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Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June.

2 Thesis Statement = Claim = Controlling Idea This sentence explains EXACTLY what your body paragraphs are going to be about. This sentence tells your reader what you are trying to prove It does not include silliness like, “I think…” or “I believe…” There is a formula for this sentence.

3 Formula TS = Subject + Direction + Reasons S + D + R Spending the day at the Puyallup Fair is more fun than Christmas because of the extreme rides, the crazy food, and the unusual animals.

4 TS = Subject + Direction + 3 Reasons Spending the day at the Puyallup Fair Subject + is more fun than Christmas Direction + because of the extreme rides, the crazy food, and Reason + Reason + the unusual animals. Reason

5 TS = Subject + Direction + Reasons Pizza is yummy because of the crust, the cheese, and the toppings.

6 What direction are you going?

7 Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June.

8 Six Elaboration Strategies ADDEQS A D E Q S

9 Anecdote a short story to help support the idea or argument you are trying to prove Key Words:One time… I remember when…

10 Definition explaining words your audience may not be familiar with Key Words: By _______ I mean _________ Example: By PAC I mean the Performing Arts Center, which is where we have lunch every day.

11 Description using precise nouns, verbs, and phrases to create vivid image for the reader Hint: What would it look like if I took a picture with my cell phone?

12 Example provide more specific examples about the idea or argument you are trying to prove Key Words: For example… For instance…

13 Quotation using someone’s exact words to help support the idea or argument you are trying to prove Hint: you will see “ quotation marks ”

14 Statistic/Fact numbers (data) and facts that help support the idea or argument that you are trying to prove Key : % signs, numbers

15 Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June.

16 Planning your essay T – Topic – What are you being asked to write about? A – Audience – Who are you being asked to write for? P – Purpose – Why are you writing?

17 Brainstorm/Prewrite Think about all possible ideas What do you know about each? Which one can you talk about for a whole essay? Get some of those ideas written down Write your thesis to guide your thinking What order do your ideas go in?

18 Essay Outline Organization is the key to success! Introduction Body Paragraphs – (probably 3, could be more) Conclusion

19 But what has to be written first?

20 Thesis statement Claim Controlling Idea This sentence explains exactly what your essay is going to be about. You need to know what your thesis will be before you can write any other part of your essay. Subject + Direction + Reasons (S + D + R)

21 Introduction Paragraph Outline How the WRITER creates it 1. Thesis Statement 2. Attention Getter 3. General Sentence How the READER reads it 1. Attention Getter 2. General Sentence 3. Thesis Statement

22 Introduction Paragraph 1. Attention Getter – aka Hook, Grabber – This sentence should grab the reader’s attention. Strategies for getting attention: – Anecdote – Description – Definition – Example – Quote – Statistic/Fact

23 Introduction, cont’d 2. General sentence – These sentences introduce your topic in a general sense. They should answer: Why did you tell us that Attention Getter? How does your AG tie to your subject? Transition to your thesis statement.

24 Introduction Paragraph 3.Thesis statement – Claim – Controlling Idea This tells your reader exactly what the rest of your essay will be about. Subject + Direction + Reasons

25 Introduction ParagraphOutline Putting it all together in your draft: 1. Attention getter 2. General sentences 3. Thesis statement – Claim – Controlling Idea

26 Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June.

27 Body Paragraph Outline 1.Topic Sentence 2.Body sentences (6 – 9 sentences) 3.Concluding sentence (4. Transition sentence)

28 Body Paragraph, cont’d 1.Topic sentence  Tells the reader what your paragraph is going to prove.  Comes directly from your REASONS in your thesis. Topic sentence = S ubject + D irection + R eason

29 Body Paragraph, cont’d 2. Body Sentences  The next 6 – 9 sentences will discuss your topic in detail.  Every sentence MUST pertain to the topic of the paragraph.  Use ADDEQS (2-3)to support your opinions and ideas.  Explain how each of your elaboration strategies supports your topic.

30 Body Paragraph, cont’d 3. Concluding Sentence  Ties the topic of your paragraph back to your thesis statement.  Reminds the reader what your paragraph is trying to prove. Concluding Sent. = Subject + Direction + Reason

31 Body Paragraph, cont’d ( 4. Transition sentence )  Connects the topic you just finished to the topic you are going to write about next.  Helps the reader understand how your body paragraphs are related.  Can go at the end of your body paragraph or the beginning of the next body paragraph. Transition sent.= Reason Reason

32 Body Paragraph Outline 1.Topic Sentence 2.Body sentences (6 – 9 sentences) 3.Concluding sentence (4. Transition sentence)

33 Writing Notes This information will be on the final examination in June.

34 Conclusion Paragraph Outline 1.Thesis restatement 2.Release/Final Thought

35 Conclusion Paragraph, cont’d 1.Thesis Restatement  Breaks up your thesis statement into 2 – 3 sentences.  Reminds the reader of what you set out to prove.  NO COPYING OR REPEATING YOUR THESIS.  Use 2 – 3 sentences

36 Conclusion Paragraph, cont’d 2. Release/Final Thought  1 – 2 sentences  Refers back to your attention getter (NOT repeated though)  Gives the reader something to think about

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