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1/7/16 and 1/8/16 1.Earthquakes Discussion (1.2) 2.Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and World Elevation (1.3) 3.Check for Understanding (a) 4.Quiz HOMEWORK: Close.

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Presentation on theme: "1/7/16 and 1/8/16 1.Earthquakes Discussion (1.2) 2.Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and World Elevation (1.3) 3.Check for Understanding (a) 4.Quiz HOMEWORK: Close."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/7/16 and 1/8/16 1.Earthquakes Discussion (1.2) 2.Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and World Elevation (1.3) 3.Check for Understanding (a) 4.Quiz HOMEWORK: Close Reading: (ES)1.2-Google Classroom due MONDAY, January 11 th !

2 Learning Goals Analyze elevation data to identify patterns in relation to earthquake and volcanic activity. Analyze patterns in earthquake and volcanic activity data to draw conclusions about the nature of Earth’s plates. Analyze earthquake data to identify patterns in their location in relation to each other and to volcanoes.

3 Activity 1.2-Worldwide Pattern of Earthquakes? Discussion What do you know or have heard about earthquakes?

4 Activity 1.2-Worldwide Pattern of Earthquakes? Discussion Where do you think earthquakes typically occur?

5 Video on Earthquakes videos/earthquake-101

6 Google Classroom:

7 Earthquake Locations Shows the locations where earthquakes have occurred around the world. The data represent medium magnitude (4.0-5.9) and large (6.0-9.0) earthquakes spanning 9 years between 1994 and 2003.

8 IQWST: Using Activity 1.2(Making Sense), work at your table to complete the following: (complete procedures 1-7) Look at the map and identify patterns in locations where earthquakes occur around the world. Identify earthquakes that do not seem to fit a pattern. Describe what you are seeing and make sure to be detailed in your descriptions.


10 IQWST: Using Activity 1.2(Making Sense), work at your table to complete the following: (complete procedures 1-7) Look at the map and identify patterns in locations where earthquakes occur around the world. Identify earthquakes that do not seem to fit a pattern. Describe what you are seeing and make sure to be detailed in your descriptions.

11 Discussion: What patterns did you see in locations where earthquakes have occurred on the earth?

12 Discussion: How do the patterns in earthquakes compare to the patterns in volcanoes?

13 Discussion: Why do you think we see earthquakes and volcanoes in similar locations?

14 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and World Elevation-Activity 1.3

15 Discussion: What do you think Earth looks like in these areas?


17 Discussion: What patterns do you see in elevation where we see high earthquake and volcanic activity?

18 Plates What are some ways in which these two types of plates are similar?

19 Plates How does this compare to the Earth’s plates?

20 Wrapping Up the Lesson Earth has changed in the past, and it is still changing today. The Earth’s surface is made of large, flat pieces of varying sizes called plates. The Earth is changing in relatively small ways due to the activity of volcanoes and earthquakes that occur at the boundaries of plates (large and flat pieces of the earth’s surface). There are some worldwide patterns of earthquakes and volcanoes.

21 Google Classroom Rate what you know! The same form will be completed at the end of this lesson.

22 Quiz When you have finished, start on your Close Reading 1.2 assignment in Google Classroom.

23 Pack everything up. Please put markers/crayons/col ored pencils back where they belong.

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