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Tips for Writing Measurable Goals, Objectives, and Impact Statements for FADs Allison Nichols WVU Extension Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Tips for Writing Measurable Goals, Objectives, and Impact Statements for FADs Allison Nichols WVU Extension Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tips for Writing Measurable Goals, Objectives, and Impact Statements for FADs Allison Nichols WVU Extension Service

2 Goals Declarative statement Short and concise Positive Framework for the objectives

3 Objectives Specific Who (target population) What (action/activity) Measurable Amount of change expected Achievable With resources and constraints Realistic Based on the scope of the program Time-phrased Timeline for objective to be met

4 Impact Statements Methodology for measurement Evidence of accomplishment of objectives Products Emphasize the results of your program, not what you do

5 Teaching, Research, or Service Scholarship should occur in each area. One objective may include efforts in one area, all three areas, or a combination of two.

6 Teaching (T) Direct teaching with clients Development of educational material Mentoring Determining educational content of workshops Not arranging the logistics of training sessions Products of teaching could be: Educational materials that do not require extensive research and peer review Evaluations of teaching

7 Research (R) A systematic investigation of a research or evaluation question using appropriate research methodology A review of existing literature and/or educational materials which results in a new product Products of research may be: A curriculum or other educational piece A report disseminated to stakeholders A presentation at a local or national conference An article published in a journal or book

8 Service (S) Working on a collaboration or partnership Taking a leadership role in a group or committee Arranging workshops and training sessions Offering assistance in your specialty area Products of service can include Outcomes of group work Establishment of collaborations, partnerships Completion of workshops Evaluations from workshops you organized

9 For more information Visit the WVU Extension website for more information on FADs and the definitions of teaching, research, and service. #p&t

10 Examples of FAD Goals and Objectives Disclaimer · These are examples only and are not meant to be used verbatim in you FAD. · Percentages or numbers used in these example objectives are not necessarily based in reality. · The examples are based upon real-life FADs from Family and Health faculty.

11 Types of Goals and Objectives · Leadership · Health and Nutrition · Financial Literacy · Family · Family and Health Unit or Team · Childcare · Diversity and Pluralism · Community Relations and Awareness

12 Exercise 1. Divide into groups. 2. Take one group of goals and objectives listed above. 3. Create a logic model based upon the activities, goals, and objectives listed under the title of group. 4. Report back to the whole group.

13 SituationInputsOutputs Short- term out- comes Learning Medium out- comes Behavior Long- term out- comes Condition I am the Liaison with the CEOS clubs in my county. As such, this year, I will lead an effort to do a needs- assessment of club strengths and weaknesses. I will also assist in determining recommendations for a promotional campaign and will distribute promotional materials. 2 CEOS clubs 40 CEOS members One FCS agent Needs assessment Training materials Training session for 40 CEOS to learn how to do a needs assessment Report containing information and recommendations based on needs assessment CEOS promotional activities Promotional materials produced and distributed CEOS group members learn how to do a needs assess- ment Accept- ance and follow- through of recomm- endations by club members CEOS members conduct a needs assess- ment CEOS members plan and conduct a promo- tional campaign Increase in CEOS member- ship of 5% Adults in my county become more effective leaders

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