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Global Warming Presidential Campaign By Ashlyn Miller and Jacob McGhee.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming Presidential Campaign By Ashlyn Miller and Jacob McGhee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming Presidential Campaign By Ashlyn Miller and Jacob McGhee

2 What Global Warming Is And Why It’s Happening  What global warming is  Global warming is the raised amount of the Earth’s average temperature because of the amount of heat that is trapped by greenhouse gases in the air.  ulum/Primer/Global_Warming/ fossil_fuels_and_global_warmi ng.htm ulum/Primer/Global_Warming/ fossil_fuels_and_global_warmi ng.htm  Why it’s happening  Why global warming is happening:  Human activity is causing global warming. When we burn fossil fuels like coal and petroleum, we let out (carbon dioxide) CO2 and other heat trapping greenhouse gases such as water (H2O), methane (CH4), and ozone (03) into the air.  activity-causing-global- warming?utm_source=ggad&utm_ medium=cpc&utm_campaign=gr- GWCauses&gclid=CJzp4vTwpMoCF cKGaQodGtoJ9w activity-causing-global- warming?utm_source=ggad&utm_ medium=cpc&utm_campaign=gr- GWCauses&gclid=CJzp4vTwpMoCF cKGaQodGtoJ9w

3 How Global Warming Is Impacting The Earth  The amount of carbon dioxide has risen 30% over the past 800,000 years. We also know that most of the added carbon dioxide in the air comes from mostly coal and oil because of the unique fingerprint of the chemical composition of CO2. Clearing forests is also making the level of carbon dioxide rise. And since plants use CO2, when we destroy more, there is less plant life to absorb the carbon dioxide. That means that there is more CO2 to trap heat in the air, which causes the temperature to keep rising, and that is causing the polar ice caps to melt, which makes the sea level rise. Some places like Greenland and Antarctica are affected because their polar ice caps are melting, and other places like New Orleans and Chesapeake Bay are being affected by rising sea levels. If we cant stop global warming, then places the are below sea level will start to be engulfed by water.  _global_warming.htm _global_warming.htm

4 How are we going to solve Global warming?  By conserving as much energy as we can and by switching to an alternate energy source and not using a lot of fossil fuels. (reduce, reuse, and recycle)  We will be converting to solar and hydroelectric energy to create electricity. We are not going to switch to wind power because it is more expensive to install and it doesn’t produce as much energy.  We will raise the taxes by 3% for every American, which means every American will pay an additional $420 each year. And whoever converts to solar or hydroelectric energy will receive a one year tax break the first year they convert. People who don’t switch to solar or hydroelectric will be taxed about 30% of their total income a year, depending on where they live.  The changes “we the people” will see if you approve our proposal are cleaner air, cleaner water, and plenty of energy for everyone.  We will ask Australia to help us try to stop and/or prevent global warming by not using and burning as many fossil fuels because it has the most carbon dioxide emissions in the world, with the United States coming in second.

5 Charts and Diagrams  (ten indicators of a warming world)  uploads/2012/11/list-countries-co2-per-capita.png (co2 emissions per capita) uploads/2012/11/list-countries-co2-per-capita.png 

6 Charts and Diagrams Continued  JA998_ipollu_G_20150623024128.jpg coughing up JA998_ipollu_G_20150623024128.jpg

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