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FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research International Project

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1 FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research International Project
Total Project Costs: 1027M€ (2005 figure), 65% Germany, 10% Hesse, 25% Int. Partners Germany Russia India Finland Sweden Romania Poland France Slovenia 65% % % % % % Conceptual Design Report – 2001 FAIR Baseline Technical Report – 2006 Project start – 2007 FAIR Green Paper (Definition of 7 Modules) – 2009 Founding of FAIR GmbH – 4th of October 2010 Application for Building and Operating Permit – May 2011 Site Preparation – December 2011 First Partial Approval for FAIR under Radiation Protection Legislation – June 2012 Construction Permit granted – October 2012 Third Partial Approval for FAIR under Radiation Protection Legislation – October 2013 Clearing of construction site – end 2012 Ground work started – beginning 2013 Hardware installation – late First stage ready for experiments – 2017/2018 Module 0-3 completed – 2018 Signed EoI: Austria China Greece Italy Slovakia Spain UK Saudi Arabia Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

2 Future Project at GSI FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Primary Beams 1012/s; GeV/u; 238U28+ Factor over present in intensity 2(4)x1013/s 30 GeV protons 1010/s 238U73+ up to 35 GeV/u (up to 90 GeV protons) Secondary Beams Broad range of radioactive beams up to GeV/u; up to factor in intensity over present Antiprotons GeV Storage and Cooler Rings Radioactive beams 1011 stored and cooled GeV antiprotons Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

3 Aerial View of Construction Site (Jan Schäfer for FAIR, July 27, 2013)
Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

4 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Physics at FAIR - Five Scientific Pillars Nuclear Structure Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics Structure of exotic nuclei far off stability; Nuclear synthesis in stars and star explosions; Fundamental interactions and symmetries Hadron Physics with Antiproton Beams Quark gluon structure and dynamics of “strong” interacting particles; Origin of the confinement and mass of hadrons Physics of Nuclear Matter Studies of hadronic matter at high densities; Phase transitions in quark matter; Properties of neutron stars Plasma Physics Bulk matter at: very high pressures, densities, and temperatures Atomic Physics and Applied Science Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

5 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Organisational Issues FAIR GmbH responsible for financial and administrative issues, only small technical groups GSI is one of the German partners of FAIR, but key institute for design and commissioning of FAIR accelerators. GSI is responsible for the technical functionality of FAIR accelerators Contribution of partner countries via "in-kind" contribution (delivery of components) or via cash For some technical systems there is an interest from the partners (for vacuum chambers interest from Russia, China and GSI) BUT all components which are not delivered as in-kind, have to be bought by the FAIR GmbH (perhaps with a contract via GSI) Technical specifications will be mainly done by GSI BUT up to now it's not finally decided who delivers what! Whether FAIR GmbH or GSI is procuring the components, we have to follow the European procurement rules ("FAIR wide" or European wide call for tender)! GSI call for tenders: Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

6 FAIR Vacuum Requirements
Beam Vacuum System: Total length: approx. 6km, Volume ~ 100m3 Vacuum: from 10-6mbar to 10-12mbar Cryogenic sections with operating temperatures of 5-20K Bakeable sections (up to 300°C) operated at room temperature Isolation Vacuum System for superconducting magnets and cryogenic transfer&bypass lines Total length: 3km, Volume ~400m3 Vacuum: <10-6mbar HEBT 10-11mbar < p <10-8mbar p-LINAC p=10-8mbar SIS100/300 p≈5·10-12mbar UNILAC p=10-7mbar SIS18 p<10-11mbar CBM HESR p<10-10mbar Rare Isotope Production Target Panda Super-FRS, p≈10-6 – 10-8mbar Antiproton Production Target Low & High-Energy Cave Plasma Physics Atomic Physics ER CR p≈10-9mbar RESR, p≈10-10mbar FLAIR p≈5·10-12mbar NESR p≈5·10-12mbar Existing Facility New Facility 100m Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

