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Back to School 2015 - 2016 Mrs. Bruce Room 201. Foster a love for reading and life-long learning Create a positive environment Strengthen character traits.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School 2015 - 2016 Mrs. Bruce Room 201. Foster a love for reading and life-long learning Create a positive environment Strengthen character traits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School 2015 - 2016 Mrs. Bruce Room 201

2 Foster a love for reading and life-long learning Create a positive environment Strengthen character traits Develop social skills and independent work habits Differentiate curriculum at the correct level of difficulty Collaborate with parents and teachers to support all students First Grade Goals

3 Grew up in PA and VA Attended JMU and CSUSM B.S. in Psychology and Special Ed. Multiple Subject Credential (cert. with English Language and Gifted Learners) Live in Escondido with husband and 2 spoiled dogs 16 th year teaching in SMUSD 13 years teaching FIRST GRADE!

4 Class Management We are a Team: Child, Parent, Teacher, Support Staff “Out of this World!” Eagle Pass “Star!” Stamp on chart “OOPS”- Warning “Uh-Oh”- Follow-up at home “Yikes”- Admin. Follow-up

5 Classroom Rewards: Stamps on charts for Prize Box Eagle Passes / SEES Rewards Raffle Tickets / Weekly Prize Box Table Points / Special Privilege Coupons School Recognition: 1 Student of the Month 1 Mathematician of the Month 3 Soaring Eagles/Semester Rewards/Recognition

6 Sharing Birthdays Wellness policy prohibits food from being shared. May choose to send in small trinkets to share with class instead (pencils, etc.) Birthday books can be donated to library and child gets “shout out” at Flag Salute

7 Federal Standards ensure consistency in education from state to state Old state standards were “a mile wide and an inch deep” Common core standards emphasize greater depth of knowledge and provide adequate time for students to develop conceptual understanding and critical thinking skills.

8 All lessons developed from federal common core standards Pre-assess students to determine prior knowledge and form groups as needed Differentiate work through open-ended activities and differing levels of work aligned to same objective

9 Learning to read, write, and speak effectively is the focus in primary grades ELA Units of Study align with social studies and science standards ELA Morning Block- this is the most important instruction of the day

10 Read Aloud Shared Reading Leveled Reading Independent Reading Foundations/Word Work: -Word Wall Words -Word Families -Phonics Patterns

11 Writer’s Workshop: Modeled/Shared/Guided Independent Writing Revision & Editing Types of Writing: Narrative Informative Opinion

12 Year Long Standards: Math Talks Weekly Story Problems Units of Study: Represent & Interpret Data Geometry & Time Measurement Understanding Place Value Addition & Subtraction

13 Science Lab Standards integrated with ELA units Themes: Animal and Plant Adaptations Earth’s Place in the Universe

14 Standards integrated with ELA units Themes: Citizenship, Friendship, and Community Families / Past and Present American Symbols and Traditions

15 Science Lab Music Teacher Art Teacher Drama Teacher Computer Teacher All of these are funded by our SEES PTO Special Programs

16 Enter Text Here MondayTuesdayWed.ThursdayFriday PE LIBRARY SCIENCE OR MUSIC ALT. P.E.PEDRAMA OR ART

17 District Policy: 10-20 minutes/day, 4 days a week Homework folders with first grade resources Sent home Monday with reading log and math menu of choices Due on Friday Begins 4 th week of school – week of September 21 st Sharing opportunities

18 Standards Based Report Cards 4: Exceeding 3: Proficient 2: Developing 1: Emerging Grading is based on grade level assessments, district assessments, performance based assessments, and teacher observations

19 Semester 1: 8/31 - 1/29 (Report Cards: 2/16) Semester 2: 2/1 – 6/1 (Report Cards: 6/21) Parent Conferences Discuss student progress and set goals November 16-30 No school on 16 th Tues. 17 th - Fri. 20 th modified days

20 SEES Classroom Website Weekly Online Newsletter (subscribe) Monday Homework Folders Tuesday Work Folders Parent/Teacher Conferences Progress Reports/Report Cards Notes/E-mail/Phone Calls Urgent messages: Call office!!! Communication

21 Must attend orientation if working WITH students Need volunteer form on file Weekly volunteers to begin the week of September 14-28 th if possible Provide advance notice if unable to make scheduled volunteer time Sign-up sheet in classroom

22 Thank you for the donations you have sent to school already! Check out the newsletter or Sign-Up Genius (link on website) for ongoing needs Inside-recess donations: used board games, Legos, coloring books, etc.

23 Questions/Comments Thank you for your time tonight! Please sign up to volunteer in our classroom! Feel free to e-mail or call if you think of a question later!

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