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Religious Evolution - A Timeline Religious Evolution A Timeline.

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1 Religious Evolution - A Timeline Religious Evolution A Timeline

2 Religious Evolution - A Timeline “Say ye, `We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob and his children and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to all other Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them; and to HIM we submit ourselves.” (Quran 2:137)

3 Religious Evolution - A Timeline “O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you, even as he turned your parents out of the Garden, stripping them of their raiment that he might show them their nakedness. Truly, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you see them not. Surely, We have made Satan friends of those who believe not.” (Quran 7:28)

4 Religious Evolution - A Timeline “I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened unto me.” (Jeremiah 35:15)

5 Religious Evolution - A Timeline “Surely, We have sent revelation to thee, as We sent revelation to Noah and the Prophets after him; and We sent revelation to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and his children and to Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and We gave David a Book.” (Quran 4:164)

6 Religious Evolution - A Timeline 1: Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Beside Me 2: Thou Shalt Not Worship Any Graven Images 3: Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain 4: Remember the Sabbath Day to Rest and Keep it Holy 5: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother 6: Thou Shalt Not Kill 7: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery 8: Thou Shalt Not Steal 9: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness 10: Thou Shalt Not Covet Anything That is Thy Neighbor's The Ten Commandments

7 Religious Evolution - A Timeline "... Those who follow the Messenger, the Immaculate One, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel which are with them." (Quran 7:158)

8 Religious Evolution - A Timeline

9 “There will be a time, when Muslims will become identical to Jews, just like one shoe is similar to the other.” (Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH)

10 Religious Evolution - A Timeline “I swear by God Who has raised me and Whose curse falls upon him who fabricates lies about Him, that He has sent me as the Promised Messiah.” (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS)

11 Religious Evolution - A Timeline TIMELINE B.C. Adam AS 3975 World Population is 100 Million3000 Noah AS 2919 Abraham AS2133 Moses AS1527 David AS 1055 Solomon AS 1015 Uzziah ASJonah & The Whale767 Jacob AS 122 Jesus AS 5 or 4 A.D. Mohammad PBUH 571 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS 1835

12 Religious Evolution - A Timeline Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad AS The Promised Messiah

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