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Identification of Prominence Material in Magnetic Cloud Shuo Yao China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Co-authers: E. Marsch 2,

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Presentation on theme: "Identification of Prominence Material in Magnetic Cloud Shuo Yao China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Co-authers: E. Marsch 2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Identification of Prominence Material in Magnetic Cloud Shuo Yao China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Co-authers: E. Marsch 2, C.-Y. Tu 1 and R. Schwenn 2 1: Department of Geophysics, Peking University, China 2: Max-Planck-Institut for Solar System Research, Germany ILWS Workshop 2011, Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China

2 2 Background 1. CME Bright loop---plasma pile up Dark cavity---magnetic flux ropes Bright core---prominence 3-part CME

3 3 2. Magnetic Cloud One type of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) Enhanced magnetic field strength Smooth rotation of magnetic field vector in day’s time Low proton temperature 171 172 173 Helios 1 1981 DOY171-173

4 4 Prominence Filament NASA SOHO 3. Prominence Material Cold and dense material from chromosphere

5 5 Temperature: 5000-8000K Character Ions: He + Position in CME: Centre of the flux rope Priest 1989, Crooker and Horbury 2005 Zong et al,.2004 Gopalswamy, 2006

6 6 ? Forbes et al., 2001 3. The problem Bothmer and Schwenn, 1998 Identification of 3-Part CME From In Situ MC Observations---- Especially the prominence material !!

7 7 ReportFlux RopeNp and TpHe+ However, not all the features identified in one event…….

8 88 My work Aim: identify prominence material from the in- situ observation of magnetic cloud. Cases: 1979DOY129, at 0.3 AU 1976 DOY 90, at 0.5 AU 1978DOY358, at 0.7 AU Evidences: 1.High Np and low Tp 2.Located on centre of magnetic field flux rope 3.Existence of He + 4. Heating before and after revealed by Velocity distribution function (temperature )

9 99 1. Satellite Helios 2: 1976-1980 electrostatic analyzers 0.3 AU

10 10 Case 1 0.3 AU High Np and low Tp Flux rope structure 2. Case Study Yao et al., 2010, JGR

11 11 Possible existence of He + H + : He 2+ : He + m 1 4 4 q 1 2 1 m/q 1 2 4 E/q E/q~m/q Yao et al., 2010, JGR

12 12 Thermal velocity distribution functions Heating perpendicular to B Solid Line——local B X——outward solar radial direction

13 13 22 Hours ahead , Solwind observed CME with prominence eruption Sheeley , 1980 SOLWIND Observation 600km/s×22h ~4.5×10 7 km ~0.3 AU 1AU~1.5×10 8 km

14 14 Case 2 0.5 AU High Np and low Tp Flux rope structure

15 15 Possible existence of He + H + : He 2+ : He + m 1 4 4 q 1 2 1 m/q 1 2 4

16 16 Thermal velocity distribution functions Heated Plasma Before and After Prominence Material

17 17 Case 3 0.7 AU low Tp and High Np Flux rope structure Prominence material is 2 hours behind the neutral line of flux rope.

18 18 Possible existence of He + H + : He 2+ : He + m 1 4 4 q 1 2 1 m/q 1 2 4

19 19 Thermal velocity distribution functions Heated Plasma Before and After Prominence Material

20 20 ReportFlux RopeNp and TpHe+ Yao 2010 X X X Complete evidences from in situ measurements Summary

21 21 SOHO Gopalswamy SpaceSciRew, 2006 Yao et al., 2010, JGR NASA Remote Observation Model In situ measurement

22 22 It seems….Closer to the Sun, the more info about CME So…we do expect more on Solar Orbiter & Solar Probe+ in the Next Cycle ….

23 23 Thanks !

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