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Pastor John Eich. Click on the screen to advance each slide either for the answer or for the next question.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastor John Eich. Click on the screen to advance each slide either for the answer or for the next question."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastor John Eich

2 Click on the screen to advance each slide either for the answer or for the next question

3 The Bible teaches that there is only _______ God.

4 This is called _______.

5 TRUE or FALSE? The Triune God is three Gods in One

6 Fear Love Trust Triune Trinitarian Describes us To rely on Honor or respected Hold something as dear A non biblical term used to describe God Match the term with it definition

7 The sin against the First Commandment is

8 Our forgiveness from God for our sins against this commandment depends upon Jesus' perfect obedience to this and all the commandments.

9 TRUE or FALSE? Religions that don't worship or believe in Jesus are guilty of idolatry.

10 The 2 nd Commandment protects

11 God’s name is: A.Whatever we call Him B.Titles like Jesus, Lord, God C.Any name of any God D.All the titles and descriptions He gives us

12 TRUE or FALSE? God wants us to use His name for blessings

13 Witchcraft is listed under this commandment because Its scary and God doesn’t want us to be scared It claims God’s power to know and control the future It’s all a fake and God’s only wants us to be honest There was no better place to put this

14 hypocrite curse False swearing reputation Lie by God’s name Teach false teachings about God ask God to witness the truth by punishing you for lying proclaiming to be a Christian, but really being an unbeliever ask God to hurt someone else What people think of you Match the columns:

15 Sabbath means

16 TRUE or FALSE? Old Testament believers would be killed if they worked on the Sabbath

17 TRUE or FALSE? The Sabbath Day should still be Saturday

18 The main point of this commandment for New Testament believers is

19 The “rest” the 3 rd Commandment points to is: A.Rest through forgiveness B.Having a day off to rest our bodies C.Giving us a day to sleep in D.Rest while the pastor does all the work

20 TRUE or FALSE? We keep this commandment only when we go to church

21 The 4 th Commandment tells us to honor:

22 Parents The church The government All authorities Commands to disobey God The only reason for us to disobey the authorities Provides physical care Provide for both body and soul Provides spiritual care Represent God Match the columns

23 TRUE or FALSE? IF we could keep the 1 st Commandment we could keep all the commandments.

24 TRUE or FALSE? God forgives us because He knows we are doing the best we can.

25 God forgives us because… Our triune God accepts Jesus’ perfect life and innocent death as if we had done them.

26 The first table of the Law shows us how to

27 The second table of the law shows us how to

28 1 St Commandment 2 nd Commandment 3 rd Commandment 4 th Commandment Superstitions 2 nd Commandment Having daily devotions Listening to our friends to disobey God IF all else fails, then pray Helping an elderly person Match the commandment to the application

29 TRUE or FALSE? The Commandments first purpose is to show us our sin

30 The use of the Law which shows us our sin is called

31 The use of the law which keeps sin from running wild in us is

32 TRUE or FALSE? The 3 rd use of the Law which shows us how to please God is called the Ladder use.

33 God’s law written in our hearts is called A.Our brain B.Our heart C.Our home D.Our conscience

34 Our conscience is no longer always right because We haven’t learned everything God wants us to know Sin has corrupted our knowledge of God’s will Right and wrong is totally up to each person Our parents have taught us improperly

35 Sin Has totally corrupted us Has spoiled us but there still is some good in us Doesn’t really affect us until we choose to sin Doesn’t really exist

36 The only reason we are forgiven is Jesus had to LIVE for us to be perfect in our place. And He had to DIE for us to pay for the sins we commit.

37 Call me in you upon me I and deliver trouble will day of the you honor me will Unjumble the Memory Work: Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you will honor me.

38 We learn fear and but should God and as love that gladly we and do learn not as word despise holy preaching His regard it hear Unjumble the Memory Work: We should fear and love God that we do not despise preaching and his word, but regard it as holy and gladly hear and learn it.

39 Bible passages that were assigned Catechism commandments and explanations In addition, know:

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