7 Dr. Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Pumping Concept For Roughing, during Bakeout & Isolation Vacuum: Mobile & fixed stand alone Pumping Stations consisting of a Turbomolecular Pump, Roughing Pump & periphery About 100 pcs for beam vacuum About 60 pcs for isolation vacuum For Keeping Vacuum: Sputter Ion Pumps (SIP) => about 300 pcs Titanium Sublimation Pumps (TSP) NEG Catridge Pumps NEG/SIP Combination Pumps => About 120 pcs NEG Coating of Chambers => Use of cryogenic wall pumping (cryopumping) and adsorption pumps Dr. Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

8 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Vacuum Diagnostics Total Pressure (Depending on the Pressure Range) Penning&Pirani Gauges => about 40 pcs Wide Range Ion Gauges => about 120 pcs Hot Cathode Ion Gauges => about 60 pcs Cold Cathode Gauges => about 70 pcs Some of these types have to be radiation hard! Partial Pressure Residual Gas Analyzer => about 15 pcs Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

9 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Valves Valves for roughing chambers (viton, DN100-DN150CF) => about 40pcs Valves for roughing chambers (all-metall, DN100-DN150CF) => about 95pcs Gate valves (viton, DN100-DN400CF) => about 60pcs Gate valves (all-metall, DN100-DN400CF) => about 65pcs Fast valves => about 20 pcs Valves for roughing Isolation Vacuum => about 100pcs Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

10 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Proton-LINAC Conceptual layout of the proton linac of FAIR comprising a proton source, an RFQ, and a Drift Tube Linac (DTL) based on 12 CH-cavities. Source: TMP 2000l/s LEBT: TMP 500l/s, 2 ion getter pumps (IGP) RFQ: TMP 500l/s Re-buncher: TMP 500l/s CH-cavities: one IGP per meter, CH-c1-6; CH-c7-10, CH-c TMP each Diagnostics section: 1 TMP, 1 IGP Inflection: 1 TMP, 2 IGP Dump: 1 TMP, 2 IGP Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

11 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Vacuum Systems of SIS100 Total length of SIS100: m (82% cold, 18% warm) basic structure: hexagonal six straights and six arcs 23 warm sections (22 x 8.6 m long, 1x 22 m) 23 cold sections (6 long arcs: 135m, 17 short straight: 4.3 m) Maximum allowed average beam vacuum pressure under dynamic conditions is given by beam life time Nmax < 4∙10+12 m-3 (H2) → p cold < 5∙10-12 mbar (T = 10K) → pwarm < 1∙10-10 mbar (T = 300K) Tcold = 4.5 … 20K Twarm = 300…600K Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

12 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Cryogenic Beam Vacuum Section of SIS100 Aperture with some exceptions DN160CF appr. 885 m of the 1084 m long beam line are operated at cryogenic temperatures appr. 644 m are represented by magnet chambers (dipole, quadrupoles, sextupoles, steerer) UHV/XHV generation will be realized by cryogenic wall pumping (cryopumping) and additional cryosorption pumps (for H2 +He) chamber wall temperatures range from: 30% -> 5K, 70% -> 10…15K (magnet chambers) Beam pipes pumped down to pav ~10-6 mbar before cool-down with mobile pumping stations, after cool-down they will be valved off Material for vacuum chambers: (= AISI 316 LN) Special stainless steel for magnet chambers: Böhler P506 1 burst disc/ arc (pover ~ 0.3 bara) SIS100 cold arc: Cold area surface: ~ 47 m2 gas volume enclosed ~ 1300 ℓ static base pressure expected: ~ or lower Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

13 SIS100 Dipole Magnets and their Chambers
Prototype of SIS100 Dipole Magnet (Picture: Günther Sikler/Babcock Noell) Babcock Noell won the call for tender for the construction of 113 super conducting dipole magnets. Bmax = 1.9T dB/dt = 4 T/s f rep = 1 Hz. Superferric magnet (iron-dominated with superconducting coil) design similar to the Nuclotron, LHe cooled yoke (via channels) and coil, beam vacuum chamber not part of the cryostat Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

