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UNIT ONE Section Two: Physical Processes. The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT ONE Section Two: Physical Processes. The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT ONE Section Two: Physical Processes

2 The study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these. Geography Human or Cultural FeaturesPhysical Features

3 Physical Processes O They are natural forces that build up land into mountains and other breakdown the land into valleys and plains.

4 Plate Tectonics O The Earth’s continents are attached to tectonic plates. O The movement of the earth’s plates. O The movement of these plates can create trenches, mountains, rift valleys, volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.

5 Explain to your partner how physical processes can impact people’s lives on a daily basis? Give Examples such as earthquakes, volcanos, tsunamis… Answer in this manner… A physical process such as _______________ can cause _________________ which impacts people’s daily lives __________________________.

6 Volcano O A vent or break in the earth’s crust through which lava, steam, ashes, etc., are forced upward, either continuously or at different times.

7 Erosion O The processes by which rock, sand, and soil are broken down and carried away.

8 O Landforms are natural features of the landscape, natural physical features of the earth's surface, for example, valleys, plateaus, mountains, plains, hills, loess, or glaciers. Landforms

9 Discuss with your partner how different you think your life would be if you lived on a glacier, in a desert, or in the mountains. Answer in this manner…. If I lived on or near a _________________________________, I would have to change how I live because ________________________.

10 Mountains (Mountain Ranges) O Often formed by the collision of tectonic plates, and can be thousands of feet high in elevation.

11 Plateaus O A flat highland, whose sides drop suddenly because of erosion.

12 Valleys O Long, low areas between ranges of mountains, hills or uplands. O They are often created by erosion, and may have a river or stream running along the bottom

13 Canyon O A deep gorge or ravine between cliffs, often carved from the landscape by a river.

14 Isthmus O Narrow strip of land that connects two larger bodies of land. Ex. Isthmus of Panama

15 Desert O is a landscape or region of land that is very dry because of low rainfall amounts (precipitation).

16 Oasis O is an isolated area of vegetation in a desert, typically surrounding a spring or similar water source.

17 Discuss with your partner the following question: Why do you think the earth has so many different types of landforms? Why is it not just one flat piece of land? Your should be answered in the following manner: The Earth has many different types of landforms because __________________. It is not one piece of flat land because _______________.

18 Water Cycle O A major water process is the Water Cycle. O The cycle of water with evaporation from oceans, lakes and plants. Condenses in clouds, and falls as precipitation.

19 Currents O Movements of the ocean’s waters. O These currents occur both at the ocean’s surface and below. O For example, the Gulf Stream carries warm water towards Great Britain, making that country warmer than it would otherwise be at that latitude.

20 Weather O Conditions in the atmosphere closest to earth at a specific time.

21 Climate O The average weather conditions in a place over a long period of time.  The closer you are to the equator the warmer your climate.  The further north you go the colder the climate.

22 Climate Belts Green – warm Gold – Cooler, the further North and South you get from the equator. Pink -- Cold

23 What do you think would happen to all of Earth’s water if we did not have the physical process known as the Water Cycle? Answer the question in this manner: Without the physical process of the Water Cycle the Earth’s water would _______________.

24 O Where a river begins, many times in mountain regions. Source

25 River O is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river

26 Tributary O is a stream or river that flows into a main stem (or parent) river or a lake.

27 Branch O a stream or river connected to a larger one.

28 Canal O are man-made channels for water.

29 Canals are channels of water that connect 2 large Bodies of water such as oceans. Ex. The Panama Canal found in the Central American country of Panama. Do you think that canals can help in trade? Why or why not?

30 Gulf O is a large area of a sea or ocean that is partially enclosed by land.

31 Bay O is a large body of water connected to an ocean or sea formed by an inlet of land due to the surrounding land blocking some waves and often reducing winds.

32 Harbor O A harbor or harbour, is a body of water where ships, boats, and barges can seek shelter from stormy weather, or else are stored for future use. Harbors can be natural or artificial.

33 After reading about gulfs, bays and harbors and seeing pictures of each, talk with your partner about how they are similar and how they are different?

34 Ocean O the largest body of water on Earth, is generally thought of as having no boundaries.

35 Sea O A sea is a large body of salt water. Southern Ocean

36 Strait navigable O is a narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger, navigable bodies of water.

37 Delta O a landform that is formed at the mouth of a river, where the river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, or reservoir. O Deltas are formed from the depositing of the sediment carried by the river as the flow leaves the mouth of the river. O Over long periods of time, this deposition builds the characteristic geographic pattern of a river delta.

38 After learning about delta’s and seeing the visuals, Why do you think that agriculture (farming) is so Important in these areas? Answer the question in this manner: Delta’s are excellent areas for farming because ___________________________.

39 A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation. Glaciers

40 Cape O is a pointed piece of land that sticks out into a sea, ocean, lake, or river.

41 Peninsula  Is a piece of land that is surrounded on 3 sides by water.

42 A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water. Island

43 Sometimes called an island group, is a chain or cluster of islands. Achipelago

44 Discuss with your partner some examples of peninsulas, islands, and archipelagos that you know of that are a part of the United States? Once you have your examples, you will find that these areas are tourist areas (vacation areas). Find your examples in your Atlas and discuss why you think people love to vacation in these areas.

45 Atoll O is a ring-shaped coral reef including a coral rim that encircles a lagoon partially or completely.

46 We talked about Physical Processes earlier in the Vocabulary, which of these physical processes do you think cause atolls. Be sure and analyze the pictures as well. Plate Tectonics or Erosion OR Both. Answer in this form… The physical process that causes in Atolls is _____________________, I think this is the process because ______________.

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