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Unit19 Modern Agriculture Period 3-4. Revision 1. Complete the words and read them out ar__ble te___ni____ p__mp f___terlise ir__gation modern____ Short_____.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit19 Modern Agriculture Period 3-4. Revision 1. Complete the words and read them out ar__ble te___ni____ p__mp f___terlise ir__gation modern____ Short_____."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit19 Modern Agriculture Period 3-4

2 Revision 1. Complete the words and read them out ar__ble te___ni____ p__mp f___terlise ir__gation modern____ Short_____ green_____ ___port Gene________ modi____ pl____ gh achque cal u erriise age houseim ex ticallyfyou 2.complete the following sentences. 1). We all agreed to his plan at the meeting because it seemed that it was quite p________ 2). We were busy p______ water out of the boat in the rain in order to stop it from sinking. ractical umping

3 3). Plants could not grow there in the past because of the s_______ of water,so people used to live a very poor life. 4) A g________ is used by farmers to grow greens in cold winters so that vegetables can be provided continuously for the town nearby. 5) T_______ companies are shops or stores where people can buy cigarettes. 6) It is said that in some places production can be increased through i_________, that is, to get enough water for crops in the fields. 7). When spring comes,farmers will p________ the fields and then sow the seeds. hortage reenhouse obacco rrigation lough

4 Lead-in: In our daily life, what we eat are very common. Now let’s have a try to see if you can recognize them and name them in English !

5 rice pork

6 peas

7 peanut

8 carrot

9 green pepper

10 lettuce

11 cabbage

12 beanstalk

13 onions

14 celery

15 taro sweet potato

16 water melon


18 pear

19 grape

20 mango

21 pineapple

22 strawberry

23 We know what we have at our daily meals is relation to agriculture. So please answer the question. What will you think of when you see the word “agriculture”?

24 agriculture farm irrigation food crop field plants plain farming grain farmer fertilizer seed prairie countryside land arable land

25 Discuss the following question with you partner. Look at the pictures and compare traditional and modern farming.

26 Pre reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

27 1) Classify the pictures in the following way: Traditional farming Agriculture Modern farming Hi-tech farming 2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way ?

28 Raising chickens Small scaleLarge scale The farmer can keep only a few chickens. It does not cost a lot to keep the chickens. It is not a lot of work to keep the chickens. The chickens don’t have many problems. The chickens are not so fat. The eggs and meat taste very good.. The farmer can keep thousands of chickens. It costs a lot of money to keep the chickens. It’s a lot of work to keep the chickens:feeding,cleaning etc. If chickens get ill,many die or must be killed. The chickens are big and fat. The meat and eggs do not taste so good.

29 Fertilizers Natural fertilizer (manure; also dung) Chemical fertilizer It’s free or can be bought at low prices. It’s a lot of work to mix it with the soil. It has a bad smell. It takes a lot of place to store. It is difficult to transport. It’s expensive. It is not a lot of work to mix it with the soil. It has no smell. It takes little place to store. It is easy to transport.

30 Horsepower Animals(buffalo;also ox)Machines(Tractor) They are not so expensive. The “fuel” is cheap(grass,hay etc). They don’t pollute the air. They can be used on different land; eg hill slopes or wet ground. The need to rest sometimes. You can use them for about 10- 20 years. If they get young ones,you get more for free. If they totally break down,you can eat them. They are expensive. The fuel is expensive(gasoline). They pollute the air. They can only be used on flat (level) and dry terrain. They don’t need to rest. You can use them for 5-20 or more years if you can get enough spare (repair) parts.

31 Climate control Open airGreenhouse If the weather conditions are bad you can loose the crops. The landscape is more beautiful. The land must be good for farming (arable land). Weather conditions are controlled,so they cannot damage crops. It is expensive to build and operate (gas,water,electricity) a greenhouse. If there is a power failure,you may lose crops. The landscape is ugly. Greenhouse can be built where the land is not suitable for farming.

