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Roosevelt and Latin America Unit 2 Section 1 Part 10.

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1 Roosevelt and Latin America Unit 2 Section 1 Part 10

2 A. Cuba and Puerto Rico After the Spanish-American War, the U.S. began to expand into Latin America 1. Yellow Fever in Cuba In Cuba, the U.S. was able to eliminate Yellow Fever which killed thousands In Cuba, the U.S. was able to eliminate Yellow Fever which killed thousands The U.S. also helped Cuba write a new constitution The U.S. also helped Cuba write a new constitution 2. U.S. Control of Cuba The U.S. feared that other nations might take over Cuba, so they passed the Platt Amendment The U.S. feared that other nations might take over Cuba, so they passed the Platt Amendment -said that Cuba could not sign treaties w/ other countries -Also made Cuba lend land to the U.S. to build a Naval Base on Guantanamo Bay -Also said the U.S. had the right to intervene in Cuba

3 The Platt Amendment made Cuba a U.S. protectorate The Platt Amendment made Cuba a U.S. protectorate a country under the control and protection of another The amendment was eventually repealed, but the U.S. maintained control of Guantanamo Bay

4 3. Puerto Rico The U.S. made Puerto Rico a U.S. Territory The Foraker Act U.S. would appoint Puerto Rico’s governor In 1917, Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship Today, Puerto Rico controls most of its own affairs, and the U.S. only controls certain matters

5 B. The Panama Canal 1. Interest in a Canal Need a fast way to go from the Pacific to the Atlantic Need a fast way to go from the Pacific to the Atlantic 1850, a French company tried to build a canal through Panama, but went bankrupt 1850, a French company tried to build a canal through Panama, but went bankrupt U.S. bought the rights to the French canal property and equipment in 1902 U.S. bought the rights to the French canal property and equipment in 1902 U.S. Senator John Hay attempted to buy Panama from Columbia U.S. Senator John Hay attempted to buy Panama from Columbia Columbia refused and wanted more money Columbia refused and wanted more money

6 2. Panama’s Revolution Teddy Roosevelt wanted the canal built anyway Panama had wanted to break away from Columbia, so the U.S. decided to help them The Panamanian Revolution only lasted a day and few died Then, U.S. signed a new treaty with Panama The U.S. got control of a 10- mile wide canal zone in Panama The canal was opened in August 1914 U.S. sanitation personnel also able to eliminate malaria from Panama Canal Zone

7 C. The Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine said that Europe was not allowed to make any more colonies in America After the Spanish/American War, U.S. presidents began to back the doctrine w/ military force Many Latin American countries owed money to Europe, especially the Dominican Republic T.R. didn’t want Europeans to take over the D. Rep. He issued what was called the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

8 T.R. said that the U.S. may be forced to exercise “international police power in Latin America” The U.S. took control of the Domincan Rep. taxes to make sure that Europe was repaid The Corollary succeeded in keeping Europe out, but made Latin American countries uneasy They worried about the U.S. becoming involved their affairs Big Stick Diplomacy

9 D. Reshaping U.S. Diplomacy President William Howard Taft believed in what he called Dollar Diplomacy -promoting American economic interests in other countries and using that power to achieve U.S. goals Taft thought that the U.S. should buy out European loans Many U.S. banks were set up in Latin American countries, which caused problems In Nicaragua, the U.S. had to send troops into the country to protect its banks

10 President Woodrow Wilson believed in Moral Diplomacy -achieving U.S. goals by persuasion and American ideals Wilson had to send troops into both Haiti and the Dominican Rep. Latin American countries began to resent the U.S

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