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KHS PARCC/SCIENCE RESULTS 2014-2015. Using the results to improve achievement Families can use the results to engage their child in conversations about.

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2 Using the results to improve achievement Families can use the results to engage their child in conversations about school and his or her progress and can work with their child’s teacher(s) and school to understand the PARCC results within the context of many other indicators of student learning. Teachers can use this year’s results to reflect on the instructional shifts they have made against students’ performance on the assessment.

3 Using the results to improve achievement Schools can use this information and look at patterns across grade levels and among differences in student subgroups to make more informed curriculum decisions, ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn, engage parents, and make decisions that guarantee that all students are placed with teachers who can meet their needs. Districts can use the results to review each school’s performance to identify what supports and resources are needed to meet the needs of their students. Districts can review patterns of performance, using PARCC and other data sources, among schools and begin to identify which schools need additional support. The results can be used to engage the community on what is planned to move the district forward and support schools

4 Keep in mind… Always a predictable drop in performance in the first year of implementation Many students were adjusting to a new computer-delivered assessment School-level results will better account for student effort, participation Results are another benchmark to evaluate student readiness. Results should build knowledge and understanding Results provide another discussion point for next steps in teaching and learning

5 A predictable pattern, no surprises Results illustrate student readiness at every level Moving onto the next grade Moving onto college Moving onto career Results track closely to previous data from other assessments NAEP NECAP SAT scores The performance on PARCC tests isn’t surprising- it aligns with other measures such as NAEP and the SAT

6 ELA/Literacy: Percentage at Each Performance Level Meets and Exceeds Expectations 36%37%38%37%35%39%35%33%31%

7 Mathematics Overall, about 25% of students in grades 3-8 and high school met or exceeded expectations Across districts and schools, there was wide variability in the percent of students who met expectations

8 Mathematics: Percentage at Each Performance Level Meets and Exceeds Expectations 25%36%26% 25%12% * Data presented represent only those students who took the PARCC Grade 8 Mathematics Assessment (which is 76% of all 8 th graders).

9 Achievement Gaps Achievement gaps persist in Mathematics and ELA/Literacy: Students who do not live in low-income households are more than two times as likely in ELA and three times as likely in Math to meet expectations as students who do live in a low-income household Fewer than 1 out of 10 students in ELA and 1 out of 20 students in math receiving special education support are meeting expectations Students who have been recently exited from EL support services are more likely to meet expectations than students currently in programs. However, their average performance is comparable to students living in poverty

10 Understanding PARCC Results PARCC results are reported in a number of ways so that districts, schools, teachers, and parents can see how students performed on each assessment. Types of PARCC Scores: Performance Levels Overall Scale Scores Reading and Writing Scores Subclaim Performance Indicators

11 Performance Levels Broad, categorical levels that describe how well student(s) met the expectations for their grade level or course Level 1Did not yet meet expectations Level 2Partially met expectations Level 3Approached expectations Level 4Met expectations Level 5Exceed expectations CCR determination

12 Scale Scores Numerical values that summarize the overall level of performance attained Overall PARCC scale ranges from 650-850 750 = cut score between levels 3 & 4 Note that cut score between levels 4 & 5 varies by grade/subject ELA/L Gr7 Alg. I

13 Scale Scores Numerical values that summarize the overall level of performance attained Overall PARCC scale ranges from 650-850 750 = cut score between levels 3 & 4 Note that cut score between levels 4 & 5 varies by grade/subject ELA/L Gr7 Alg. I

14 Subclaim Performance Indicators Represents how well students performed in each subclaim category Indicators are calculated based on PARCC consortium reference group Student did not do as well on this claim as the Level 3 student Student did as well on this claim as Level 3 students but not as well as Level 4 students Student did as well on this claim as Level 4 students

15 Mathematics Subclaims Mathematics Major Content Additional & Supporting Content Expressing Mathematical Reasoning Modeling & Application

16 ELA/Literacy Subclaims ReadingWriting Literary Text Informational Text Vocabulary Writing Expression Knowledge and Use of Language Conventions

17 Best use of PARCC results Performance Levels Best measure of whether students met expectations for their grade level or course Useful to evaluate individual student, subgroup, school, district, and state performance Best statistic: percent of students at each performance level

18 Best use of PARCC results Scale Scores (Overall, Reading & Writing Scores) Most useful to capture performance changes over time Best statistic: Average scaled score within a test/grade level Note that because the tests are not vertically aligned, taking an average of scale scores across different tests/grade levels is not advisable Not appropriate to measure improvement from one grade to another. For example, a 735 in grade 3 to a 745 in grade 4 is not necessarily 10 points of improvement

19 Best use of PARCC results Subclaim Performance Indicators At individual student level, best used with other information, such as grades, teacher feedback, and scores on other assessments, to help determine each student’s unique academic strengths and needs At program level, useful to identify potential gaps in curriculum/standards alignment Best statistic: percent of students at each subclaim level


21 KHS Results Achievement Level ELA/Literacy Tested Not Tested Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2Level 1 Mean NNN%N%N%N%N% Score 03472492247112336715751 04394001538923133325737 0539100102617446156 733 Achievement Level Mathematics Tested Not Tested Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2Level 1 Mean NNN%N%N%N%N% Score 034726132043102136817748 044030012301538820513735 0539100102610261026923727

22 SCIENCE NECAP 2015-2015 43 students tested 49% or 21 students Level 3 40% or 17 students Level 2 12% or 5 students Level 1 23% increase in the number of students proficient or above from 2013-14 District, 32% State, 40%

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