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Sa-Am Acupuncture & Sambu Acupuncture

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1 Sa-Am Acupuncture & Sambu Acupuncture
The Traditional Korean Acupuncture Type.

2 An old saying in Korean traditional medicine
Acupuncture, first Moxa, second Medication, third

3 Contents Introduction to Sa-Am Acupuncture
Hypothesis on Eight Trigrams and Eight Meridians Introduction to Sambu Acupuncture Principles of Sambu Acupuncture Syndrome Differentiation Summary

4 Three categories of acupuncture
Body Acupuncture Ashi Acupuncture Principle Acupuncture

5 “Observe ups and downs of seven emotions”
Sa-Am Acupuncture Sa-Am Zen monk and acupuncturist Chosun Dynasty, Korea “Observe ups and downs of seven emotions”

6 Medicine and Mind “Control the mind first to heal diseases”
Dr. Kim, Hong Kyung “Control the mind first to heal diseases” Screenshot image of Dr. Kim’s TV lecture

7 What is Sa-Am acupuncture?
Founded by Sa-Am, 450 years ago in Korea Sa-Am, a zen master and acupuncturist in Chosun dynasty, Korea Principle acupuncture based on yin-yang and five element theory Point selection according to the principles Meridian is the route of mind and emotions Acupuncture can affect the mind as well as the body Origin of five element acupuncture Effective and safe Use mainly five shu points on the limbs

8 Principles of Sa-Am acupuncture
For deficiency, tonify the mother; for excess, reduce the son The Classic of Difficulties, chapter 69 Generating cycle(相生), controlling cycle(相剋) For deficiency, reduce the control; for excess, tonify the control Unique to Sa-Am acupuncture Controlling cycle Five elemental properties of channels Spleen channel: earth, heart channel: fire Five elemental properties of shu points SP1: wood, SP2: fire, SP3: earth, SP5: metal, SP9: water Generating cycle Fire Earth Metal Water Wood Son Mother Grandmother controlling cycle

9 • Unique in Saam acupuncture method.
• General principles of Saam acupuncture – For deficiency, supplement the mother and drain the suppressor. (虛則補其母, 虛則抑其官) • Classic of Difficult Issues(難經) chapter 69 • Engendering relationships(相生) • Traditional five phase acupuncture methods – For excess, drain the son and supplement the suppressed (實則瀉其子, 實則補其讎) • Restraining relationships(相剋) • Unique in Saam acupuncture method. – Inter-meridian relationships are also considered. • Generally 4 points are used in Saam acupuncture – 2 points from the affected meridian(自經) – 2 points from other related meridians(他經) – The 2 points are selected either • by engendering relationships(相生) • or by Restraining relationships(相剋) of Five Phase characteristics of the five transport points. •General principles of Saam acupuncture –For deficiency, supplement the mother and drain the suppressor. (虛則補其母, 虛則抑其官) •Classic of Difficult Issues(難經) chapter 69 •Engendering relationships(相生) •Traditional five phase acupuncture methods –For excess, drain the son and supplement the suppressed (實則瀉其子, 實則補其讎) •Restraining relationships(相剋) •Unique in Saam acupuncture method. –Inter-meridian relationships are also considered. •Generally 4 points are used in Saam acupuncture –2 points from the affected meridian(自經) –2 points from other related meridians(他經) –The 2 points are selected either •by engendering relationships(相生) •or by Restraining relationships(相剋) of Five Phase characteristics of the five transport points.

10 In the case of spleen channel deficiency - Tonification formula
Sa-Am Acupuncture In the case of spleen channel deficiency - Tonification formula Tonify mother points HT 8 (少府): fire point of fire channel HT9-wood, HT8-fire, HT7-earth, HT4-metal, HT3-water SP 2 (大都): fire point of spleen channel SP1-wood, SP2-fire, SP3-earth, SP5-metal, SP9-water Reduce control points LR 1 (大敦): wood point of wood channel LR1-wood, LR2-fire, LR3-earth, LR4-metal, LR8-water SP 1 (隱白): wood point of spleen channel Fire Earth Metal Water Wood Self Mother Control

11 HT 8 (少府): fire point of fire channel
HT 8 (少府) supplemented Never supplement HT 8 (少府) if patient’s pulse is too floating and fast, or he or she has headache and hot oriented constitution, !!!

