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Periodization 3 An Age of Accelerating Change 600 - 1450 Chapter 11: Pastoral Peoples on the Global Stage, The Mongol Moment: 1200-1500 CE.

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1 Periodization 3 An Age of Accelerating Change 600 - 1450 Chapter 11: Pastoral Peoples on the Global Stage, The Mongol Moment: 1200-1500 CE

2 Pastoralism  A way of life based on a food- producing economy dependent upon the herding of domestic animals.  It emerged only in the Afro- Eurasian world, for in the Americas the absence of large animals that could be domesticated precluded a herding economy.

3 Modun  Great ruler of the Xiongnu Empire  Ruled from 210 -174 BCE  Created a centralized and hierarchal political system.

4 Xiongnu  People of the Mongolian steppe lands north of China who formed a large-scale nomadic empire in the third and second centuries BCE

5 Turks  Turkic speakers from Central Asia, originally nomads, who spread westward into the Near East and into India;  Created a series of nomadic empires between 552 and 965 CE  Had a more lasting impact on world history when they became dominant in the Islamic heartland  Founded a series of states and empires there

6 Almoravid Empire  Emerging out of an Islamic reform movement among the Sanhaja Berber Pastorialists in the 11 th century, the Almoravid Empire incorporated a large part of northwestern Africa with its capital in Marrakesh.  In 1806, it crossed into Southern Spain where it offered vigorous opposition to Christian efforts to conquer the region.  The empire had collapsed by the mid-twelth cntury.

7 Temuji n  Was the birth name of the Mongol leader better known as Chinggis Khan (1162 – 1227)  Chinggis Khan means “universal ruler”  Gained the name Chinggis Khan in 1206 after he united the Mongols

8 The Mongol World War  Term used to describe half a century of military campaigns, massive killing, and empire building pursued by Chinggis Khan and his successors in Eurasia after 1209.

9 Yuan Dynasty China  Mongol dynasty that ruled China from 1271 to 1368  Its name means “great beginnings”

10 Khubilai Khan  Grandson of Chinggis Khan  Ruled China from 1271 to 1294

11 Hulegu  Grandson of Chinggis Khan (ca. 1217 – 1265)  Became the first il- khan (subordinate khan) of Persia

12 Khutulun  A Mongol princess  ca. 1260 – 1306  Her exploits in battle and wrestling along with her choice of husbands provide insight into the relative freedom and influence of elite Mongol women in their societies

13 Kipchak Khanate/ Golden Horde  Name given to Russia by the Mongols after they conquered it and incorporated it into the Mongol Empire in the mid-thirteenth century  Known to the Russians as the “Khanate of the _______ ________”

14 Black Death/ plague  aka the plague, pestilence, and later the Black Death  Was a hemispheric catastrophe  Originated most likely in China  Caused by a bacteria, Yersinia Pestis, spread across the trade routes of the vast Mongol Empire in the early 14 th century  Carried by rodents & transmitted by fleas to humans  Associated with swelling of the lymph nodes most often in the groin and terrible headaches, fever, and internal bleeding under the skin

15 Pandemic  An epidemic of infections disease that has spread through human populations across a large region; for instance, multiple continents, or even worldwide.

16 Catastrophic  Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering ( a catastrophic earthquake)  Extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful  Syn. – disastrous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible, dreadful.

17 Disarray  A state of disorganization or untidiness  Syn. Disorder, confusion, chaos, clutter, shambles, mess

18 Marco Polo  1254 – 1324  Venetian trader who traveled through Mongol territory/ domains in the 13 th century  Claimed that the Mongols maintained some 10,000 stations for communication & trade together with some 200,000 horses available to authorized users.  Was not the 1 st European to reach China but he was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his experience  Visited Kublai Khan’s court in the 1200s

19 Khan  Is an originally Mongol title for a sovereign or for a military ruler  Widely used by the medieval nomadic Mongols tribes  Example: Genghis Khan – leader of the Mongols

20 Khanate  Term to describe a political entity ruled by a khan – state or jurisdiction of a Khan

21 Mongol Empire  Rose in the steppes of Mongolia in the 13 th century that forever changed the map of the world, opened intercontinental trade  At its height, it was the largest contiguous empire in history  Stretched from the Sea of Japan to the Carpathian Mts.

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