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 Electronic commerce, commonly known as E- commerce or E- Commerce, is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet.

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2  Electronic commerce, commonly known as E- commerce or E- Commerce, is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet.

3  Most of the trades are now made easy with the help of E- commerce.  It is used by any electronic media like INTERNET OR MOBILE SERVICES

4  Provide ETAIL or virtual storefront on websites with online catalogs, sometimes gathered into a "virtual mall"  Buy or sell on websites or Online market places.  Gather and use demographic data through web contacts and social media.  Use electronic data interchange, the business-to-business exchange of data.  Reach prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with newsletters).  Use business-to-business buying and selling.  Provide secure business transactions

5  It makes the market flow easy and easy to access the whole new business.  Many big deals and orders now can be asked or placed with the help of E- commerce  Trading is simple by the means of electronic commerce.


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