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Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards School-Based Training April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards School-Based Training April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards School-Based Training April 2016

2 Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels and User Roles What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? Training Objectives Data Sources Agenda Questions and Next Steps

3 Training Objectives  By the end of this training, you will…  Understand the purpose of the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards  Gain a working knowledge of the Ed-Fi dashboards (including structure and data sources)  Understand various user roles and permissions  Identify ways you can use these dashboards moving forward  Ed-Fi Dashboards are being piloted at 8 schools –staff at these schools will have an opportunity to provide feedback prior to the district-wide launch. 3z SCS/UPDSchool Trainer School Administrator(s) Teachers

4 ? ? ? Write additional questions and comments to share with the group on post-its and place questions in the “Parking Lots” Your thoughtful feedback is critical to the success of our district-wide rollout Training Session Norms

5 Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels and User Roles What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? Training Objectives Data Sources Agenda Questions and Next Steps

6 What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards?  The Ed-Fi Dashboards are made up of:  A longitudinal data warehouse which contains a wide range of student and teacher educational and workforce data.  Data is not changed  Data is uploaded periodically  Data is historical  Data is connected via unique IDs  Academic Dashboards, Talent Management Dashboards, and EWS (Early Warning System) Dashboards that allow SCS staff to access educational and workforce data.  Dashboard Usage Module allow SCS staff to track usage of the dashboards. 6 StudentSchoolTeacherDistrict

7 What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? 7 The Ed-Fi Dashboards provide access to historical, timely, and predictive information on Shelby County's students ACCESS The Dashboards that are easy to view and navigate EASE The Ed-Fi Data Warehouse and Dashboards enable the linking of disparate data sources LINKS Provides Shelby staff with a multidimensional, holistic picture of student achievement & talent management. MULTI- DIMENSIONAL

8 Things to Keep in Mind 8 The Ed-Fi Dashboards were built to help users view a broader range of data in more actionable ways than was previously possible. There is no “magic” to the data. Ed-Fi Dashboards reflect data exactly as it is loaded into the data sources by districts and schools. There are many ways to use the Ed-Fi Dashboards. Find the ones that are most helpful to you. Ed-Fi Dashboards will be launched district-wide in Fall 2016. We want your help to determine what might be improved before then!

9  Teachers’ experience on how to utilize the Ed-Fi Dashboards include:  Planning for instruction and student grouping  Conducting PLCs and peer collaboration  Using during teacher-parent conferences and calls  Getting to know new students and transfers  Planning interventions for student academic, attendance, and behavior needs 9 Things to Keep in Mind

10 10 SCS Board Policy 6003 (Confidential Student Information) applies to Ed-Fi: Staff should NEVER share usernames or passwords for SCS administrative systems with others. Staff should NEVER leave a computer screen up that contains confidential student information. Staff should ALWAYS log out when not using the system. Staff should ALWAYS secure any printouts of confidential student information. Staff should ONLY use the information appropriately and in the manner required for the performance of their employment duties.

11 Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels and User Roles What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? Training Objectives Data Sources Agenda Questions and Next Steps

12 Shelby Ed-Fi Data Sources 12 Academic DashboardsTalent Management Dashboards DATA IN  DATA OUT SHELBY DASHBOARDS

13 Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels and User Roles What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? Training Objectives Data Sources Agenda Questions and Next Steps

14 Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels  Data in is aggregated in the Ed-Fi Dashboards at four main levels:  Various user roles provide access to these levels based on the permissions of the role (see the section on “User Roles” for additional information). 14 DistrictSchoolTeacherStudent

15 LevelUser RoleRole Description DISTRICT District Administrator ILD District Staff SCHOOL Principal Assistant Principal Counselor Coach Teacher Supporting Staff User Roles: Who Can Access Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards?  Ed-Fi Dashboards can be accessed by individuals in the following categories: 15 District Teacher School Student District Teacher School Student District Student District Student Dotted lines indicate where user access is limited to the specific district/school/students to which they have been linked. District School District Teacher School Student District Student District School District Teacher Student School Teacher

16 Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels and User Roles What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? Training Objectives Data Sources Agenda Questions and Next Steps

17 Exploring the Dashboards Navigation of Dashboards & Guided Exercises 17

18 Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards Data Levels and User Roles What are the Shelby Ed-Fi Dashboards? Training Objectives Data Sources Agenda Questions and Next Steps

19 Be a Resource Share the Ed-Fi Training Resources Quick Start Guides FAQs Ed-Fi Guided Exercises Ed-Fi Use Cases Ed-Fi Powerpoint Visit :

20 Next Steps: Accessing the Ed-Fi Dashboards  You will need your SCS email address and password to log into the Ed-Fi dashboards. You MUST be on the Shelby network to access the Dashboards. 20 Log onto your computer.Open an internet browserGo to Name: Shelby (AD) credentialsPassword: Shelby (AD) credentials

21 Thank you for attending this training  Questions?  Don’t forget to share feedback at:  Please complete the training feedback form  Thank you! 21

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