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1 Christine Domhoff, Youngstown State University (Ohio) NEA/OEA.

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1 1 Christine Domhoff, Youngstown State University (Ohio) NEA/OEA

2 2  A 10-year strategic plan for higher education was required by H.B. 2 and H.B. 119 of the Ohio 127th General Assembly. ◦ Almost immediately after his appointment, Chancellor Fingerhut began working on a 10-year strategic plan for higher education in Ohio.

3 3  Under H.B.2, the Chancellor became a member of the Governor's Cabinet, a change made to assure the General Assembly and the public that the Governor and Chancellor are united in the direction they seek to take higher education.  The plan promises to raise the overall educational attainment of the state of Ohio.

4 4  "This report builds upon the principles I put forth last year in creating the University System of Ohio," Strickland said.  "This 10-year plan for Ohio's institutions of higher education will ensure not only that we dramatically expand educational opportunities for Ohioans but that we do so in a way that makes our state a world-class economic competitor."

5 5  According to the plan, to grow and prosper, the state of Ohio must raise the education level of its population by: ◦ Graduating More Students ◦ Keeping more graduates in Ohio ◦ Attracting more degree holders from out of state ◦

6 6  Graduating More Students ◦ Total degrees awarded 2008: 72,657 ◦ Total degrees 2017 target: 100,000  Keeping More Graduates in Ohio (living in Ohio three (3) years after college graduation) ◦ 2008: 66% ◦ 2017 target: 70%

7 7  Attracting More Degree Holders From Out of State (age 22-64, entering/leaving state) ◦ 2008: -9,120 (negative) ◦ 2017 target: 10,000 (positive)

8 8  University system consists of: ◦ 13 public university campuses ◦ 1 medical college ◦ 24 regional branch campuses ◦ 23 community colleges ◦ Adult literacy and adult workforce centers

9 9  Plan: The University System of Ohio will become a high-quality, flexible system of higher education that offers a wide range of educational options, while driving down the average amount that students pay to among the lowest in the nation.

10 10  The University System of Ohio Plan Structure : ◦ Goals ◦ Size and Scope ◦ Structure ◦ Relationship with K-12 System ◦ Technology Infrastructure ◦ Relationship with the Business Community ◦ System Finances - Managing Resources Efficiently ◦ Measuring Our Success ◦

11 11  System Accountability Measures and Metrics: ◦ Access ◦ Quality ◦ Affordability and Efficiency ◦ Educational Leadership

12 12  Voluntary System of Accountability: ◦ All universities will make data available regarding price, financial aid, degree programs, retention and graduation rates, campus safety, student satisfaction, and student learning outcomes.  Community Colleges ◦ Benchmarked, transparent system of accountability ◦

13 13  November 2008 response by OEA’s Higher Education Task Force  Praised: ◦ Vision of a comprehensive and seamless system of education from preK-Graduate ◦ Innovation and creativity required to build a cooperative base for an educational process to drive economic prosperity for Ohio’s citizens

14 14  Concerns: ◦ Resources required to meet the challenges of system demands ◦ Timeline for “disruptive innovation” ◦ Measurement of system’s quality ◦ Potential for unintended consequences through an unexamined implementation

15 15  OEA Mission: ◦ We will lead the way for the continuous improvement of public education while advocating for members and the learners we serve.  OEA represents faculty, professional and support staff at nine colleges and universities across the state of Ohio

16 16  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Mission Differentiation  Recommendation: the Board of Regents seek to amend intellectual property rights statutes that take away all rights to and interests in discoveries, inventions or patents which result from research or investigation conducted at public higher education institutions from employees and award them to the institutions which employ them

17 17  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Ohio’s Public Universities  Recommendation: Build on the progress to address the concerns of the employees and learners at each of the universities in the Northeast while considering a Collaborative approach  Recommendation: Board of Regents contract for a comprehensive external formative and summative evaluation of Ohio’s early college and dual enrollment programs as appropriate

18 18  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Ohio’s Public Universities  Recommendation: Board of Regents not adopt Chancellor’s recommendation to seek an amendment to state law to allow for the appointment of trustees who live out of state

19 19  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Affordability  Ohio has earned an “F” on affordability (2006)  Ohio 50 percent higher than national avg.  Recommendation: Funding formulas that emphasize undergraduate education, increased funding for future teacher scholarships and grants, and increased funding for all public higher education institutions

20 20  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Relationship with K-12 system  Recommendation: Ohio adequately funds any additional remedial work that may be required of students as a consequence of not performing to the level required for the statewide placement standard  Recommendation: Chancellor works closely with the Ohio Teacher Quality Partnership to let its research and findings determine the agenda of any effort to improve teacher prep

21 21  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Technology Infrastructure  Recommendation: support for the Chancellor’s call for a single, integrated technology infrastructure for the University System of Ohio

22 22  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Relationship with Business Community  Recommendation: a comprehensive needs assessment of the business community be developed to accompany the proposed survey process

23 23  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ System Finances-Managing Resources  Recommendation: Aggregate purchasing pools or other efforts should involve faculty, professional and support staff employees in a meaningful manner to study all the effects of such proposals  Recommendation: Bring state support to the national average by increasing state appropriations

24 24  Comments and Recommendations: ◦ Measuring our Success ◦ Five performance metrics: access, quality, affordability, efficiency and economic leadership  Recommendation: That the “business satisfaction” metric as measured through a survey metric be replaced by a more direct measure of economic leadership

25 25  Ohio’s Summit on Higher Education, 2009: ◦ “Summit on Academic Staffing in Higher Education” ◦ Historic first step ◦ One-day conference to discuss the role of higher education teaching faculty in the State of Ohio

26 26  Ohio’s Summit on Higher Education, 2009: ◦ “Commitment to work with all Ohio stakeholders for a quality higher education system  Ohio Education Association  National Education Association  Ohio Federation of Teachers  American Association of University Professors  Ohio Board of Regents  Ohio Legislative Representatives (House & Senate)

27 27  From the bullets of the Summit on Academic Staffing in Higher Education for Ohio Fact Sheet (2009): ◦ “Ohio and the nation are in a well-documented staffing crisis, and according to the most recent figures from the U.S. Department of Education, nearly 75 percent of the instructional workforce in higher education is contingent [sic] working off tenure-track, and the vast majority are part-time faculty members of graduate student employees.”

28 28  January 21, 2010 meeting  Open relationship between OEA and the Ohio Board of Regents ◦ Emphasized importance of measuring the number of student credit hours taught by full-time faculty ◦ Eastern Gateway Community College ◦ Collective bargaining rights for part-time faculty through pending legislation

29 29  Willingness to provide assistance  Possible research collaboration regarding student retention and how it is affected by employment status of faculty  Follow-up meeting to suggest data collection for OBR and HEI for the future

30 30  Eric Fingerhut, Chancellor, Ohio Board of Regents ◦ Strategic Plan for Higher Education, 2008-2017, March 31, 2008  The Ohio Board of Regents ◦ Report on the Condition of Higher Education in Ohio: Meeting the State’s Future Needs, March 31, 2008  Ohio Education Association ◦ Response of the OEA to the Chancellor’s Strategic Plan for Higher Education 2008-2017, November 2008 ◦ Follow-up meeting of January 21, 2010 with Chancellor Fingerhut and OEA representatives

31 31 Christine Domhoff Youngstown State University One University Plaza Youngstown, OH 44555 W: 330-941-3185 F: 330-941-2266 C: 808-687-0820 E-mail:

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