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SS 10 Sustainable Prosperity Alberta Oil Sands Public Policy Forum.

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1 SS 10 Sustainable Prosperity Alberta Oil Sands Public Policy Forum

2 What will your students produce? Students will participate in a public policy forum on the future of oil sands development. Each group will need to effectively represent the perspective of a person or group who is impacted by the development of the oil sands – a stakeholder. They will need to produce promotional materials including a video and advertising for their cause – a magazine or newspaper spread, website, press release, etc. A model of a single stakeholder would be very useful to demonstrate the depth to which students will need to go in their research and preparation

3 POSSIBLE STAKEHOLDERS An environmentalist or environmental group A person employed directly in the oil sands – engineer, pipefitter, heavy equipment operator, etc. A First Nations person living in the region An Albertan whose job is not directly related to oil and gas A person whose income indirectly comes from the oil sands – restaurant operator or store employee in Fort McMurray, etc. A high ranking member of the Alberta government – the Premier of Alberta, Minister of the Environment, etc. A member of a foreign government with a stake in how the oil sands are developed. Ie. The United States, China, etc.

4 What content do you want your students to learn by doing this project? RI 3: To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people? Values and attitudes recognize and appreciate multiple perspectives that exist with respect to the relationships among politics, economics, the environment and globalization recognize and appreciate impacts of globalization on the interdependent relationships among people, the economy and the environment Knowledge and understanding explore understandings of contemporary economic globalization analyze political and economic challenges and opportunities of globalization explore multiple perspectives regarding the relationship among people, the land and globalization (spirituality, stewardship, sustainability, resource development) evaluate actions and policies associated with globalization that impact the environment (land and resource use, resource development agreements, environmental legislation) analyze multiple perspectives on sustainability and prosperity in a globalizing world

5 What are the interdisciplinary connections? Science – environmental sciences, climate change English – script writing and persuasive writing Art – creating persuasive advertising

6 What scaffolding needs to take place? A discussion of the relationship between perspective and bias. An introduction to the issue of the oil sands, history of its development, etc. to anchor their research. video production (dependent on student prior knowledge and how they divide their work as groups) What are the intermediate deliverables? Research notes submitted for feedback Video script draft

7 How might technology be integrated? Producing a short video Digitally creating promotional materials for their cause Posting finished products to an appropriate space – build a website, create a YouTube channel?

8 What possible community connections are there? Help could be solicited from real stakeholders in several areas – members of the oil industry, environmental groups, First Nations groups, local MLA or MP. Could use as primary sources, feedback on video scripts

9 What is the projected timeline/calendar for this project 3-4 weeks? Can dedicate substantial time since it addresses 7 of 9 objectives for the unit

10 What are the the opportunities for draft, critique and revision? Checkpoints will be set to demonstrate research, video and advertising drafts Seeking out your own real life stakeholder could be made mandatory

11 How will students be assessed? Culmination will be the public policy forum where all members have the opportunity to present their videos and speak to the government (represented by a separate group responsible for adjudicating the proceedings) Content Presented, Defence of Position, and Effective Communication of Position can be formally evaluated with a rubric Peer Evaluation could be effective in this project. Who was the “winner”?

12 What might Exhibition look like? Public policy forum could be presented to other grade 10 classes Hold the forum in the evening and invite the community Record the policy forum and post – challenge - how to get others to view it?

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