14 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
SIS100 Dipole Chamber Design Vacuum physical requirements on the magnet chamber design all dipole chambers represent 45% of the total cold surface in the cryogenic arcs the inner beam pipe wall will be used as expanded cold surface of an efficient cryopump with practically infinite capacity for nearly all condensable gas species -> wall temperatures as low as possible ->Tchamber < 20K static vacuum pressure inside the chamber mbar, under dynamic conditions < mbar Length of chamber: 3.35m Aperture: 120 x 60mm2 Problem: due to the fast magnet ramping eddy currents heat up the chamber wall to temperatures > 20K Required mr < 1.005 Chambers to be produced by Fa. Pink (Wertheim) Solution: Thin-walled chamber (d=0.3mm) with ribs for stiffening Special stainless steel Böhler P506 (X 2 Cr Mn Ni Mo N ) Cooling of Chamber with supplementary electrically isolated cooling tubes Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

15 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Beam Loss and Desorption Effects Problem: Ion beam loss-induced desorption effects Probability for beam ion ionization depends on residual gas density, gas composition, and beam energy Losses drive a pressure bump Self amplification can develop up to complete beam loss Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

16 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Cryocatcher Design for SIS100 U28+  U29+ Simulated with StrahlSim by: P. Puppel, L. Bozyk (GSI) SIS100 lattice has been optimized to reach a maximum catching efficiency. Loss distribution is strongly localized between the quadrupole magnets. Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

17 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Cryocatcher System for SIS100 Solution: Controlled collection of charge-exchanged ions at localized positions using an ion catcher system Controlled catching of charge exchanged ions on low desorption surfaces Ions hitting the wall release cryosorbed gases and produce a local pressure bump Desorption yield is lowest for perpendicular incidence Most charge exchanged ions are caught by the ion catcher Significant reduction of gas desorption  Dynamic gas pressure is stabilized Lower total ionization loss Activation and radiation damage of magnets by ionization beam loss are reduced aim: pdyn < 5·10-12 Developed & designed by: L. Bozyk, H. Kollmus (GSI) Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

18 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Cryosorption Pumps auxiliary pumps are used primarily to lower the partial pressures of H2 and He 10 cryosorption pumps per arc (each 13 m) and one per short quadrupole doublet in the straight sections 2 different pump layouts cryosorption pump consists of several round cryopanels (i.e. copper disks coated with charcoal of SC2 type made by CHEMVIRON, coating by KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany) panels stacked on a central cooling tube cooled down to T ~ 4.5K SHe ~ 1 ℓ/s cm2 for He and SH2 ~ 10 ℓ/s cm2 for H2 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

19 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Schematic Vacuum Layout of HEBT Beam line length: about 2400 m, excluding SFRS, HE-, LE-Cave, p-bar-Target and FLAIR (800m magnets) p≈1x10-9 mbar, non bakeable only sections directly connected to SIS18, SIS100, SIS300, NESR and RESR will be partly baked up to 300°C to achieve a vacuum of 1x x10-12 mbar 10% cold vacuum system with superconducting magnets 49 vacuum sectors 77 gate valves Beam Pipe Aperture DN100CF – DN400CF Beam pipe material: Stainless steel and Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

20 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
HEBT Vacuum Chambers About 2400m (800m magnets) of vacuum system: 12 different types of dipole vacuum chambers (length, aperture, shape) 11 different types of quadrupole vacuum chambers (length, aperture, shape) different steerer vacuum chambers 57 roughing chambers (one or two different types) 232 pumping and vacuum diagnostic chambers (five to six different types) Bellows (different length and apertures) Straight vacuum chambers (different length and apertures) Diagnostic chambers Material for all vacuum chambers: or Standard flanges: DN100CF and DN160CF Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

21 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Schematic Vacuum Layout of Collector Ring Circumference: 225m (130m magnets) p≈10-9mbar => unbaked Beam pipe aperture: 180 – 480 mm Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

