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Oligopoly Theory 1 Presence of Foreign Investors in Privatized Firms and Privatization Policy Presence of Foreign Investors in Privatized Firms and Privatization.

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Presentation on theme: "Oligopoly Theory 1 Presence of Foreign Investors in Privatized Firms and Privatization Policy Presence of Foreign Investors in Privatized Firms and Privatization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oligopoly Theory 1 Presence of Foreign Investors in Privatized Firms and Privatization Policy Presence of Foreign Investors in Privatized Firms and Privatization Policy Joint work with Ming Hsin Lin

2 Oligopoly Theory 2 Plan of the presentation Plan of the presentation (1) Rough sketch of the model and results (2) Overview of related works (3) Motivation (4) Formal explanation of our model (5) Results and implications

3 Oligopoly Theory 3 Rough sketch of the model one public firm (firm 0), m private firms, Cournot mγ foreign private firms, m(1-γ) domestic private firms (m, γ exogenous) α: the degree of privatization (endogenous) β: the degree of foreign presence of partially privatized firm (exogenous) Our main concerns: Relationship between optimal α (α*) and β.

4 Oligopoly Theory 4 Time Structure (1) government chooses α. (2) (measure zero) investors purchase the stocks of firm 0 (3) Firms face Cournot competition

5 Oligopoly Theory 5 Results Results (1) α * is increasing in β. →The optimal degree of privatization is increasing in the foreign presence in the privatized firms. (2) α * is decreasing in γ. →The optimal degree of privatization is decreasing in the foreign presence of the product markets. (3) α * is non-monotone in β if β = γ. (4) α * is increasing in m.

6 Oligopoly Theory 6 Result 1 α * β 0

7 Oligopoly Theory 7 γ 0 α * Result 2

8 Oligopoly Theory 8 Result 3 α * β =γ 0

9 Oligopoly Theory 9 Result 4 α * m 0

10 Oligopoly Theory 10 Mixed Oligopoly, Mixed Market State-owned public firms compete against private firms State-owned public firms compete against private firms

11 Oligopoly Theory 11 Examples of mixed oligopoly in Japan Examples of mixed oligopoly in Japan Banking: Postal Bank, DBJ, Iwate Bank Housing Loan: the Public House Loan Corporation Private Funds: DBJ, Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan Life Insurance: Postal Life Insurance (Kampo) Overnight Delivery: Japan Post Energy: Public Gas Corps (Narashino, Fukui,...) Broadcasting: NHK

12 Oligopoly Theory 12 Examples of mixed oligopoly in other countries Examples of mixed oligopoly in other countries Banking: Postal Banks (New Zealand, U.K., Germany,...) Automobiles: Renault, VW Medicine: Public Institute in Brazil National Defense, Aviation: EADS, Airbus Airline: National airlines (Swiss, Belgian, France,...) Overnight Delivery: USSP Energy: Electricite de France, Gas de France Broadcasting: BBC

13 Oligopoly Theory 13 De Fraja and Delbono(1989) De Fraja and Delbono(1989) (1) Cournot-type (quantity-setting competition, simultaneous-move, no product differentiation) (2) No cost difference between public and private firms. (3) Linear demand and quadratic cost function. (4) The private firm maximizes its own profits given outputs of other firms. (5) The public firm maximizes social welfare given outputs of other firms. →The public firm chooses its output level so that the price equals to its marginal cost.

14 Oligopoly Theory 14 Results Results Compare the pure economy (after the privatization) to the mixed economy (before the privatization) →Privatization of the public firm might improve welfare W P >W M or W P <W M.

15 Oligopoly Theory 15 Intuition (1) Privatization of the public firm reduces public firm's output q 0 (2) Privatization increases private firm's output q 1 →production substitution from the public firm to the private firm. (3) Privatization decreases total output q 0 +q 1 Effects (1) and (3) reduces welfare and effect (2) improves welfare. Effect (2) may be the strongest, leading to an improvement of welfare.

