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Presentation on theme: "FINAL PROJECT LINDSAY FISHER HCA415: COMMUNITY & PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSOR ADRIANE NIARE NOVEMBER 9, 2015 Community and public health are essential to society,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FINAL PROJECT LINDSAY FISHER HCA415: COMMUNITY & PUBLIC HEALTH PROFESSOR ADRIANE NIARE NOVEMBER 9, 2015 Community and public health are essential to society, however is often overlooked.

2 POPULATIONS  Goal: Enhance health-related quality and well-being for everyone  Physical  Mental  Emotional  Social  Understanding environments in order to live full, happy, successful lives  “promoting quality of life, healthy development, and health behaviors across all life stages.” (Healthy People 2020)

3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE  Agencies will most likely provide the 10 “Essential Public Health Services.” to greater populations. Large cooperation is essential.  Performance indicates public health expenditures and per capita funding.  No set organization due to inconsistent measurement  Small populations have a lack of outstanding practices  The better health care, the increase of population

4 LEGAL AND ETHNICAL DIMENSIONS  Public Health Law- Provides an authority, puts limits on state powers, incentives and discentives for behavior, and often offers professional discretion  Public Health Ethics- Gives ongoing analysis, deliberates and justifies public health action and policy when law is overlooked.

5 FUNDING  Although public health is so important in our nation, not nearly enough funding is put in the system to make a total difference on the disease.  Awareness  Trust for Americas Health releases and reports on state spending and also recommends accountability tactics to ensure proper funding.

6 COMMUNICATION  “The realization that both science and communication are essential to promoting and protecting the health of the public was a major milestone in the emerging discipline of public health communication, reinforcing its vital role as a new core component of public health” (Jay M. Bernhardt)  Science is ever growing, Communication must keep up.

7 RESOURCES  Bernhardt, Jay M. "Communication at the Core of Effective Public Health." American Journal of Public Health. © American Journal of Public Health 2004, Dec. 2004. Web. 09 Nov. 2015..  "Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being." Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being. Healthy People 2020, 11 Oct. 15. Web. 09 Nov. 2015..  Hyde, JK, and SM Shortell. "The Structure and Organization of Local and State Public Health Agencies in the U.S." RWJF. Elsevier, May 2012. Web. 09 Nov. 2015..  "Public Health Funding." TRAH Issues. Trust of America's Health, n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2015..  "Public Health Law." SpringerReference (2011): 10. Public Health Law 101. The CDC Foundational Course for Public Health Practitioners. Web. 9 Nov. 2015..

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