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SENnet Monitoring Visit DG Education PORTUGAL Ida Brandão 22 October 2014 Brussells.

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Presentation on theme: "SENnet Monitoring Visit DG Education PORTUGAL Ida Brandão 22 October 2014 Brussells."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENnet Monitoring Visit DG Education PORTUGAL Ida Brandão 22 October 2014 Brussells

2 Impacts of SENnet Exchange of policies and practices in the field of technologies and special needs among partners’ countries and direct involvement of the national network of ICT Resource Centres for Special Needs (CRTIC). SENnet reinforced some activities led by the national network CRTIC, namely case studies of pupils with SEN using assistive technologies, production of accessible OER and validation of online courses/modules on Inclusion and Technologies that may be replicated in the future.

3 Impacts of SENnet PT partner developed more activities than initially expected, namely:  WP2 – 8 case studies, beyond the requested 3 (one per year);  WP3 – submitted about 40 new resources to LRE, beyond identification of existing ones and respective tagging;  WP4 – organized 3 tutored online courses ( one MOOC), beyond the development and validation of online modules;  WP6 – organized 2 webinars on SENnet delivered in DGE website, with national scope.

4 Management Role: Coordinator of WP4 Tasks: PT partner has contributed to tasks planned and agreed among partners for all workpackages WP1 Mid-term report Frequent communication with EUN and partners (email, listserv, videoconferences ) Participation in project meetings (not all) Hosting of Lisbon meeting and visit to schools

5 Research WP2 Contributions to annual thematic reports: – 2012: Mainstreaming Students with Special Needs: the role of ICT – 2013: Universal Design and learning disorders – 2014: Tablets and inclusion 8 case studies - PT versions collected in an ebookebook 1-Use of AT by a student with low visionUse of AT by a student with low vision 2-Use of differentiated methodologies by a student with dyslexiaUse of differentiated methodologies by a student with dyslexia 3-Inclusion of a pupil with quadriplegiaInclusion of a pupil with quadriplegia 4-Literacy development with ICT/AT to support a pupil with multiple disabilitiesLiteracy development with ICT/AT to support a pupil with multiple disabilities 5-Literacy development with graphic symbolsLiteracy development with graphic symbols 6-Contribution of assistive technology for the inclusion of a pupil with cerebral palsyContribution of assistive technology for the inclusion of a pupil with cerebral palsy 7-Use of tablet by a pupil with SEN in school contextUse of tablet by a pupil with SEN in school context 8-A tablet to communicate

6 Educational Resources WP3 Contribution for the discussion of resources classification WP3 Report contribution Over 40 new resources submitted in LRE platform and tagged, examples: Repository of SEN freeware Demo electronic magnification Story in Symbols

7 Teacher Training WP4 Development of an online course about Inclusion and Access to Technologies with 5 modules, for partners to adapt and localize Organization of three online courses in portuguese, with tutorship: 2012 – Inclusão e Acesso às Tecnologias 2013 – Recursos Educativos Abertos Acessíveis 2014 – MOOC Inclusião e Acesso às Tecnologias National community of practice – CRTIC Coordination of WP4 Report WP5 – Input to QA surveys

8 Dissemination WP6 Participation in peer learning workshops hosted by Denmark – Belgium - Austria – Estonia Contribution for WP6 Reports Contributions for SENnet website / wiki / Facebook National dissemination of SENnet:  SENnet webpage in DGE website SENnet webpage  SENnet topic in DGE Moodle platform (CRTIC community)  2 webinars on SENnet project and MOOC INCTEC2014SENnet project MOOC INCTEC2014  Presentations about SENnet activities in 3 conferences (Santarém, Castelo Branco, Azambuja)  Presentation about WP4 in Eminent2012  eTwinning Learning Event  SENnet dissemination through national network CRTIC

9 Sustainability WP7 – Beyond 30 th November 2014 - Future developments SNE services of DG Education will carry on its mission concerning national guidelines to support students with SEN in mainstream schools. CRTIC network will continue activities developed during SENnet, namely: assessing students’ needs, production of video and adapted materials, and teacher counceling and training Dissemination of new initiatives and products will be included in SENnet website and Facebook community, as well as in national webpage. DGE/SNE services is represented in the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusion and a regular contributor to its projects.

10 Budget Key points: Some changes in original budget –Transfer from travel to «other costs», expenses with logistics of Lisbon meeting video production to illustrate case studies, national travelling for project dissemination in conferences. –Some travels to participate in project meetings were not allowed (DGE management reasons) Spending monitored –Staff timesheets were filled along the project considering respective tasks –Progress Report was presented by mid 2013 –An internal update was elaborated by December 2013 Staff changes –Secretary (Susana) ceased working for DGE and was replaced in Jan2014 (Carolina)

11 Budget OriginalActual (15Oct2014) STAFF27.704,00€27.678,41€ TRAVEL9.659,00€5.915,40€ OTHER costs*3.000,00€2.350,70€ Total40.363,00€35.944,51€ Indirect costs (7%)2.825,41€2.516,11€ Total43.188,41€38.460,62€ * Transfer from «travel» to «other costs», allowed in 2014

12 STAFF StaffTotal days (proposal)Total days (actual) Filomena Pereira4836 Ida Brandão6895 Fátima Leitão5456 Susana/Carolina Lemos2236 Total192223 More days to I.B. - extra work tutoring 3 online courses Within initial staff budget, in spite of more days

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