16 Oligopoly Theory 16 Production substitution q1q1 reaction curve after privatization reaction curve of the private firm 0 reaction curve before privatization q0q0

17 Oligopoly Theory 17 More detailed explanation of intuition Privatization of the public firm reduces q 0 and increases q 1 (production substitution). Before Privatization p=c 0 ' >c 1 ' →Public firm's marginal cost is higher than private firm's → Production substitution from public to private economizes production costs →Welfare-improving →Privatization reduces total production level and so consumer surplus → Welfare-reducing It is possible that the former effect dominates the latter effect.

18 Oligopoly Theory 18 Contribution of De Fraja and Delbono(1989) Contribution of De Fraja and Delbono(1989) (1) No cost difference between public and private firms → privatization does not improve production efficiency (2) Public firm's objection: welfare →No agency problem in the public firm (3) No additional policies by regulation, tax, or subsidy after privatization. ⇒Ideal circumstances for the existence of public firm. Against assumptions for the advocators of privatizations. → Nevertheless, privatization might improve welfare

19 Oligopoly Theory 19 完全民営化と完全国有化のみが選 択肢か 公企業とされる企業の中には Public Sector が10 0%保有しているケースばかりではない。 Iwate Bank, Hokuriku Electric Power Company, VW, Renault, 持ち株比率自身を commitment device として使えない か?

20 Oligopoly Theory 20 Matsumura (1998) Matsumura (1998) (1) Cournot-type (quantity-setting competition, simultaneous-move, no product differentiation) (2) No restrictions on the cost differences between public and private firms. (3) The objective function of the public firm is the weight sum of social welfare and its own profits. (Partial Privatization) U 0 = α W+ (1-α) π 0 (4) General demand and general costs. The government chooses s and s affects α. After observing α firms compete in the product market.

21 Oligopoly Theory 21 持株比率と公企業の目的関数 持株比率と公企業の目的関数 α 持株比率 s 0 0.50.5

22 Oligopoly Theory 22 Results Results α =1 is optimal only if it yields public monopoly. →If we allow partial privatization, no privatization (full nationalization) never becomes optimal.

23 Oligopoly Theory 23 Intuition (1) Reducing α reduces public firm's output q 0. Since p=c 0 ', this effect is negligible (second order) ←envelope theorem (2) Reducing α increases private firm's output q 1 Since p=c 1 ', this effect is negligible (first order) ⇒(2) dominates (1).

24 Oligopoly Theory 24 持株比率と公企業の目的関数 (そ の後の研究) 持株比率と公企業の目的関数 (そ の後の研究) α 持株比率 0

25 Oligopoly Theory 25 Partial Privatization Free Entry: Matsumura and Kanda (2005) Product Differentiation: Fujiwara (2007) Spatial Model: Lu and Poddar (2007) Environmental Policy: Kato (2006), Ohori (2006) Anti-Trust: Barcena-Ruiz and Garzon (2003) Labour Market: Beladi and Chao (2006) Subsidization: Tomaru (2006)

26 Oligopoly Theory 26 Foreign Competitors 公企業が domestic welfare を最大化する → 私企業が国内企業か外国企業かによって公企業の行 動が変わる 相手が外国企業だと一般により aggressive な行動を取 る Fjell and Pal (1996): De Fraja and Delbono (1989) の外 国企業バージョン Pal and White (1998): その戦略的貿易政策バージョン Chang (2005), Chao and Yu (2006), Fujiwara (2006): その partial privatization version

27 Oligopoly Theory 27 Foreign Competitors 公企業は follower になった方がよい。 (Pal,1998) → 私企業が外国企業になると公企業は leader になった 方がよい (Matsumura 2003) Matsushima and Matsumura (2003): 私企業は公企業か ら出来るだけ離れて立地。そこで集積。 → 外国企業が2社以上になると均衡パターンが変わる (Matsushima and Matsumura 2006)

28 Oligopoly Theory 28 Existing Works Partial Privatization: Public Sector, Private Sector とも に株主 どういう訳か、既存研究では Domestic Private Sector だけが部分民営化された企業の株主と仮定。 一方民間企業に関しては株主が外国人であるケースに ついては議論している。 何で非対称? この問題を考える。

