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Animal Farm Chapter 10 By: Lexi Overaker & Ben Bentley.

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1 Animal Farm Chapter 10 By: Lexi Overaker & Ben Bentley

2 Quote 1 “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” Pg. 134 There is a distinctive class system. This means that some animals have authority over others. The pigs and dogs are the upper class.

3 Quote 2 “Four legs good, two legs better.” Pg. 134 Napoleon and the rest of the higher class are distinguishing themselves by adopting human mannerisms.

4 Quote 3 “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again, but it was impossible to say which was which.” The pigs have assimilated into human culture, breaking the original 7 commandments.

5 Question 1 What changes have the years brought to the farm? All 7 commandments have been summarized into one law, “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Only some of the original animals can vaguely remember what life was like immediately after the rebellion.

6 Question 2 After the conference with the neighboring farmers what does Napoleon change? After the conference, Napoleon decides to suppress old traditions such as using comrade and also erases all traces of the original life after the Rebellion.

7 Question 3 What happened to the pigs’ appearance? The pigs have turned completely human. They looked the same, walked the same, and talked the same as the humans.

8 Summary of Chapter 10 In the beginning of this chapter it tells you which of the original animals have died. Life is horrible on the farm. Napoleon decides that the only rule you need to know is “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Then he goes on to tell all the sheep and other dumber animals the saying “four legs good two legs better”, which is completely going against the idea and purpose of animalism. In this chapter they also distinguish the class systems on the farm. Pigs and dogs being higher class and any animals being the lower class. The pigs do not even resemble pigs anymore. Napoleon even begins to call animal farm MANor farm. Napoleon is now an established leader and life on the farm has returned to when Jones was in charge.

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