schools?  Same union contract and teacher time  Same budget  Same facilities  Same teacher assignment policies  Same principal assignment policies  Same attention for the central office  Same textbooks, curriculum, and standards  Same profound social and home challenges

4 What was DIFFERENT for the High Poverty, High Minority, High Performing Schools?  A laser-like focus by everyone in the school on academic achievement and continuous improvement  Clear curriculum choices that emphasize essential content  Frequent formative assessments of student progress and multiple opportunities for improvement  An emphasis on nonfiction writing across subject areas  Collaborative scoring of student work to determine a common agreement about what proficiency looks like See: Reeves, D.B. (2004). Accountability in action: A blueprint for learning organizations (2nd. Ed.). Englewood, CO: Advanced Learning Press.

5 What do the 90/90/90 characteristics have in common?  Practices, not programs  Not dependent upon budget  Collaboration is… “the way we do business”  Collective responsibility for students  Relentless pursuit of success  Consequences right for failure

6 Evidence of Sustainability  National replication at elementary, middle, and high school level  Wide variety of “programs” and curricula  Consistent application of core 90/90/90 practices  Gains significant over 2 years; sustained over more than ten years  Gains often persist even when teaching and leadership changes

7 Expectations…  Teacher Leadership  Not a title  Not an extra duty  Genuine influence – the single greatest impact on teaching practice is the direct modeling by other teachers  Administrative Leadership  Create and sustain conditions for success  Time  Efficacy (teacher impact on results)  Feedback  Expectations  Nonfiction Writing  Formative assessments

8 3 Year Partnership with Leadership & Learning Center  Year 1  Decision Making for Results and Data Team Development  Accelerating Academic Achievement for English Language Learners  Year 2  Write Tools (Nonfiction Writing Development)  Common Formative Assessment Development  Year 3  Effective Grade Strategies (Grading for Learning)  Prioritizing Standards Development

9 Items needed for 2011-2012 school to begin work…  Instructional Coaches – will support teachers by providing support, resources, modeling and direction on best practices as learned through the Leadership & Learning Center Professional Development  2 – hired for 2011-2012 school year for the elementary schools  1 – LMS Literacy Coordinator  1 – LHS Instructional Coach  Time for Professional Learning Communities  Late start every Thursday to meet as building PLC’s and/or district grade level PLC’s.  Initial Training in Decision Making for Results and Data Team Development  Move first day of school to Thursday, August 18 th and provide all LPS teachers training on Monday, August 15 th & Tuesday, August 16 th and provide a workday for teachers on Wednesday, August 17 th.

10 Professional Development Cost The cost of the Professional Development piece through the Leadership & Learning Center is $251,249.40 This amount has been included in the 2011-2012 Professional Development budget. The budgeted amount for the 2011-2012 school year is approximately $320,000 less than the previous year.

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