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 Memory RAM and ROM and cache and flash  Secondary storage  Software  Utility programs  IDE.

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2  Memory RAM and ROM and cache and flash  Secondary storage  Software  Utility programs  IDE


4  You need to be able to: a)describe the difference between RAM and ROM b)explain the need for ROM in a computer system c)describe the purpose of RAM in a computer system d)explain how the amount of RAM in a personal computer affects the performance of the computer e)explain the need for virtual memory f)describe cache memory g)describe flash memory h)discuss how changes in memory technologies are leading to innovative computer designs.

5  RAM is Random Access Memory and is the volatile memory that programs and data that the CPU is working on are stored in  ROM is Read Only Memory and contains the boot information to get the computer up and running. The boot information is called the BIOS (basic input output system).

6  The larger the amount of RAM, the more instructions/data can be held in quick access memory without needing to use virtual memory and accessing the hard drive, which is much slower.

7  The cache is the holding area for data from the RAM. It has a faster access speed than RAM.

8  Accessing data from the hard disk is very slow; even RAM isn’t quick enough; so the CPU uses cache memory which is a smaller area of high access speed memory. It looks for the data in the cache first, then in RAM then on the hard disk. The bigger the cache the faster the computer

9  Virtual memory is an area on the hard drive (a page file) set up by the CPU to be used when the RAM runs out. The last used data/program is moved into virtual memory. This is why if you have several programs running, and you haven’t used one for a while, it sometimes takes a noticeable amount of time to “wake up”

10  Flash Memory (solid-state memory), has no moving parts. It is similar to RAM but is non- volatile which means when the power is cut off, it still remembers the content. It has faster access speeds than a magnetic hard disk.

11 Physical Size & Capacity Memory chips become more compact (storing more bits per chip) which leads to smaller computing devices and larger capacities. Costs The cost of memory falls which means it is more affordable to have larger amounts of RAM available. Speed Read/write times are improving which mean faster access and better performance. Power Memory chips are more power-efficient meaning portable devices work for longer between charges and batteries can be smaller and lighter.


13  You need to be able to: a)explain the need for secondary storage b)describe common storage technologies such as optical, magnetic and solid state c)select suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application and justify their choice using characteristics such as capacity, speed, portability, durability and reliability.

14  RAM is volatile so that data and applications that you are working on will be erased when the computer is turned off.  Secondary storage is needed for when we want to store files (data or applications) permanently.  The hard drive is an example of secondary storage

15  Hard drive (internal and external/portable)  Magnetic tape  Floppy disk

16  CD  DVD  Blu-ray disk

17  Internal Solid State/Flash storage  USB Memory stick  Memory card (SD card)


19 You need to be able to: a)explain the need for the following functions of an operating system: user interface, memory management, peripheral management, multi-tasking and security b)describe the purpose and use of common utility programs for computer security (antivirus, spyware protection and firewalls), disk organisation (formatting, file transfer, and defragmentation), and system maintenance (system information and diagnosis, system cleanup tools, automatic updating) c)discuss the relative merits of custom written, off the shelf, open source and proprietary software.

20  It provides a user interface (i.e. windows and menus), manages the memory, manages the peripherals (e.g. printer, scanner, mouse), allocates resources to all of the tasks that the computer is doing and manages security (e.g. user name and passwords; access levels)

21  Anti-virus  Anti spyware  Firewall

22  Formatting  File transfer  Defragmentation

23  system information and diagnosis  system cleanup tools  automatic updates

24  Software developed specifically for a particular business or organisation

25  Advantages: custom made to meet exact purpose  Disadvantages: very expensive and need technical expertise to develop.

26  Software developed by a software house to be sold generally

27  Advantages: cheaper than developing bespoke software; technical support is available.  Disadvantages: not specific to the company and so might not do everything you want it to do.

28  Software written by the general public for everyone else to use. The source code of the program is freely available so anyone can change it.

29  Advantages: anyone can use/adapt the software to meet their needs; the collaborative approach to development can lead to better quality  Disadvantages: because the source code is available to all there can be security issues

30  Software written by a developer and allowed to be used by others but with certain restrictions, e.g. can’t adapt software. Source code is hidden.

31  Advantages: can allow for different versions of same software, e.g. educational version with limited functionality or full- functionality version costing more.  Disadvantages: source code cannot be inspected so may contain spyware or other malicious features within the software.


33 a) Describe common tools and facilities available in an integrated development environment (IDE), editors, error diagnostics, run-time environment, translators, auto- documentation

34 1. Text editor 2. Translator 3. Debugging tool 4. Documentation You could use an independent set of tools, but a better way is to use an Intergrated Design Environment (IDE)

35  An Intergrated Design Environment (IDE) brings together the tools you need into one application so that you can efficiently and easily develop code. An IDE brings together ◦ Source code editing ◦ Debugging / error diagnostics ◦ Translating (Complier) ◦ Run time environment ◦ Auto-documenting  Visual Basic Express is an IDE

36  Actually running your code on the real CPU might take a relatively long time to prepare (several minutes). So an IDE provides a 'Run- time' environment. This means the code is run within the IDE as if it were running on the real CPU. This saves a huge amount of time during development.

37  This is also a great time-saver. As you write your source code, this tool makes a note of the variables used, which modules make up the software, which subroutine calls what. Perhaps it also extracts any comments you make within the source code and so on.  It then formats this information into a tidy text file. This documentation is used by coders, developers and maintenance staff.

38 Memory  Jan 2012, q8  Jun 2015, q7 Software  Jan 2011, q5  Jan 2013, q10 IDE  Jan 2011, q8  Jan 2013, q12


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