29 Oligopoly Theory 29 Privatization and Foreign Investors 多くの途上国・移行国の民営化では外国資本が大きな 役割 エジプト:銀行民営化 トルコ:銀行、タバコ公社民営化 チェコ、ポーランド、ハンガリー 資本が自由化されている先進国でも VW 、ルノー、フランスの多くの銀行、ドイツポスト、 NTT 、JR、JT、J Power アリタリア航空、フランス電力公社、フランスガス公 社

30 Oligopoly Theory 30 Notations Notations m: Number of private firms γ: ration of foreign private firms α: the degree of privatization (endogenous) α*:the equilibrium value of α β: foreign stock holding in the partially private firm α (endogenous) M: government's revenue from α (endogenous) q i : Firm i's output, Q: Total output C i (x i ) =0.5( qi) 2 : Firm i's production cost P(X)=a-Q: demand function π i : Firm i's profit, CS: Consumer surplus, W: social surplus, Superscript S: Equilibrium value at the second stage game

31 Oligopoly Theory 31 The Model γ foreign private firms, γ) domestic private firms, Players: government, firm 0 (public firm), mγ foreign private firms, m(1-γ) domestic private firms, Payoff: domestic welfare (government), Its own profits (private firms) α(its own profit) + (1-α) domestic welfare (firm 0) α at the price α at the price M= α (1) Government sells α at the price α at the price M= α π 0 e α and M, firms faces Cournot competition. (2) Given α and M, firms faces Cournot competition.

32 Oligopoly Theory 32 Second Stage Firm 0's payoff α +(1-α) domestic welfare απ 0 +(1-α) domestic welfare =α+(1-α)(CS+(1-αβ)γ)βM) =απ 0 +(1-α)(CS+(1-αβ)π 0 +m(1-γ)π 1 +βM) α and βand γ q 0 S is decreasing in α and increasing in βand γ Privatization makes firm 0 less aggressive. An increase in the foreign presence makes firm 0 more aggressive.

33 Oligopoly Theory 33 First stage The government's payoff domestic welfare =CS+(1-αβ)γ)βM =CS+(1-αβ)π 0 +m(1-γ)π 1 +βM =CS+γ) =CS+π 0 +m(1-γ)π 1 α, so it is endogenous. Important Point: In the second stage, M is given exogenous, whereas in the first stage M depends on α, so it is endogenous.

34 Oligopoly Theory 34 Proposition 1 Proposition 1 (i) α* is increasing in β and (ii) α* is decreasing in γ. (i) An increase in foreign presence in the capital market for privatization increases the optimal degree of privatization Complementarity between privatization policy and open market policy (ii) An increase in foreign presence in product markets decreases the optimal degree of privatization Substitute between privatization policy and open market policy

35 Oligopoly Theory 35 Intuition (ii) α accelerates the competition, resulting in a lower price and lower outputs of foreign firms. A decrease of α accelerates the competition, resulting in a lower price and lower outputs of foreign firms. →It reduces the rent obtained by the foreign firms. γ is large. The government has a stronger incentive to commit to larger output when γ is large.. Exactly the same mechanism repeatedly appear in the world of strategic trade policy.

36 Oligopoly Theory 36 Intuition (i) α accelerates the competition, resulting in a lower price and lower profits of firm 0. A decrease of α accelerates the competition, resulting in a lower price and lower profits of firm 0. βis larger. This effect becomes stronger when βis larger. →It reduces M. β is large. The government has a stronger incentive to commit to smaller output (larger output) when β is large.Time-inconsistency. The government does not want to take aggressive behavior before selling the stocks. After selling the stocks, it has incentive to expand the outputs of firm 0. Committing to a smaller output by increasing in α

37 Oligopoly Theory 37 Further Results Further Results What happens if β=γ. α* is decreasing in βwhen β is small and is inc reasing when β is large. Degree of Privatization is high both in very colsed economy and very open economy.

38 Oligopoly Theory 38 Further Results Further Results What happens if β=γ. α* is decreasing in β and γ.

39 Oligopoly Theory 39 Summary Summary (1) An increase in the foreign presence in capital market increases the optimal degree of privatization.. (2) An increases in the foreign presence in the product markets decreases the optimal degree of privatization. (3) The first result is quite robust (either strategic substitutes or complements, free entry or not).

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