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Review of assignment #2B and rubric Instructor:teaching fellows: Sarah FiarmanAnnice Fisher Michael Figueroa 2015-2016 HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of assignment #2B and rubric Instructor:teaching fellows: Sarah FiarmanAnnice Fisher Michael Figueroa 2015-2016 HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of assignment #2B and rubric Instructor:teaching fellows: Sarah FiarmanAnnice Fisher Michael Figueroa 2015-2016 HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION T-330 S CHOOL I NSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP : S EMINAR AND P RACTICUM

2  B. Design a plan for using interim assessments in reading, math, and writing as a way in which you, as a school leader, can keep your finger on the pulse of student learning in an ongoing way. Assignment #2B

3 Choice B Designing an Interim Assessment System in Reading, Writing, and Math

4 Assignment #2B Part 1What to Do First quarter of paper Description Assessment and Timing Provide an overview of the interim assessment system you have designed and how it operates. Explain how it will link to state standards-based tests Include:  what tests and assessments you will use and why  a description of when and how frequently you will use tests and assessments

5 Assignment #2B Part 2What to Do Second quarter of paper Knowledge of Interim Assessment Demonstrate your knowledge of interim assessments by:  explaining what the term means  using examples, research, and course readings  explaining your model and what you hope to accomplish  including other details the reader will need to understand your model

6 Assignment #2B Part 3What to Do Third quarter of paper Communication Describe how are results will be communicated:  Within the school (teachers, administrators, students, tutors)  To parents  To the larger community

7 Assignment #2B Part 4What to Do Final quarter of paper Follow-up Application to leadership Describe your plan and follow-up strategies for insuring that data are used to improve instruction and student achievement. Using citations from course readings to support your follow-up plan Apply learnings from this assignment to your future leadership practice. Use examples.

8 Rubric for Assignment #2B Description/Assessment & Timing  Domain: Description of the System – How clearly have you described the system you designed? How will it operate? Have you included sufficient detail in your description so that the reader can readily understand it?  Domain: Assessment and Timing – Have you used selected tests and assessments that are relevant, age-appropriate, and credible? Have you given a rationale for why these specific tests and assessments were selected? Have you included the implementation cycle for your interim assessment system?

9 Rubric for Assignment #2B  Domain: Knowledge of Interim Assessment – How accurately have you defined the term? Have you used clear examples to explain your thinking? Have you integrated course readings in your explanation? Have you described expected outcomes? Have you included all appropriate details?

10 Rubric for Assignment #2B Knowledge/Communication  Domain: Communication – Have you included a description of your plan for communicating data about student learning results to teachers, students, parents, the wider community? How are you insuring that your communication plan is thorough as well as effective?

11 Rubric for Assignment #2B Follow-up Plan/ Application  Domain: Follow-up Plan – Have you described clearly how the data will be used? What impact will it have on individual students? teachers? instructional practice? professional development?  Domain: Application to Future Leadership Practice – What new insights do you have about leadership practice? Have you drawn a clear connection between the assignment and your future leadership work? Have you included further ideas and reflection?

12 Rubric for Assignment #2B Clarity/Organization  Domain: Clarity – Have you insured that your writing is clear and grammatically correct? Are your examples clear? Have you proof-read and spell-checked your paper?  Domain: Organization - How clearly have you presented your point of view about the data analysis and use system and its value in leadership practice? Can the reader follow the logic of your arguments?

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