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The Campaign for McMaster University A Bright Future in Burlington A Business Plan for Expansion McMaster University in Burlington.

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Presentation on theme: "The Campaign for McMaster University A Bright Future in Burlington A Business Plan for Expansion McMaster University in Burlington."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Campaign for McMaster University A Bright Future in Burlington A Business Plan for Expansion McMaster University in Burlington

2 Where are we now?  The University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Burlington (Oct. 2006)  THE MOU identified a preferred site, outlined the city’s contribution of the site plus $10-million toward the academic building  The MOU identified a broad academic plan (Graduate studies, Executive Education, McMaster Family Medical Learning Centre)  The University committed to the remaining funds for the project, (plus ongoing operating costs) and the preparation of a detailed business plan for the campus The Campaign for McMaster University

3 The Business Plan’s Foundations  The draft Plan has been completed with the following consultative inputs: Strategic Priorities and Action Plan – DeGroote School of Business Academic Planning Team (feedback from program committee and faculty-at-large) Independent Market Analysis Financial Analysis Burlington Open Houses Faculty of Business Open Houses Functional Space Analysis and Design Response Consultations with senior management from McMaster and the City The Campaign for McMaster University

4 Key Findings  Burlington makes strategic sense Independent market analysis confirms Burlington provides a unique platform for McMaster to achieve its strategic objectives – it is also a key competitive advantage in areas of recruitment and program expansion  McMaster strengthens the Burlington community “From the perspective of maximizing economic spin-offs, Downtown Burlington represents an ideal location for a new university campus, such as the one being proposed by McMaster University’s DeGroote School of Business” - Community and Economic Impact Analysis September 2006 UrbanMetrics inc. The Campaign for McMaster University

5 Key Findings “The transformative effects of this particular project are huge…” “This project…has the ability to accelerate the pace of physical change in the downtown… enhance Burlington’s image and reputation on the national and international stage.” “The new campus will also enhance the competitive position of existing companies in the City”. - Community and Economic Impact Analysis - September 2006 UrbanMetrics inc. The Campaign for McMaster University

6 Key Findings “The project has the capacity to stimulate significant direct and indirect job growth, business formation, and help stimulate the market demand for other uses.” McMaster University in Burlington “represents a unique opportunity … to attract, produce and sustain a highly skilled, entrepreneurial-intensive labour force.” - Community and Economic Impact Analysis - September 2006 UrbanMetrics inc. The Campaign for McMaster University

7 The Academic Program The Campaign for McMaster University

8 The Academic Program The Campaign for McMaster University Burlington Campus ProgramOverview Master Business AdministrationExperiential, problem-based learning environment – General MBA, Co-op, Accelerated, Part time, and other specializations Specialized Professional Masters Programs In partnership with other faculties and institutions – ie. Health Informatics, Master Professional Accounting Executive EducationExecutive MBA, Certificate courses, workshops, Customized programs Master of ScienceNew Master program to mirror PhD fields Doctorate of Business Administration Focused on practice, policy or strategy anchored in the world of business Total enrollment – target steady state in 2012: 800

9 The Academic Program The Campaign for McMaster University  Anticipated Faculty/Staff – 80  Traffic patterns and times for arriving/departing students and some faculty will vary – University has the ability to schedule classes to avoid non-peak hours (approx. 50% of current MBA courses are held in the evening 7:00 – 10:00 pm)  Most executive education programming to occur evenings/weekends – with large percentage involving executives who require overnight accommodation nearby

10 At a glance The Campaign for McMaster University

11 Project In Review  The University has determined it requires approximately 130,000 ft 2 (gross) to operate the planned programming at the campus  The plan envisions a five-storey building with main floor market place. An additional 4-5 floors could be constructed (at an additional cost) to accommodate any future growth beyond what is currently envisioned  20,000 ft 2 set aside for the McMaster Family Medical Learning Centre  Based on the planned academic programming, anticipate no greater than 225 parking spaces to be utilized by McMaster at any given time.  The University controls scheduling of all programs and can accommodate “non peak” hour scheduling for students (mid-morning, mid-day and evenings) The Campaign for McMaster University

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