32 3) 、 What other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years? Over the last 100 years there have been some changes on farms and in agriculture: The use of machines,the use of chemical fertilizers,the use of insect killers,the use of food supplements in animal feed,the growth of the farms(bigger farms),doing the work with workers who are not part of family,growing different crops,etc.

33 Scanning: Q1:What is the biggest problem to Chinese farmers? Q2:What does GM mean? China is a country with the largest population in the world,but only seven percent of the land can be used for farming. “G” stands for “genetically” from the world “genes”. “M” stands for “modified”,which means “changed”.

34 Questions: 1.How much does arable land take up in China? 2.How many ways are mentioned to make the land produce more? What are they? 3.What does new techniques mean? 4.When did scientist start to develop new techniques? 5.How many unusual ways are mentioned to deal with the shortage of arable land? Only 7 percent. 4. Fertilisation; irritation; 2 or more crops are planted each year where possible; more advanced technical information. Those that are used to increase agricultural production without harming the environment. From the early 1990s. 2. Grow vegetables in greenhouses; GM.

35 The structure of the whole passage Farm- ing ___________ farming methods ___________ farming techniques Newly- __________ farming techniques didn’t change much 1.__________fertilizers 2.______ pumps 3.plant two or more crops each year 4.grow seeds in _______________ before… 5.bring in _________________ 6. Import of_________________________ 1.________ to surroundings 2.grow vegetables in _______________ 3.develop new _____ food, such as …… traditional modernized developed chemical electric special seedbeds technical information technology & machines harmless greenhouses GM

36 Important phrases 1. One-family business 2. On this arable land 3.have long used techniques such as …… 4.chemical fertilisers 5. Electric pumps 6. To make as much use of the land as possible 7.allows farmers to grow an extra crop in each season 8. Bring in advance technical information from abroad 9. In the 1980s 10. Import of technology and machines 11. International exchange of delegations 12.increase agricultural production without harming the environment 13. Depend on high technology as well as traditional methods 14. The shortage of … 15. Hang in water that contains all the nutrients they need to grow

37 16. Stand for 17. In other words 18. Need much time to get ripe Difficult sentences: 1.It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment. 2.The temperature is controlled with computers, no matter how the weather is outside. 3. It was developed using a technique known as GM.

38 Language focus in the text. Para. 1  It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.  It + be + 强调部分 + that (who/ whom) + 其他部分  It is the people, not things that are decisive.  Jia Sixie wrote a book called Qimin Yaoshu around 540 AD. 1.Was it in the early 1990s this happened? 2.It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I recognized she was a famous film star. 3. Where was it that you met Tom yesterday?

39  1. 随着时间的推移  2. TO make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.  Where possible= where it is possible  Fill in the words in the blanks where necessary.  If important, I’ll do it at once. Over time Para. 2 As many books as possible as much time as possible as fast/soon as possible = as fast as you can

40 Para. 3  1.Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment. = Not only …, but also taking care of the environment is important Not only …but also… 联结句子时,用 not only 连接 的句子部分要倒装, 将 BE/ 情态动词 / 助动词提前。 Not only was everything that he had taken away from him, but also he was not allowed to return to his home country.

41 Para.4  Shortage of/ short of  The shortage of fuel is the problem.  There is a shortage of grain because of poor crops.  It was still five minutes short of the hour.  The car went short of petrol.  We stopped a mile short of the top.

42 Read the text again and fill the blanks: China has a long history of agriculture. But for a long time,traditional agriculture did not _______ much. In China, only ________ _______of land can be used for farming. Over time, many farming techniques have been ____________. In the 1980s, more advanced technical _____________was brought in from abroad. From the early 1990s, scientists started to ________new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the ______________. So not only food production is important but also _______ _______ of the environment. The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the________ of _______ land.Using the________technologies,Chinese scientists grow vegetables in __________. The _______ of these vegetables are not planted in earth but _______ in water that ________ all the nutrients they ______ to grow.In 1993,a kind of tomato was __________ that was very different from any ______ before.It was developed___________ a technique known as GM. shortage arable latest greenhouseroots hangcontains needdeveloped grown using change sevenpercent modernised information develop environment takingcare

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