12 SP 2 (大都): fire point of spleen channel
SP 2 (大都) supplemented

13 LR 1 (大敦): wood point of wood channel
• LIV 1 (大敦) drained

14 SP 1 (隱白): wood point of spleen channel
SP 1 (隱白): drained

15 In the case of liver channel excess – Sedation formula
Sa-Am Acupuncture In the case of liver channel excess – Sedation formula Reduce son points HT 8 (少府): fire point of fire channel HT9-wood, HT8-fire, HT7-earth, HT4-metal, HT3-water LR 2 (行間): fire point of liver channel LR1-wood, LR2-fire, LR3-earth, LR4-metal, LR8-water Tonify control points LU 8 (經渠): metal point of metal channel LU11-wood, LU10-fire, LU9-earth, LU8-metal, LU5-water LR 4 (中封): metal point of liver channel Fire Earth Metal Water Wood Self Son Control

16 HT 8 (少府): fire point of fire channel
HT 8 (少府) supplemented Never supplement HT 8 (少府) if patient’s pulse is too floating and fast, or he or she has headache and hot oriented constitution, !!!

17 LR 2 (行間): fire point of liver channel
SP 2 (大都) supplemented

18 LU 8 (經渠): metal point of metal channel
• LIV 1 (大敦) drained

19 LR 4 (中封): metal point of liver channel
SP 1 (隱白): drained

20 –So, The four points are Sa am acupuncture points in case of spleen meridian deficiency.
Deficiency conditions are treated by using the following methods Tonify the horary point on the mother organ's channel. Horary means that the point's element and the channel's element are the same, for example, the fire point on the fire channel. Tonify the mother organ's element point on the affected channel. Sedate the horary point on the "controlling" organ's channel. Sedate the controlling organ's element point on the affected organ. In saam acupuncture practice , when you want to tonify the points, you should place the needle’s tip at a 0~ 45° angle with the meridian flow (in the forward direction of the meridian flow), with rotation clockwise or to the right side 9 times, whereas you should place the needle’s tip at a 0~ 45° angle against the meridian flow (in the reverse or in the opposite direction of the meridian flow), with rotation counter-clockwise or the left side 6 times if you want to sedate the points.

21 Basic Formulae of Sa-Am Acupuncture
Channel Tonification Formulae Sedation Formulae Tonify Reduce LU SP3 LU9 HT8 LU10 KI10 LU5 LI ST36 LI11 SI5 LI5 BL66 LI2 ST ST41 GB41 ST43 LI1 ST45 SP SP2 LR1 SP1 LU8 SP5 HT HT9 HT3 HT7 SI SI3 SI2 SI8 BL BL67 BL40 BL65 KI KI7 KI3 KI1 PC PC9 PC3 PC7 TE TE3 TE2 TE10 GB GB43 GB44 GB38 LR LR8 LR4 LR2

22 The book of Changes (Yi Jing)
Great Void (無極) Tai ji (太極) Yin Yang Yin-Yang (陰陽) 4 Phenomena (四象) Tai Yin Shao Yang Shao Yin Tai Yang 8 Trigrams (八卦) Earth Mountain Water Wind Thunder Fire Marsh Heaven

23 The book of Changes (Yi Jing)

24 The book of Changes (Yi Jing)
Qian Heaven Yang Kan Water Kun Earth Li Fire Yin [Korean national flag] Tai ji (yin and yang) 4 Trigrams : Heaven, earth, fire, water

25 The book of Changes (Yi Jing)
Eight Trigrams Number 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name 坤 (kun) 艮 (gen) 坎 (kan) 巽 (xun) 震 (zhen) 離 (li) 兌 (dui) 乾 (qian) Natural Phenomena 地 (di) 山 (shan) 水 (shui) 風 (feng) 雷 (lei) 火 (hua) 澤 (ze) 天 (tian) Earth Mountain Water Wind Thunder Fire Marsh Heaven

26 Relationship of Eight Trigrams to Meridians - Hypothesis -
Number 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name 坤 (kun) 艮 (gen) 坎 (kan) 巽 (xun) 震 (zhen) 離 (li) 兌 (dui) 乾 (qian) Natural Phenomena 地 (di) 山 (shan) 水 (shui) 風 (feng) 雷 (lei) 火 (hua) 澤 (ze) 天 (tian) Earth Mountain Water Wind Thunder Fire Marsh Heaven Meridians Ren (任脈) Yang ming (陽明) Tai yang (太陽) Jue yin (厥陰) Shao yang (少陽) Shao yin (少陰) Tai yin (太陰) Du (督脈) Mind / Emotions 恨 (lament) 選 (select) 悅 (delight) Conception Trust Dissatisfaction Poverty Carefulness Fear Power Arrogance Passion Inferiority Sexuality Pleasure Satisfaction Greed Governing Doubt Six Climatic Qi Dryness Cold Ministerial Fire Monarch Fire Dampness Five phase Metal Wood Favor pungent salty sour bitter sweet Smell fishy rotten goatish burning fragrant

27 Relationship of Eight Trigrams to Meridians - Hypothesis -
7 2 Gen (艮) Dui (兌) 心 + 艮 = 恨 (Lament) 心 + 兌 = 悅(Delight) Mountain Marsh Bright yang (Yangming) Greater Yin (Taiyin) Dryness Dampness Metal Earth Dissatisfaction, poverty Satisfaction, rich, greed

28 8 Trigrams.

