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Quarter Four, Part 1 Cerberus, the three headed guardian of Hades. Tamed only my Hercules. Note the snake tail. Greek and Latin Roots.

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Presentation on theme: "Quarter Four, Part 1 Cerberus, the three headed guardian of Hades. Tamed only my Hercules. Note the snake tail. Greek and Latin Roots."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quarter Four, Part 1 Cerberus, the three headed guardian of Hades. Tamed only my Hercules. Note the snake tail. Greek and Latin Roots

2 Geo = earth Geography---drawings of the earth/maps (graph = write, draw) Geology—study of the earth (logos=word, study) Geometry---ways to measure the earth (metron=measure)

3 Geo, geography, geology, geometry

4 Terra = land Territory—land under control of an owner Terra cotta—cooked earth, fired clay pottery (coctum = cook) Terrestrial—about the earth Extra terrestrial—outside of the earth Terrier---small dog which hunts for creatures that live in the earth

5 Terra, territory, terrestrial

6 Terrier, terra cotta

7 Dormo/dormitum = sleep Dormant---sleeping Dormitory---place for sleeping

8 Dormo/dormitum

9 Hypnos = sleep Hypnosis—sleep-like state controlled by a hypnotizer Hypnotize—put into a sleep or trance

10 Hypnos, hypnosis, hypnotize

11 Annus = year Annual—yearly Anniversary—celebration marking a year Centennial—every hundred years (centum=100) Millennial---every thousand years (mille=thousand) Annuity—amount of money paid yearly

12 Annus, anniversary, annual, annuity

13 Petros = rock/stone Petrified---made into stone Peter—the name means “the rock” Petroglyph—rock carving

14 Petrified, Peter, Petroglyph

15 Astron = star Astronomer—person who studies stars Asteroid—giant rock in outer space Astrologer—one who gets knowledge from the stars (horoscopes) Astronaut—star sailor

16 Astron, Astronomer, Asteriod, Astronaut


18 Stella = star Stellar—star, or star-like Constellation—group of stars Interstellar---between stars (inter=between) Stella---a name that means “star”

19 Stella, Stellar, constellation,interstellar

20 Arbor/arboris = tree Arboretum-public garden of trees Arbor Day—day for planting trees Arborvitae—tree of life (vitae = life)

21 Arbor/arboris

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