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Confidential Week in the Life Best Practices and Time Allotments for Field Sales and Managers.

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Presentation on theme: "Confidential Week in the Life Best Practices and Time Allotments for Field Sales and Managers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidential Week in the Life Best Practices and Time Allotments for Field Sales and Managers

2 CONFIDENTIAL 2 #%&@ Rep Feedback “I need to spend the majority of my time bringing on new business. I don’t have time to work my existing accounts.” “By the time I take care of customer issues, account set- ups & contract maintenance, I don’t have enough time to prospect.” “How can I possibly balance the work I have to do with penetrating existing business, converting new accounts & getting new business?” ? !

3 CONFIDENTIAL 3 Rep Level Time Allotment

4 CONFIDENTIAL 4 DSM Time Allotment

5 CONFIDENTIAL 5 Best Practices 1 of 2

6 CONFIDENTIAL 6 Best Practices 2 of 2

7 CONFIDENTIAL 7 BSD’s Top Priorities for Contact Strategy SOURCE: Source McKinsey & Company | 0

8 CONFIDENTIAL 8 Call Planner Documentation

9 CONFIDENTIAL 9 CCC Coaching Questions – Based on the 3C ’ s C ustomer, C ategory & C lose

10 CONFIDENTIAL 10 Contact Strategy Reset MONDAY MORNING Monday morning, one of the very first things you should do is dig into the TOP 20 on the dashboard. This is located on the upper right hand side of the main page of the dashboard. Top 20

11 CONFIDENTIAL 11 Contact Strategy Reset This needs to be accomplished before noon on Monday and should be completed in the following order: 1) RETENTION (something has changed with these customers and we want catch it early) 2) CONVERSION (7,7,7 – let’s make these loyal customers) 3) SOW (let’s penetrate these customers and grow SOW) To dig through these opportunities, you should open the STAR report and make sure you understand the current information about that ship to. Call the customer after you identify an action plan as to what questions you will ask, what categories to discuss, etc. If you have the STAR report and FEEDBACK FORM open during a phone call, fill it out as the conversation progresses. This allows you save time and capture good information. Remember, feedback forms should ALWAYS include 2 things: 1) A follow up activity date 2) COMMENTS (don’t worry about punctuation and spelling. Leave notes that will remind you about the actions that you need to take when this opportunity comes up on your Follow Up Activity Report.)

12 CONFIDENTIAL 12 Examples of STAR & Feedback Forms/Reports Feedback Form Ship-To Action Report (STAR)

13 CONFIDENTIAL 13 RPM Discussion (2/2) After you mine the opportunities in your TOP 20… You should then run a follow up activity report. Run it for the current week and the following week (see next slide for sample). This will allow you to stay ahead of items due next week. Use the report to identify customers you need to meet with and define your action plan for those customers. After you have gone through your TOP 20 and then gone through your Weekly Follow Up Report… You should then fill out the TOP 5 FORM (slide 17) and submit it to your DSM by Noon each Monday. This form is used to report your TOP 5 opportunities for the week to your DSM. Your TOP 5 opportunities will be a combination of opportunities found from digging through your Top 20, your Weekly Follow Up Activity Report, and your Known Opportunities (K.O.’s). Known opportunities are appointments you already have scheduled for the week and opportunities with prospects. Your Top 5 can include any of these, but should always include several from the TOP 20. The TOP 5 form should be submitted to your DSM no later than noon on Monday. They will then follow up with you in the afternoon to have a brief conversation around your opportunities and how they can be of assistance during the week.

14 CONFIDENTIAL 14 Weekly Follow up List Your report will generate and look like this: 12345678 23456789 ABC RENTAL JOHNS GARAGE 5555555555 5555555555 JOHNSGARAGE@MSN.COM Select Choose Time Frame Click FINISH to run report

15 CONFIDENTIAL 15 Top 5 Opportunities

16 CONFIDENTIAL 16 The purpose of feedback forms is to capture ACTIONABLE information around sales and penetration opportunities within existing customers. Feedback forms should be filled out for ALL phone calls and face to face appointments which require follow up at some point or where we have identified a specific opportunity. When filling out the form, it is important to be specific about what stage of customer life cycle the call was for (Retention, Conversion or SOW). It is also important to identify the specific categories discussed. TWO ITEMS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL FEEDBACK FORMS The first is that you assign a follow up activity date. This date is determined by you and will allow you to run a weekly Follow Up activity Report at a later date. Without this date, the ship to will NOT come off of your TOP 20 Opportunities. The second required item is COMMENTS. (don’t worry about punctuation and spelling. Leave notes that will remind you about the actions that you need to take when this opportunity comes up on your Follow Up Activity Report.) Feedback Forms should be submitted daily whenever possible, and should NEVER be saved until the end of the week to submit. Remember, is we are assigning follow up dates and leaving actionable comments, we want this information fresh in our minds when we enter it. Feedback Forms

