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INB Pg 13 Put these numbers in to scientific notation 3,456,235.000000245 365.00056847.

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Presentation on theme: "INB Pg 13 Put these numbers in to scientific notation 3,456,235.000000245 365.00056847."— Presentation transcript:

1 INB Pg 13 Put these numbers in to scientific notation 3,456,235.000000245 365.00056847

2 Constellations (13)

3 The stars we see are seen from our position on earth. The sky rotates because of the earth’s rotation. –Earth rotates counter clockwise: objects rise in east, set in west. Stars are always in the sky, but are overwhelmed by the sun’s light.

4 Constellations A clearly defined area in the sky. –Anything in that area is part of the constellation. Do not look always like what they represent. Originated 5000 years ago. –88 constellations used today, 48 are ancient.

5 The Constellation Lyra

6 Asterisms Less formally defined groups of stars. –Part of a constellation(s). Big Dipper Little Dipper

7 Big & Little Dipper

8 Great Square of Pegasus Seen only end of Oct. to mid Dec.

9 Stars in Constellations/Asterisms Not physically related to each other. ONLY thing is common is they are in the same direction in the sky from earth.


11 Zodiac Constellations Ring of constellations that line the path of the sun through the sky (ecliptic) over the course of a year. Sagittarius: Dec-Jan Capricorn: Jan-Feb Aquarius: Feb-Mar Pisces: Mar-Apr Aries: Apr-May Taurus: May-Jun Gemini: Jun-Jul Cancer: Jul-Aug Leo: Aug-Sep Virgo: Sep-Oct Libra: Oct-Nov Scorpio: Nov Ophiuchus: Nov-Dec


13 Astronomy vs. Astrology Same discipline until 300-400 years ago. Astronomy is the scientific study of objects and events as they occur beyond earth’s atmosphere. Astrology is a belief that uses positions of celestial bodies as the basis for personality and predicting the future.

14 Constellation Foldables (pg. 12) Fold your piece of paper into 1/4s and cut them out. Fold each piece of paper in half. On the front flap of each paper write a question about each term. –Constellation, Asterism, Astronomy, Astrology. On the inside of the flap, answer the question you wrote on the outside flap. On the inside space, draw an illustration to help you remember what the term means. Glue the unused side of each paper into your notebook.

15 Example Front Flap: Write Question. Back of Front Flap: Answer question. Inside: Illustration to represent to term.

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