29 Buddha’s saying “That exists because this exists. That arises because this arises. That ceases to exist because this has ceased to exist. As this falls away, so does that.”

30 Relationship of Eight Trigrams to Meridians - Hypothesis -
No Name Phenomena Related Meridian Mind 1 Qian (乾) Heaven Governing vessel Governing, doubt 2 Dui (兌) Marsh Tai yin meridian Satisfaction, greed 3 Li (離) Fire Shao yin meridian Sexuality, pleasure 4 Zhen (震) Thunder Shao yang meridian Inferiority, passion 5 Xun (巽) Wind Jue yin meridian Power, arrogance 6 Kan (坎) Water Tai yang meridian Fear, carefulness 7 Gen (艮) Mountain Yang ming meridian Dissatisfaction 8 Kun (坤) Earth Conception vessel Conception, trust Eight trigrams and meridians imply the eight states of the mind

31 Sambu Acupuncture Phases of five shu points 3. Element of Shu point
Every shu point has three seats for five elements LU 11 : Jing point of Hand Taiyin Lung Channel (Metal, Earth, Wood) LI 2 : Ying point of Hand Yangming Large Intestine Channel (Metal, Metal, Water) 3. Element of Shu point Points Yin Yang Jing/well Wood Metal Ying/spring Fire Water Shu/stream Earth Jing/river He/sea 2. Six Qi Taiyang Water Yangming Metal Shaoyang Fire Taiyin Earth Shaoyin Jueyin Wood 1. Organ LR / GB Wood HT / SI Fire SP / ST Earth LU / LI Metal KI / BL Water PC / TE

32 Sambu Acupuncture Three categories of five shu points Point Category
Phase Examples No of Points Sambu (三符) Three elements LU 11 (Metal, Earth, Wood) ST 44 (Earth, Metal, Water) GB 44 (Wood, Fire, Metal) 18 Yibu (二符) Two elements LI 2 (Metal, Metal, Water) PC 9 (Fire, Wood, Wood) ST 36 (Earth, Metal, Earth) 36 Chunbu (天府) One element HT 8 (Fire, Fire, Fire) SP 3 (Earth, Earth, Earth) BL 66 (Water, Water, Water) 6

33 Sambu Acupuncture How to make balance? Earth Fire Metal Water Wood

34 Sambu Acupuncture Principles of Sambu Acupuncture
Restore Balance of the yin-yang and five elements. Constitution examined from five elemental point of view Identify two excessive phases of the patient, and tonify the relatively deficient three phases. e.g. If wood and fire are in excess, then tonify LU5(Metal, Earth, Water) and ST44(Earth, Metal, Water) Use sambu points.

35 Sambu Acupuncture 18 sambu points Points Phase Use LU 11 ST 43
Wood, Earth, Metal Water & Fire in excess LU 10 ST 41 Fire, Earth, Metal Wood & Water in excess LU 5 ST 44 Earth, Metal, Water Wood & Fire in excess GB 34 PC 7 Wood, Fire, Earth Metal & Water in excess GB 44 PC 5 Wood, Fire, Metal Earth & Water in excess GB 43 PC 3 Wood, Fire, Water Earth & Metal in excess KI 1 SI 3 KI 3 SI 8 Fire, Earth, Water Wood & Metal in excess KI 7 SI 1 Fire, Metal, Water Wood & Earth in excess When fire & earth, or fire & metal is in excess, utilize yibu points.

36 Wood, earth, and metal are tonified when water and fire are in excess
LU 11 (少商), ST43 (陷谷) Wood, earth, and metal are tonified when water and fire are in excess

37 Earth, metal and water are tonified when wood and fire are in excess
LU 5 (尺澤), ST44 (內庭) Earth, metal and water are tonified when wood and fire are in excess

38 Fire, earth, and metal are tonified when wood and water are in excess
LU 10 (魚際), ST41 (解谿) Fire, earth, and metal are tonified when wood and water are in excess

39 Wood, fire and earth are tonified when metal and water are in excess
GB 34 (陽陵泉), PC 7 (大陵) Wood, fire and earth are tonified when metal and water are in excess

40 Wood, fire and metal are tonified when earth and water are in excess
GB 44 (竅陰), PC 5 (間使) Wood, fire and metal are tonified when earth and water are in excess

