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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the.

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1 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission and the National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’







8 We talk so much about outdoor lessons, but it is always difficult to realize the good intentions. Thanks to the Comenius “international project”,entitled “Inside Landscape,Landscape Inside”,we had a great experience: a guided tour to the river “la Gravina” to know and appreciate the geomorphological aspects and the flora and fauna of our territory. The visit took place in a sunny day when our guide, the ornithologist doct. Pino Giglio,brought us to the discovery of our roots.

9 On 6/12/2008 our class went to the river “Gravina” to visit the sorrounding habitat. We started our tour from the fountain “Madonna della stella”, situated just before the bridge. While we were walking, we found holes in the rock, provoked by “cannolicchi”, (molluscs that centuries ago dug them, when the area of our continental territory was submerged) and wild plants of cappers arising from other cracks.

10 On the north wall of the rocks we found another type of wild plants “the ferns” and we could perceived the verses of the various birds of our territory such as the Upupa, the Cuckoo, the Solitary Sparrow and the Buzzard, whose opening wing goes over 160 cms. Then we coasted the Archaeological Park, where there was some ancient graves submerged by the recent rains. When we arrived down at the stream the guide explained its origin: “ The stream Gravina has origin from the Fountain of Ogna, it crosses 24 Km and flows into the Bradano, a river in the south of Matera”.

11 The rocky landscape is wonderful thanks to the carsic phenomena and a great natural “ inghiottitoio”, that seems suspended on the stream and it confers to the environment a sense of majesty. Greatness: in front of it we felt so small! The land is slippery and unstable because of the rains: some victims...for much security! After, the guide showed us the plants:wild mint, asphodel (toxic such as to be refused by flocks) and euphorbia, the most important fat plant of “Murgia”.

12 Doctor Giglio spoke about the animals of the zone: such as the otter,which is a rare animal, the moe of whom we found a little dan. After we found karst rocks smothed by the wind: someone of us touched with hand to be sure of its nature!! The guided tour is finished. We returned to school and... from Gravina... that’s all. To the next article! By Benny Cirasola Vincenzo Colonna Classe: 3° B Anno scolastico: 2008-2009 Teachers: Miss Arcangela Santeramo Miss Maria Pia Lobifaro

13 On the peak of the bell tower, Oh redstart your song is melodious but brief and it can be listened for all the day and also in the dark night time. In autumn or spring You cheer the hearts of whom see you across the fields. In the air they hear the flocks pasturing And the other birds celebrating And you are more beautiful, coloured and happier than other birds. So you spend your time Migrating here and there. Your behaviour so much looks like mine! I like enjoying, feeling free and living with love my youth. One day I will migrate as you do I will discover new places To come back home To the ancient affections.

14 You that, in the warm days, adorned by your splendid crown, you graze the clear sky and flights fain in the air, illuminated by the sun, Bringing with you the carelessness of your time. You exalt the joy and the colours that surround you and, triumphant, you go searching a crib where to rest, serene of the season of your life. Oh, as your custom resembles to mine!! Carelessness and smiles of your being mirror my essence. The soul my flies light among the winter numbness sweets thoughts invade my mind, making to lose me in the vortex of the imagination. This way the blessed youth I live me and softly castawy in her spring of my age.






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