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“Once Upon a Time…” The Agenda: An Idea that lives on: A Co-op Promotional Plan Co-op is a BRAND. Create an image for it. Target the Following Groups:

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Presentation on theme: "“Once Upon a Time…” The Agenda: An Idea that lives on: A Co-op Promotional Plan Co-op is a BRAND. Create an image for it. Target the Following Groups:"— Presentation transcript:



3 “Once Upon a Time…”


5 The Agenda: An Idea that lives on: A Co-op Promotional Plan Co-op is a BRAND. Create an image for it. Target the Following Groups: Professional School Personnel Students Parents Business/Industry/Community

6 Promoting to Professional School Personnel Prepare a Program of Studies and Present it at an OPEN HOUSE Invite Guidance Counselors to Your Department Meetings Email Guidance Counselors about AWESOME JOB Reviews on their Students Prepare a Program Brochure Present a Co-op Orientation to Counselors and Administrators Have a Website Presence on your School’s Website Give Out a Co-op Award at the End of the Year Inform ALL Guidance Counselors, Principals, Head Principals and Association Principals, & Director of Guidance of Co-op Totals for the Year

7 Example


9 “Warm Fuzzies Feel SOOOOO Good!” 1)Work with a partner. 2) Think of something positive that you could say to a co-op student. 3) Think of ways you could deliver that positive message to that student.

10 “Warm Fuzzies Feel SOOOOO Good!” Something to think about…. How often do you deliver 1-minute praising (warm fuzzies) during the day? How often do you hear others doing it? How often do you receive one-minute praises? How could you deliver positive praises / warm fuzzies to co-op students throughout the year? How can this idea be a form of promotion for your program?

11 Food = Fun = Opportunity Student Recruitment Use Food throughout the Year for Co-op Functions Send Candy-Grams to Students when they get awesome reviews or get a RAISE Have a Co-op Breakfast, Lunch, or Pizza Party How I used Food in June: Hosted a Co-op Pizza Party Orientation for Students Signed up for Co-op for Next Year At the meeting, we had pizza (YUM) and talked about getting a job, applying for one, and discussed the procedures & forms for the entire school year



14 Summer is ALMOST here! BUT…..Before you can celebrate the end of the school year, Ms. Hepner NEEDS your marketing co-op forms ASAP! Please turn them in now!!!! Name: _____________________ Classroom: _________________

15 Food = Fun

16 More Student Recruitment/Promotion Ideas



19 “Most? Best? Greatest?” 1)Work with a partner. 2) Think of questions that pertain to using “Most,” “Best,” and “Greatest.” 3) Think of ways you could use those questions to create a project for students and to promote your co-op program.

20 “Most? Best? Greatest?” Have co-op students make a power point or poster and focus on one or more of these questions. Display their work in the hallway or share these with your counselors! 1)What has been your greatest achievement at work this year? 2)What was your happiness moment at work this year? 3)What is the most fun you ever had while at work? 4)Who do you admire most at work and why?

21 Example: Without Co-op Class Grade Credits Quality Pts. Math B 1 3 Eng. B 1 3 Hist. C 1 2 Mktg. A 1 4 4 12 = 3.00 GPA Example With Co-op Class Grade Credits Quality Pts. Math B 1 3 Eng. B 1 3 Hist. C 1 2 Mktg. A 1 4 Mktg/Co-op A 2 8 (720 hrs.) 6 20 = 3.33 GPA The Report Card Difference: “How can I increase my GPA with Co-op?”

22 Student Recruitment: Online Presence

23 ol%20Electives%20pdf/hs_marketing_electives_2013.pdf ol%20Electives%20pdf/hs_marketing_electives_2013.pdf Robinson Website My Blackboard Site

24 Send letters to parents Send a newsletter prepared by co-op students to parents Hold an Open-House for Parents Attend PTSA Meetings and Present Co-op to Parents Submit articles to the PTSA Newsletter Place articles in newspapers Involve parents through Email Updates Parent Promotion

25 Become members of the Local Chamber of Commerce Email current co-op managers with words of appreciation and/or updates for classroom activities that relate to the training station Ask co-op stations to sponsor the fashion show, field trips, scholarships, fundraising events (golf tournament), etc.. Use local news media for news releases for the program Write feature stories throughout the year Form an alumni group of former co-op students Business, Industry, & Community Promotion

26 Conduct at least one employer/employee function – End of the Year Banquet, Holiday Gifts, Breakfasts, Open- House, Appreciation Gifts Present Certificates of Appreciation Take out an ad in the local paper thanking all your co-op stations and list all the names of the businesses Invite Employers to observe classes or make presentations – “Take your boss to work day” Business, Industry, & Community Promotion

27 Co-op Student of the Month, Quarter, The Year Put your program’s “signature” / brand on your documents and forms Take your Principal/Counselors on co-op visits Have a designated place for students to turn in co-op forms and papers We call co-op: “The Marketing Co-op Internship Experience” Have students complete quarterly reflections about work and share it with the class During class, give special “perks” for co-op student appreciation Other Great Ideas & Tips for Promoting Co-op

28 Sample Co-op Forms Sample Power Points Sample Projects Sample Books/Resources: – “Now Hiring Apply Yourself” by Dahlstrom – “Making the Most of Your Internship” by Kaser, Brooks, Brooks (Thomson/South-Western) Other GREAT Team Building Ideas/Activities from “Winning Ways to Build a Stronger Team” and “Winning Ways to Have Fun at Work” Handouts & Resources that I brought for you!


30 Remember: Have fun with it! Turn your co-op program into a brand at your school and in your community. Feel free to email me with questions and ideas anytime! Have a great summer and awesome school year! Thank You!


32 The outside of the Clifton Café

33 The outside sign

34 Store Holiday Décor

35 Clifton Café “Holiday Blend Coffee” store merchandise

36 Sweeping up in the back

37 Our refrigerator where almost everything is stored

38 My manager, Laura Stern, & I

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