41 Wood, fire and water are tonified when earth and metal are in excess
GB 43(俠谿), PC 3(曲澤) Wood, fire and water are tonified when earth and metal are in excess

42 Wood, fire and water are tonified when earth and metal are in excess
KI 1(湧泉), SI 3(後谿) Wood, fire and water are tonified when earth and metal are in excess

43 Fire, earth and water are tonified when wood and metal are in excess
KI 3(太谿) SI 8(小海) Fire, earth and water are tonified when wood and metal are in excess

44 Fire, metal and water are tonified when wood and earth are in excess
KI 7(復溜) SI 1(少澤) Fire, metal and water are tonified when wood and earth are in excess

45 Sambu Acupuncture Syndrome differentiation

46 Sambu Acupuncture Syndrome Differentiation Pulse
Wood is 弦而急(wiry and tense) Fire is 浮大而散(superficial, large and dissipated) Earth is 緩而大(moderate and large pulse) Metal is 浮澁(floating rough and short) Water is 沈濡而滑(deep soggy and slippery)

47 Sambu Acupuncture Syndrome Differentiation
Physical Constitution (cold, heat, thin, plump) Cold syndrome: cold limbs, aversion to cold, pale complexion, absence of thirst, preference to hot drinking, clear plenty of urine, loose stool, pale tongue, slow pulse Heat syndrome: fever, thirst, preference to cold drinks, red complexion, smelly yellow sticky or dry stool, yellow and scanty urine, constipation, red tongue, rapid pulse

48 Sambu Acupuncture Syndrome Differentiation Mind & Emotions
木-怒(Wood - Anger) 火-喜(Fire - Joy) 土-思(Earth – Thought, Anxiety) 金-憂(Metal - Grief) 水-恐(Water - Fear)

49 Sambu Acupuncture Complexion Syndrome Differentiation
Color of the face Blue, red, yellow, white(pale) and black(dark) (wood, fire, earth, metal, water)

50 Sambu Acupuncture Syndrome Differentiation
After examination of the patient Two excessive phases are identified. Balance the five phases by tonifying the relevant sambu points Re-examination on follow-up visit.

51 Sambu Acupuncture Summary of Sambu Acupuncture
Based on the basic principles of Korean medicine. Differential diagnosis includes pulse, constitution, personality, complexion and somatotype analysis Five phase constitutional approach rather than symptoms Less side-effects, Suitable for complex diseases Five shu points are used to restore the balance of five phases

52 Yin-Yang Rehabilitation
Circulation of yin & yang Keep the head cool and lower abdomen warm The fundamental basis of the vital qi circulation. Somatotype Obese or plump Skinny or thin Water and food Yin foods: Sweet, sour, greasy, and slippery foods Yang foods: hot and spicy, and dry foods

53 Shaeng-Shuk-Tang (生熟湯)
Pour hot water first, and pour cold water afterwards. Drink it right away. Relieve vomiting and diarrhoea. Shaeng Shuk Tang for prevention of disease. Shaeng Shuk Tang for healthy life. in the book of Dong Ui Bo Gam.

54 Balance of Yin & Yang Bath Soak the lower body in the warm water
Keep the head cool and lower abdomen warm Vital circulation of yin-yang qi. Air conditioning at home and work Keep the air cool and the floor warm

55 Balance of Yin & Yang Exercise, Colors, Music
Yin-yang should be balanced even when it comes to exercise, choice of colors and music. A person of yin is recommended to take up more dynamic exercise, brighter colors, and fast and high- toned music. A person of yang should choose slower exercises, darker colors, and slow and low-toned music.

56 Atmospheric Influence of 2010
2010 is Year of gen yin(庚寅) Excessive Metal phase and Ministerial Fire Those who are thin and hot (Metal and Fire constitution) Should take good care of oneself Recommended points for tonification to keep balanced BL 40 (委中, 2 Water + 1 Earth) SP 9 (陰陵泉, 2 Earth + 1 Water)

57 Atmospheric Influence of 2014
2014 is Year of Gabo(甲午) Earth phase and Excessive Fire Those who are obese and hot (Earth and Fire constitution) Should take good care of oneself Recommended points for tonification to keep balanced LI2( Metal + Metal + Water) BL 67( Metal + Water+Water)

58 淸肝解鬱湯 (Liver Clearing and Stagnation Releasing Decoction) I often prescribe the following herb recipe for patients with the history of cancer. 當歸 白朮 3.75g 貝母 赤茯苓 白芍藥 熟地黃 山梔 2.625g 人參 柴胡 牧丹皮 陳皮 川芎 甘草 1.875g Thank you

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