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Telestroke in WA. WHAT is TELESTROKE  What is Telehealth? “the use of Information and Communication Technology applications to provide health and long-term.

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Presentation on theme: "Telestroke in WA. WHAT is TELESTROKE  What is Telehealth? “the use of Information and Communication Technology applications to provide health and long-term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telestroke in WA

2 WHAT is TELESTROKE  What is Telehealth? “the use of Information and Communication Technology applications to provide health and long-term care services over a distance ”(WHO, 2010) = a lot of options!!  Incorporation of telehealth into WA Stroke Care (planning, delivery, training, evaluation):  improve equity of access, quality, timeliness, coordination for country stroke patients.

3 Telehealth Locations in WA >700 end points 2014: 59 000 “virtual events” Growth industry

4 Telehealth Strategy: Statewide Reform

5 WA Stroke: Country Picture  1 000 TIA and Strokes in WA Country resident pop’n each year  30% TF to Metro for stroke unit care.  2 360 Neurology Outpatient Episodes 13/14  2 800 PATS TF to metro (Neurology) o WA Stroke Reform (WA Stroke Project) o Telehealth Reform o Clinical Need = Opportunity

6 Virtual Stroke Teams in WA 3,215 km PATHWAYS DATA EDUCATION QUALITY

7 WA Telestroke: The Big Picture PREVEN T STROKE ONSET ED ETS Acute Consult Stroke Specialist ACUTE STROKE CARE REHAB HOME SUPPORT Outpatient Groups MDT + Family

8 Implementation Journey… Telehealth champions. Pilot sites: Acute (FSH: By) MDT (SCGH: Country) Integration telehealth in stroke framework: Data Pathways & Process Education Planning Orientation / HR 3 Virtual Stroke Teams: country/metro. Routine Business Patient enabled Care Continuum Sustainable PEOPLE & PARTNERSHIPS PROCESSES TECHNOLOGY

9 PROGRESS: Clinical Service Pilots ED Consult: FSH: BUNBURY  Bunbury ED to FSH Consultant  Wireless Telecart WA 1 st  Technical end point ready SCGH: WACHS MDT  Virtual Meeting Room  Weekly MDT Meeting 4 regions

10 Stroke patient BIDYADANGA Aboriginal gentleman: Remote Community TF to Perth: >2000 km from home 1.Virtual SCGH MDT Acute Stroke Unit – Stroke Coordinator 2.Family + Patient Meeting: Rehab Unit / RSC 3 sites. Rehab Support & Plan 3.Rehab MDT + patient / family – DC Planning, Rehab Planned DC home Preliminary Feedback family & clinic +ve CASE EXAMPLE: Care Coordination / Family + Remote Community input


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