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By: Carley Holcomb and Hannah Borisen. red=equality and freedom blue=the three old divisions white star= freedom.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Carley Holcomb and Hannah Borisen. red=equality and freedom blue=the three old divisions white star= freedom."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Carley Holcomb and Hannah Borisen

2 red=equality and freedom blue=the three old divisions white star= freedom

3 Cubas exchange rate with America is $1=$22.2222.

4 Bayamo is one of the biggest places for tourists to be because of the great beach!

5 This is a Cuban sandwich. It is famous for the delicious pickles and ham and homemade mayonnaise.

6 Beisboll is a very popular sport in Cuba.

7 This is a famous hotel in Cuba. It is a large luxurious place to relax and see a great view.

8 This is the old capital building in Cuba.

9 Independence day in Cuba is a mayjor celebration.

10 This is Aleesia Alonzo. She was a famous dancer until she got in a car crash when she was 80 but she continued to be a teacher buy listening to the children.

11 Google images

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