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Chen-li Kuo (Karen).  郭珍利   Ext. 5601  Wednesday 10:00-12:00am  Otherwise, by appointment.

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Presentation on theme: "Chen-li Kuo (Karen).  郭珍利   Ext. 5601  Wednesday 10:00-12:00am  Otherwise, by appointment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chen-li Kuo (Karen)

2  郭珍利   Ext. 5601  Wednesday 10:00-12:00am  Otherwise, by appointment

3  Yunita   Subject: [Scientific English]

4  Infotech: English for computer users, Fourth Edition, Cambridge ( 華泰文 化 )  Reading, listening and other exercises

5  Course materials  7/ckuo/ScientificEn glish/  Assignment submission  7/ckuo_upload/Scie ntificEnglish/  3% will be deducted from the student’s grade for each day up to the fourth day  1% deducted if you have submitted to the wrong folder

6  Students will be confident in communicating issues regarding information technology in English.  Speak English! Reading, listening  IT Vocabulary  Students will be able to follow the development of information technology from foreign sources.  TedTalk  Mini-lecture A topic of your choice, teach your colleagues

7 2. Students will acquire understanding of information technology and its applications 2-2. Students will acquire some understanding of information technology foundations

8  Don’t be late  An absence if your name is called for answering the questions  Turn OFF the cell phone  Do not chat!  Soft drink is allowed; NO food (unless you have missed your lunch)  Ask questions anytime in English  Bring your textbook  Answer the questions that is put to you  Ask for leaves by mail or in person (not just via your mates)

9  If you do not agree to the rules, speak now or forever hold your peace.

10  Student helper  Grading  Grouping  Roll call

11  +3 to the semester scores  Duties  Leading the discussion on grading  Special announcement (through FB?)  Grouping (before next week, 3/2)  Mini-lecture scheduling (time: before next week; topic two weeks from now, 3/9)  Switch the computer on before the start of the class (if the TA hasn’t done so)  Other things your classmates wish you to do Ordering textbook?

12  Quiz/practice (5%~15%)  Mid-term exam (5%~20%)  Final exam (5%~20%)  Attendance (0%~10%)  An absence if no one answer to the name  Participation (5%~20%)  Take-home group assignments (weighted by peer- evaluation, 0%~20%)  Collecting information, writing  Mini-lecture (weighted by peer-evaluation, 5%~30%)  Presentation (marked by colleagues 0-100%, instructors 0-100%) (0-90% of mini-lecture)  Proposal (marked by the instructor) (0-90% of mini- lecture)

13  Quiz/practice (15%)  Mid-term exam (15%)  Final exam (10%)  Attendance (10%)  An absence if no one answer to the name  Participation (10%)  Take-home assignments (20%)  Collecting information, writing  Mini-lecture (weighted by peer-evaluation, 20%)  Presentation (marked by your colleagues 80%, instructors 20%) (40% of mini-lecture)  Proposal (marked by the instructor) (60% of mini- lecture)

14  Answer questions voluntarily (1-3 points)  Questions for individual  Questions for group discussions  Ask questions (1-3 points)  I do not understand (words), (phrases), (sentences), (paragraphs)  Speech/presentation (min. 3 minutes)  Unrelated to IT/IM 1-5 points  Related to IT/IM 1-10 points  Only for volunteers  Could be a group presentation  Keep records yourself after every class  How many times you speak  I give extra points to exceptionally good answers/questions

15 PointsGrades 00 1-5 5 6-15 10 16-24 15 >=25 Additional marks given

16  Give each of your team member a score according to his/her contribution toward various group tasks in this course.  If there are 5 members in your group, you will have 500 marks to distribute between your team members, including yourself.  Describe the main role(s) of each member in your team and your opinions about them.  If he/she gets 100, that means he/she desert 100% marks acquired by your team; if he/she gets 50, that means he/she can only get 50% of what your team scored; if he/she get 150 that means his/her marks will be 150% of what your team scored. If you think every member of team contribute equally, please give everyone 100.  If one person exceeds 100 marks in group assignment or group project after factoring in peer evaluation, the exceeding scores will be evenly distributed among other group members.  During calculation, the highest and lowest scores given by team members will be ignored to reduce personal bias. Please review you and your teammates as objective as possible.

17  Week5-17 (week 9 excluded)  Every member of the team needs to say something  Present in English, Q&A in English or Mandarin  10-15 minutes  With or without PowerPoint  Stand up presentation, question-answer or role play, pre-recorded Video clips  Other groups need to ask questions

18  Life After Death by PowerPoint   What are the most common PowerPoint mistakes?

19  It’s not an exam, you don’t need to find the correct answer!  Do not try to find the answer from the Internet on the spot.  It’s a discussion session  Comment on why it is a good question, or why it is irrelevant to your mini-lecture  Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”. Do explain WHY you don’t know.  Never tell people they are wrong  Although they could be wrong  Plan in advance  What might be asked? The most difficult concepts? The most confusing terms?  You can prepare questions for your audience in case they don’t come out with any questions.

20  Read an article from the list (Tell student helper which article you are going to read and when you would like to deliver mini- lecture before the 9 th of March)  cles/ACM/  Communications of the ACM  Find what interest you the most from the chosen article  Organise the presentation  Decide how the ideas are going to be presented

21  Submit to  ftp:\\\ckuo_upload\ScientificEnglish\Proposal\  Deadline  23:00pm Tuesday 15th of March, 2016  What should be included  Three page maximum (10%)  Group number, names and student IDs of the group members (10%)  Topic of the article & topic of the presentation (10%) Can be different!  Summary of the article (35%) Bullet points, tree structure OR graphic summary (be creative!) of-personal-data.png of-personal-data.png Tag cloud  Abstract of the presentation (200 words min., 35%, DO NOT COPY from the article)



24  如有任何抄襲,以零分計算  Do not submit the results of Google translate

25  TA assign or form your own group?  Vote!  Max. 5 people each group  One or two people can form a group, same expectation  Introduce yourself  Select a team leader  Submit the list to the Student Helper  Student ID, name, most used email address/FB account

26  What not to do in a Speech   Make a presentation like Steve Jobs  xnP_G5s&list=PLm5XCM30x- oMgLSLv_4bshCdSz_vupxqK&index=3

27  The Language Barrier is about to Fall  is-about-to-fall-1454077968 is-about-to-fall-1454077968  Answer the question in more than three sentences (English):  Do you agree that the language barrier is about to fall? Share your experiences of overcoming language barriers.  Filename: [your student ID]_LangBar.docx  Upload to: lish/AssignmentI lish/AssignmentI  Deadline: 12:00pm Wednesday 3 rd March

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