22 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
3D Sketch of Part of CR Quadrupole Dipole Dipole Problem: Large Apertures, narrow space in beam direction GSI constructed DN500CF Flange, tests running Use of SIP/NEG Catridge combination pumps Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

23 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Magnet Vacuum Chambers Wide Quadrupole Chambers Dipole Chamber with pumping-ports Aperture: 400 x 180 mm Length: ~ m Aperture 380 x 180 mm Length ~ 3 m with integrated BPM Aperture: 470 x 470 mm Length: 1.3 m Sextupole Chambers Aperture 400 x 180 mm Length ~ m Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

24 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
CR Vacuum Chambers Total of 215m (130m magnets) of vacuum system with large apertures: 8 roughing chambers (one or two different types) 40 pumping and vacuum diagnostic chambers (one or two different types) Bellows (different length and apertures) Straight vacuum chambers (different length and apertures) Diagnostic chambers, RF chambers, Septa, ... Material for all vacuum chambers: or Standard flanges: DN200CF, DN400CF Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

25 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
Schematic Layout Vacuum System of Super FRS High radiation areas Large aperture vacuum chambers, normal conducting and superferric magnets (isolation vacuum) Total length of SFRS: 300 m Required vacuum: ~1x10-7 mbar 15 vacuum sectors 14 gate valves, 2 fast closing valves 48 ion getter pumps 22 TMP&roughing pumps Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

26 Super FRS Vacuum Chambers
Various number of large aperture vacuum chambers: (LxWxH or  mm3) 1 target chamber: x1100x2700 3 beam catcher chambers: x1730x2500 2 rad.res. Dipoles 1&3: x800x140 1 rad.res. Dipole 2: x1200x140 3 sf Dipoles long: x400x140 21 sf Dipoles short: x400x140 2 rad.res. Quad1: 200 1 rad.res. Quad2: 400 2 rad.res. Hexapol: 400 8 sf Multiplet short: 380 18 sf Multiplet long: 380 13 Pumping&Diagnostic Chamber type1: x1000x900 1 Pumping&Diagnostic Chamber type2: x1000x900 1 Pumping&Diagnostic Chamber type3: x1300x900 6 Pumping&Diagnostic Chamber type4: x1000x900 18 Bellows: 400 13 Pillow Seals (different sizes): 500 /1200x200 13 Straight vacuum pipes (different length): 400 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

27 Remote Controlled Seal for Super-FRS
(Transparancy provided by Super-FRS group) Connector for pressure rise Connector for evacuation Specifications Process is to work with round and rectangular shape Inner diameter from round 500mm and 1200mm for the rectangular - Three stainless steel sealing rings - Two intermediate vacuum rings - Pressure tubes 10mm - Bellow and Sealing pressure <1.8 bar Leakrate 3*10-6 mbarl/sec Foil surface roughness Ra= 0,4 µm Vacuum- room Guide cam Goal: Vacuum 10-7 mbar range Pre- vacuum Intermediate vacuum Function- sketch pillow

28 Overall Instrumentation Numbers
Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

29 Industrial Control System
Siemens PLC based WinCC OA (formerly know as PVSSII) UNICOS Framework (CERN) Independent Standalone Subsystems No Connection to the Accelerator Control System needed Interlocks generated by the PLC (<100ms) No local set points set on single controllers Interventions to the systems are in the reporting chain Exception: Fast Closing Valves Human Machine Interface Computers Touch Panels Pad Computers Every Device with a browser Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

30 Interfacing with Vacuum Equipment
Interfaces Digital I/O Analogue I/O RS232 RS485 Ethernet ProfiBus DP/PA ProfiNet Chosen Interface Type Combination of Digital and Analogue I/O’s Based on well known techniques Easy to implement Very robust solution Exception: RGA‘s are connected „directly“ to the ACS Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

31 Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt
I/O Demand Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

32 Exemplary setup of a vacuum zone
Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

33 Thank you for your attention!!!!
Thanks to all people in the Vacuum Group of GSI! Thank you for your attention!!!! Andreas Krämer, GSI Darmstadt

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