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Money Matters By: Parker. Introduction Welcome to my Money Matters project! This is where you will see what job I will pick, and a little bit about.

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1 Money Matters By: Parker


3 Introduction Welcome to my Money Matters project! This is where you will see what job I will pick, and a little bit about three cities. Job offer #1 – Lansing, MI Job offer #2 – Houston, TX Job offer #3 – Miami, FL

4 Data For each of the three cities, I considered the income vs. expenses and the Lifestyle Considerations. For each city, I have included copies of research used for income vs. expenses. I have rated the Lifestyle Considerations for each city in order of my interest. Let the PowerPoint begin!

5 Lifestyle Considerations For Lifestyle Considerations, this is what is important to me in order: 1.Entertainment Venues – I want easy access to Museums, Shopping, Movies, and Gyms. 2.Educational Opportunities – I want to get my Master’s Degree so I can continue to be employed and earn more money. 3.Transportation – I want a car and not ride the bus! 4.Climate – I like warm weather. 5.Sports Teams – I may want to watch sports teams in the future. 6.Size of City – I would prefer Suburban but I don’t care if it is Urban.


7 Lansing, MI Lansing gave me enough money to live, and I could have extra money for entertainment. Lansing is also close to where my parents live, so that’s entertainment already paid for. Unfortunately Lansing is cold in the winter. On to the next city…

8 Miami, FL Miami gave me a lot of money, so I could pay at least $5,000 in each section. I also like it because it will almost always be warm, (I think) so I can just chill in the shade and relax and swim. Next city!

9 Houston, TX Houston was AWESOME with money, I had enough money to put $10,000 or higher in three sections. During the winter, maybe I could go to a ice rink nearby. During the summer, I could swim at my apartment, or I could just go to a beach next to a lake. I also like it because it would be warm most the time there. Let the voting begin!

10 The votes are in! I voted for…

11 Conclusion …Lansing, MI! I chose Lansing because I got enough money to live a decent life, its warm in the summer, breezy in the fall, snowing in the winter, and there is a beautiful sight in the spring. One more reason I chose this city is that I want to be close to my family. (And if I go bankrupt, they've got it covered). There is also easy access to Michigan State University for my Master’s Degree.

12 Why I didn't choose Miami I didn’t choose Miami because there is not any family members in Miami, and if I choose to go back to where my parents live (MI), I have to pay a lot for the flight there! Sure I would get a lot of money there, but no family members there! I’d rather stay close to my parents. I also like a change of seasons.

13 Why I didn’t choose Houston I didn’t choose Houston because: again, NO FAMILY MEMBERS IN HOUSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also didn’t pick this city because the population is about 2,145,146! Its too big for me to handle . Lastly, I want to be close to my parents. Sure I would get $80,000, but you can’t buy happiness.

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