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© 2016  You attended a presentation by one of your subbordinates. Write a brief email :  Telling him how well he did  Asking him.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2016  You attended a presentation by one of your subbordinates. Write a brief email :  Telling him how well he did  Asking him."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2016

2  You attended a presentation by one of your subbordinates. Write a brief email :  Telling him how well he did  Asking him to put the presentation materials on the intranet  Inviting him to give a similar presentation in the future  Write approximately 60 words in the space given below. PART ONEAnswer the questions below. Type 50-60 words

3 © 2016  At least one parent in every household should work from home Type your outline : 1. Save Hundreds of Dollars on Groceries (And Other Expenses). 2. If both parents work full-time jobs, they will have less time to spend with their children. 3. the parent who stays home can use that time to relax a little. 4.By staying at home, a parent has the chance to see all of their child's firsts, 5.parent doesn't feel pressure to squeeze activities and moments into their day simply because they have time. 6.many fathers are working from home, 7. Having one parent stay at home with the children can be cost-effective and a great investment in the emotional well being of your entire family. PART TWOAnswer one of the questions below. Select Task A or Task B. Type 180-200 words.

4 © 2016  Privacy is the most important human right Type your outline : 1.Privacy is a fundamental human right. 2.It is protected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in many other international and regional human rights treaties. 3.Privacy can be divided into the following separate but related concepts: 1-Information privacy, 2-Bodily privacy, 3-Privacy of communications, 4-Territorial privacy 4.Without privacy life would be hell. 5.Threats to privacy 1-The increasing sophistication of information technology 2-Globalisation removes geographical limitations to the flow of data Task B

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