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DEAL AGGREGATOR Supervisor Supervisor: Trần Đình Trí Students Students: Nguyễn Mạnh Huy Nguyễn Thanh Thủy Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn Đinh Văn Thể Đỗ Duy Việt.

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Presentation on theme: "DEAL AGGREGATOR Supervisor Supervisor: Trần Đình Trí Students Students: Nguyễn Mạnh Huy Nguyễn Thanh Thủy Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn Đinh Văn Thể Đỗ Duy Việt."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEAL AGGREGATOR Supervisor Supervisor: Trần Đình Trí Students Students: Nguyễn Mạnh Huy Nguyễn Thanh Thủy Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn Đinh Văn Thể Đỗ Duy Việt

2 Contents Demo - Q&A Summary Test Project Management Design Requirement Specifications Introduction

3 NameRole Trần Đình TríSupervisor Nguyễn Mạnh HuyTeam leader Nguyễn Thanh ThủyTest leader Nguyễn Quốc TuấnDeveloper Đinh Văn ThểDeveloper Đỗ Duy ViệtQA & Tester

4 Introduction Idea : –Order purchasing model-based websites become popular –They sell better price products (deal) –When you want to search any product, you have to access many sites. –Out of date deals

5 Introduction Problem : –A website collect all deals from another websites. –User can search and sort by categories, price, source or keywords. –Can access by PC/Laptop or mobile devices. –Manage all information which is collected.

6 Introduction Business Model Website 1 Website 2 Website n … Deal Aggregator

7 Introduction Deal Aggregator Deal Aggregator Website 1 City Category Deal Website 2 Website n Database

8 System Requirement Specifications Functional Requirements VisitorAdminCollection Non-Functional Requirements

9 Use-case

10 Functional Requirements Visitor Browse deals Search deals View detail Report deal Like deal Share deal Comment

11 Functional Requirements Admin Login View Dashboard Category Management Deal Management Source Management Report Management Backup & Restore

12 Functional Requirements Automatic Manual Collect Test Re-collect

13 Non-Functional Requirements Usability: easy to use Maintainability: coding convention Portability: deploy on many servers Performance: not too slow

14 Software Design System Architectural Design

15 Software Design Component Diagram

16 Software Design Collection script

17 Software Design Description Insert new deal Ignore existed deals Collect Get 1 deal information Display result Test Insert new deal Update existed deals Recollect

18 Software Design Collection Class Diagram

19 Software Design Description Collection Flow-Chart

20 Software Design Database Design

21 Project Management Environment:  Development Hardware +Pentium Dual Core 2.0 Ghz +2GB Memory +50GB hard-disk  Server Hardware +Azure Cloud service  Framework:.Net Framework 4.5  DBMS: SQL Server 2012  Operation System: Windows 7

22 Project Management  Web service: IIS7+  Source Control: Tortoise SVN  API: Facebook API & HTML Agility Pack library  IDE: Visual Studio for Web 2012 Express Edition  Document:  Microsoft Office 2010  Edraw Max 6.7  Photo editor: Photoshop CS4

23 Project Management  Process: Iterative and Incremental

24 Meeting Phase 1Phase 2 & 3 With Supervisor: 1 time/week With Group: 2 times/week With Supervisor: 1 time/week With Group: 5 times/week Logged in Meeting Minute

25 Defect management Use Defect list Contains: –Screen –Build version –Description –Corrective action –Cause Analysis –Status, Assigned to

26 Risk Management Absent for reason Absent without reason Late Cannot use SVN Delay task Careless mistake delete file but not backup Task management is unreasonable Change requirement Cannot contact

27 Software Testing V-Model Process

28 Software Testing Component ClassStatusDateDone By Browse deals DA2013.BrowseOK3/27/2013TheDV DA2013.DefaultOK3/27/2013TheDV Search deals DA2013.SearchOK3/27/2013TheDV View deal DA2013.ViewOK3/27/2013TheDV Admin DA2013.AdminCP.SiteOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Authentication DA2013.AdminCP.LoginOK3/27/2013TuanNQ ChangeSetting DA2013.AdminCP.ManageOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Report Management DA2013.AdminCP.ReportManagementOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Source Management DA2013.AdminCP.SourceManagementOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Dashboard DA2013.AdminCP.DashboardOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Deal Management DA2013.AdminCP.DealManagementOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Maintain DA2013.AdminCP.MaintainManagementOK3/27/2013TuanNQ Collection DA2013.Includes.CollectionOK3/27/2013HuyNM DA2013.Includes.UtilityOK3/20/2013HuyNM Unit-Test Case Result

29 Software Testing ComponentClassStatusDateDone By DBAcessDA2013.CategoryOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.CategoryDAOOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.CollectOK3/27/2013HuyNM DA2013.DatabaseOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.DealOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.DealDAOOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.MaintainOK3/25/2013HuyNM DA2013.ReportOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.ReportDAOOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.SettingOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.SettingDAOOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.SourceOK3/20/2013HuyNM DA2013.SourceDAOOK3/20/2013HuyNM MobileDA2013.m.BrowseOK3/27/2013HuyNM DA2013.m.DefaultOK3/27/2013HuyNM DA2013.m.DetailOK3/27/2013HuyNM DA2013.m.MOK3/27/2013HuyNM DA2013.m.SearchOK3/27/2013HuyNM Unit-Test Case Result

30 Software Testing System Test Result FunctionScreenViewpointTotalNormalAbnormalBoundaryPassFailN/A Not tested StatusDefect No Uer Browse GUI51456051000 OK 13,14,15,16,17,18 OK 32 OK Perform29 00 000 OK 33,35,36,37 OK 53 OK Index GUI30246030000 OK 13,14,15,16 OK Perform17134017000 OK 33,35,36,37 OK 53 OK Search GUI60546060000 OK 13,14,15,16,17 OK 32 OK Perform59518059000 OK 33,35,36,37 OK 53 OK View GUI54486054000 OK 12,13,14,16 OK 12,13,14,16,26,27,38 OK 65 OK Perform29254029000 OK 33,35,36,37 OK 53 OK Mobile Browse GUI44368044000 OK 39,40,41,47 OK Perform12 00 000 OK 43,44,45,46 OK Search GUI44368044000 OK 39,40,41,47 OK Perform32284032000 OK 43,44,45,46 OK View GUI24168024000 OK 42,48 OK Perform88008000OK

31 Software Testing System Test Result FunctionScreenViewpointTotalNormalAbnormalBoundaryPassFailN/A Not tested StatusDefect No Login GUI Perform 1998217200 OK 49 OK 71,72 Admin General GUI24186022200 OK 50 OK 50,67 Perform17132216100 OK 20,61,68 OK 68 Dash board GUI24186024000 OK 51,58 OK Perform88008000OK Setting GUI24186024000 OK 29 OK Perform88007100 OK 56,62 OK 62 Deal GUI24186024000 OK 19 OK 52 OK Perform30 00 000 OK 21,23 OK 21,23,59 OK Source GUI24186024000 OK 52 OK Perform30 00 000OK Category GUI24186000024OK Perform30 00000 OK Report GUI24186022200 OK 60,66 OK 60,66 Perform30 00 000 OK 25,30,31,57 OK Maintain GUI24186024000OK Perform30 0028200OK 69,70

32 Q&A


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