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Bigger! Better! Faster! Easier! It’s a Joe’SS upgrade. Presented by Deanne Jackson Dana Rapier.

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Presentation on theme: "Bigger! Better! Faster! Easier! It’s a Joe’SS upgrade. Presented by Deanne Jackson Dana Rapier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bigger! Better! Faster! Easier! It’s a Joe’SS upgrade. Presented by Deanne Jackson Dana Rapier

2 Your Presenters Deanne Jackson – Registrar Functional Student Record lead since Sept. 2000 Project Manager for Student Administration since Aug. 2011 Implementation team for 8.0 and 8.9 Implementation team for PeopleTools 8.51 and 8.52

3 Your Presenters Dana Rapier – Coordinator and Joe’SS Training Specialist Implementation/Training team for 8.0 and 8.9 Provides all Student Records training for staff

4 Missouri S&T and Oracle Missouri S&T was the pilot campus for implementation of v8.0 with all student modules Separate instance for each campus –Admission Live 2000 –Student Records 2004 –Student Financials 2004 –Financial Aid 2008

5 Missouri S&T and Oracle Missouri S&T upgraded to v8.9in January 2006 for all modules Added functionality –New menu structure –Self Service functionality –Enhanced security

6 Version 9.0- All users New menu functionality –Breadcrumbs –Easier to navigate between pages Batch processing –New processes for staff Faster servers –Virtual servers to provide better speed

7 Version 9.0- Students Wish list becomes Plan –Wish list is now renamed Plan –Slight change in functionality Class Search/Browse Catalog –Separation between these areas Detailed Grades page –Easier view for GPA information

8 Version 9.0- Faculty New access as Advisor –Faculty and Advisor split pages –More access to student information –See the same screens as students Changes to remove Advising Hold –Easier navigation Refinement to Grade processing –Add this grade functionality


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