17 CONFIDENTIAL 17 When preparing for appointments, take advantage of the tools that are on the dashboard. Your DSM can assist you with this, but take a look at the following: Appointment Preparation MARKETING MATERIAL – you will also find this link on the left side of the Dashboard under the QUICK LINKS section. This takes you to an EXCEL document with links to some helpful marketing material. You can filter the material based on Sector, Product Group or Project name. Print them off, or go GREEN and email them to your customer before or after the sales call. Note: Make sure you use the STAR report to identify multiple categories to go after. Have backups and don’t stop if the customer agrees to purchase in a new category. Keep penetrating and offering solutions. TOOLS AND JOB AIDS – you will find this link on the left side of the Dashboard under the QUICK LINKS section. This link takes you to a series of CATEGORY CHEAT SHEETS that allow you to prepare for specific categories on customer calls. Print them off as needed and use them in your appointment planning. You will also find the CALL PLANNER under this link. This Call Planner assists in developing your action plan and incorporates PSS skills.

18 CONFIDENTIAL 18 Marketing Material Excel Document

19 CONFIDENTIAL 19 Tools & Job Aids Link By clicking the Tools & Job Aids shortcuts you will access several cheat sheets and necessary forms & documents.

20 CONFIDENTIAL 20 DSM’s are aware that they have a minimum expectation to ride along with each rep at least one time each month. Your DSM will help you win more business and build on relationships with existing customers. When the DSM does ride along, it is required that the following is ready: The STAR Report for the ship to needs to be printed out in PDF format. This will have the STAR report and a blank version of a feedback form. CALL PLANNER – this needs to be completed by the rep during call preparation and should be a comprehensive plan of attack for the sales call. Click HERE for shortcut.HERE SUPPORTING MATERIAL – this could be category cheat sheets, marketing material, business reviews, pricing, etc. Click HERE for shortcut.HERE RIDE ALONG FORM – the rep needs to have the appropriate ride along form printed off for the DSM (Retention, Conversion or SOW). The DSM will use this to coach before, during and after the call.RetentionConversionSOW DSM’s will complete the ride along form after each call and will ensure that the rep gets a copy and a copy is placed in the REP binder for periodic review by RSD, RVP and the Regional Performance Manager. Ride Alongs

21 CONFIDENTIAL 21 Coaching Ride Along Form (Conversion)

22 CONFIDENTIAL 22 Coaching Ride Along Form (Retention)

23 CONFIDENTIAL 23 Coaching Ride-Along Form (Share of Wallet)

24 CONFIDENTIAL 24 When running a COMPLETE OPPORTUNITY LIST, you can use the search features to help with Territory Management. For example, if you have an appointment in a particular town or zip code, run a report limited to that zip code or a few around it to see all of the accounts you have in that area. Then call into those customers and build a solid day of appointments. The result is more customers seen and less windshield time for you. Experiment with the report and see what creative new ways you can come up with to use it. Territory Planning

25 CONFIDENTIAL 25 Complete Opportunity List

26 CONFIDENTIAL 26 Complete Opportunity List Sorting by Stage of Customer Life Cycle

27 CONFIDENTIAL 27 Complete Opportunity List Sorting By City or Zip Code

28 CONFIDENTIAL 28 Complete Opportunity List – Filtered by Retention

29 CONFIDENTIAL 29 Complete Opportunity List – Filtered by Zip

30 CONFIDENTIAL 30 Complete Feedback History – Activity Date Range

31 CONFIDENTIAL 31 Complete Opportunity List Options Ship-To Action Report STAR in PDF Format Feedback Form Site Ship-To Contact Feedback History Dropped Off Our Proposal

32 CONFIDENTIAL 32 Up-To-Date & COMPLETE Microsoft Outlook Calendar – Up-To-Date & COMPLETE Your DSM will be checking your calendar to choose ride alongs. It is IMPERATIVE that you keep your calendars up-to-date. Also, please block your office time to prevent distractions and to guard that time in the afternoons to wrap up your day. Be sure to include your personal appointments (i.e., doctor or dentist appointments, vacation or personal time, sick time, school/ child related, etc.)

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