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Elephant Toothpaste MV WiSTEM 9/28.

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Presentation on theme: "Elephant Toothpaste MV WiSTEM 9/28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elephant Toothpaste MV WiSTEM 9/28

2 Materials 1) 1/2 cup 20-volume hydrogen peroxide liquid (20-volume is a 6% solution, which can be found at a beauty supply store or hair salon) 2) 3 Tablespoons of warm water 3) Liquid dish washing soap 4) Food coloring 5) 1 Tablespoon Yeast

3 Procedure: 1. Put on gloves and goggles
Procedure: 1. Put on gloves and goggles. The concentrated hydrogen peroxide used in this experiment will burn the skin and eyes. It can also bleach fabric, so choose your clothing with that in mind. 2. Pour hydrogen peroxide into the bottle. Using a funnel might help. 3. Add 8-10 drops of food coloring into the bottle. 4. Add about 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap into the bottle and mix the solution by swishing it around. 5. Mix the warm water and the yeast in a separate small cup for about 30 seconds. This activates the yeast. 6. Mix with a spoon for 30 seconds, then remove any large lumps. 7. Pour the yeast mixture into the bottle and stand back!

4 How it will look like:

5 Science behind it: Elephant Toothpaste Chemistry: The overall equation for this reaction is: 2 H2O2(aq) --> 2 H2O(l) + O2(g) However, the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen is catalzyed by the iodide ion. H2O2(aq) + I-(aq) --> OI-(aq) + H2O(l) H2O2(aq) + OI-(aq) --> I-(aq) + H2O(l) + O2(g)

6 More Science! The dishwashing detergent captures the oxygen as bubbles. Food coloring can color the foam. The heat from this exothermic reaction is such that the foam may steam. If the demonstration is performed using a plastic bottle, you can expect slight distortion of the bottle from the heat. You might remember Mom treating your scraped knee or a cut with hydrogen peroxide. H2O2 is the scientific name for hydrogen peroxide which is made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. H2O2 looks like ordinary water (H2O), but the addition of that extra oxygen atom turns the molecule into an extremely powerful oxidizer. The hydrogen peroxide found at the grocery store is a low grade 3% solution which is safe to touch but powerful enough to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi on surfaces.

7 Important Reminders Goodman Simulation Center Field Trip:
October 26th at 4:00, Friday After School Sign up on form we sent out Let your friends know! Tutoring with The Tutoring Network Also fill out Spreadsheet! Let us know ASAP!

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