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Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Montgomery College Fall 2011 Orientation.

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1 Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Montgomery College Fall 2011 Orientation

2 Outcomes for today’s Session At the end of today’s session, participants will be able to  Explain what outcomes assessment is and why we do it  Identify the requirements and expectations for the MC OA process  Inform disciplines about student learning outcomes assessment at MC  Identify the steps and contents of an OA plan  Involve disciplines in the development of an OA plan

3 OA- Overview and Background What is outcomes assessment? Why do we do it? What do we assess? What do we do with the assessment information?

4 What is Outcomes Assessment?  Outcomes Assessment is an ongoing, systematic process of identifying student learning outcomes, assessing student achievement of those outcomes, and using the results to improve student learning.

5 What do we assess?  We assess student performance of the most important, core sets of knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes.  We assess Gen Ed competencies.  We assess collegewide, common, core course outcomes.

6 What do we do with the assessment information?  We use the information to improve student learning.  We use the information to celebrate the success of our courses and programs.  We use the information to demonstrate accountability for student learning.

7 What don’t we do with the assessment information?  We don’t use information obtained through this process to evaluate faculty performance. Outcomes assessment is about evaluating the effectiveness of programs, not individuals.

8 OA at MC- Process and Expectations

9 3-year Time Frame  Semester 1- Planning  Semester 2- Full Implementation  Semester 3 –Observations and Action Plans

10 What is MC’s OA process?  College-wide  Course embedded  Common task All instructors use the same discipline developed assessment instrument and scoring tools.  Faculty driven

11 OA Responsibilities

12 Workgroup Responsibilities  Develop and implement an OA plan for the course. OA Plan consists of: SLO Courses Form, Supporting Student Activities Worksheet Assessment Instrument Scoring Tool College-wide, common, core course outcomes list  Facilitate discipline discussion about OA Plan and incorporate discipline feedback  Coordinate the implementation of the OA plan in the discipline

13 Discipline Faculty Responsibilities  Participate in the development of the OA Plan  Communicate collegewide, common, core, course outcomes to students  Communicate assessment expectations (detailed instructions, scoring rubrics, etc.) to students  Participate in the assessment

14 College-wide Outcomes Assessment Team Responsibilities  Supporting the development of the OA Plan  Giving feedback on the plan  Facilitating the collection of data  Analyzing & interpreting data  Reporting results  Providing training and leadership about OA

15 General Education How do the Gen Ed Competencies fit in?

16 How do you apply the Gen Ed competency to a course?  Review your collegewide, common, core course outcomes list.  Look for outcomes where the competency is already reflected  When you assess that outcome use an instrument that includes the competency.

17 Workgroup Time

18 Workgroup Outcomes For Today  Confirm Workgroup membership and identify workgroup point of contact  Plan for sharing OA expectations and plans with discipline  Begin discussion of which collegewide, common, core outcomes to assess  Identify how Gen Ed competencies are reflected in the course  Set up future meeting dates

19 Dates  Draft plan submitted to by November 1  Final plan submitted and approved by December 15

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