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The Summer Sky Image courtesy

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1 The Summer Sky Image courtesy

2 Summer Sky Highlights, From Denver Two great double stars are Xi Bootes and Alberio. Xi Bootes appears to have a yellow and orange coloring while Alberio appears yellow and blue. M 13 is one of the best known globular clusters. It can be seen in binoculars in the constellations Hercules. It is home to over 100,000 stars, is over 150 light years across, and almost 12 billion years old! Image courtesy Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula. Its graceful appearance is thought to be due to perspective -- our view from planet Earth looking straight into what is actually a barrel-shaped cloud of gas shrugged off by a dying central star Image from

3 Summer Sky Dark Sky Highlights The Trifid Nebula (M20) is located in the constellation Sagittarius and is visible in binoculars. The light from M20 we see today left perhaps 3000 years ago, although the exact distance remains unknown. Light takes about 50 years to cross M20. Image courtesy Naomi Pequette Image courtesy The Perseid Meteor Shower appears every August 12 th. From a dark site, you can see an average of 60 meteors (aka“ shooting stars”) per hour. The Butterfly Cluster spans about 20 light-years and lies about 2,000 light years distant. It can best be seen in a dark sky with binoculars towards the constellation of Scorpius, coving about as much of the sky as the full moon Image courtesy

4 Los Objetos el Cielo de Verano El grupo de estrellas se llama “M13” es muy famoso. Es muy fácil de encontrar. La Trifid Nébula es dos tipos de nébula y es encontrado en la constelación de Sagitarias. La lluvia de meteoritos se llama “Perseidas” aparece cada 12 de agosto. En un cielo oscuro, usted puede ver sesenta meteoros por hora.

5 Other Interesting Objects in the Summer Sky The Wild Duck Cluster in Scutum M 17 “The Swan Nebula” in Sagitarius Image Courtesy Naomi Pequette The Dumbbell Nebula In Vulpecula Image courtesy Image from

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