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Developing people, improving young lives Personal tutorship: A personal, named contact for you and your child to help them to make progress, achieve academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing people, improving young lives Personal tutorship: A personal, named contact for you and your child to help them to make progress, achieve academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 developing people, improving young lives Personal tutorship: A personal, named contact for you and your child to help them to make progress, achieve academic and wider success during their time at school and in the future Project team:Contact number: Debbie Fuller (lead)07871 586025 Matthew O’Connor07960 187196 Susan Churcher07796 847538 Joe Norman07742 659082 20 April 2009

2 21 st Century Schools Providing excellent personalised education and development. Identifying and helping to address additional needs. Providing a range of activities to enrich the lives of children, families and the wider community.

3 The 2008 DCSF publication “21 st Century Schools: A World- Class Education for Every Child” sets out the vision of what will be different for children, young people and their families: “Each child has a personal tutor who knows him or her well, monitors progress and responds quickly if any problems emerge. The personal tutor in secondary schools guides the child or young person through options, sets goals for their learning and is the main point of contact with home; and the school makes sure that any child with additional needs is identified early and that the child has access to any extra support they need; either by the school providing the support themselves, or by accessing any specialist services needed. This would include identifying early, children who might be at risk of abuse.” 3

4 By September 2010, every student to have a named contact, known to them and their parents to help them to make progress, achieve academic and wider success during their time at school and in the future Target To help LAs to develop their capacity and capability to support schools to deliver the target Aim 3,300 secondary schools 3.24 million students Aim and target

5 Via LAs, gather information about existing practice and select schools and invite cross-section for involvement in focus groups Promotion of Pathfinder findings including resource kit LA briefing materials/ other TDA support to enable LAs to support schools 9 regional focus groups 40-school pathfinder TDA fieldforce engaged LAs engaged with agenda Personal named contacts in place LAs engaging schools LAs/schools remodelling to implement Visits to LAs to better understand challenges and inform design of briefing packs Providing optimum support for LAs to enable them to support schools from Autumn 2009 onwards Working with DCSF/ WAMG to determine TDA model of support for LAs to best support schools: Design with DCSF and WAMG scope of briefing materials and other TDA support Review materials scope with contributing LAs and TDA fieldforce Regional briefing events Resource kit and DVD Support for local authorities to develop their strategies to support schools MAY/ JUNE 09 APRIL/ MAY 09 SEPTEMBER 09 SEPTEMBER 10 MARCH 09

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