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SteLLLa2.0 Final Meeting, Avignon SMS group. Structured Dialogic Design Process SDDP Face-to-face session in Geel Virtual synchronous online session via.

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Presentation on theme: "SteLLLa2.0 Final Meeting, Avignon SMS group. Structured Dialogic Design Process SDDP Face-to-face session in Geel Virtual synchronous online session via."— Presentation transcript:

1 SteLLLa2.0 Final Meeting, Avignon SMS group

2 Structured Dialogic Design Process SDDP Face-to-face session in Geel Virtual synchronous online session via Elluminate Virtual asynchronous online sessions via email

3 SDDP List of Positive Characteristics

4 SDDP Map / Tree of Influences

5 SDDP Voting Results

6 SDDP Voting Results (cont.)


8 11: They don’t check their email every day, but SMS reaches them immediately Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful To achieving the objective Internal origin (attribute of the characteristic) S trengths: -- Learning at appropriate time -- Learning not restricted to computer location -- Learning when needed, following the trainers planning -- Natural learning (cf natural communication) -- Focused learning (limited characters) W eaknesses: -- No privacy -- Overload of SMS in private times, i.e. no relaxing time -- Disruption of workflow/ongoing activity -- Lack of independence in own learning process (learning to learn) -- It can be expensive External origin (attribute of the environment) O pportunities: -- Informative learning -- Non-stop learning -- Life long learning -- Coaching when necessary T hreats: -- Receipt of SMS in inappropriate situation -- Expectation to learn/follow SMS instruction immediately -- Restriction learners’ autonomy

9 13: With SMS systems, you can reach many at the same time (immediately!) Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful To achieving the objective Internal origin (attribute of the characteristic) S trengths: --Personal communication (feeling like one to one) even if massive -- Wide range casting possibility to focus a big group in one only target -- Learning is part of daily routine - Impact is strong, instantaneous and unexpected W eaknesses: --Lack of personal contact -- In case of mistake or misunderstanding, proportional to the group plus the impact of this tool -- The SMS management software is not easy and not cheap at all - SMS is not free. The cost can be a big obstacle. External origin (attribute of the environment) O pportunities: -- to teach the same lesson to a wide range of students -- Effective communication tool known by everyone -- Learning everywhere -- Learning integrated in daily activities T hreats: -- There is a serious risk of being taken as spam -- Easy to be merged, confused into the other messages

10 6: SMS allows the administration to send messages repetitively to remind students about various issues (eg like pharmacies reminding you about (your pills) Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful To achieving the objective Internal origin (attribute of the characteristic) -Effective and fast way to deliver important messages for learners -Effective way to get learners attention -Beforehand timed messages, like deadlines, helps administration routines -No privacy, some learners don’t like to have messages from school to mobilephone - Overload on SMS makes them less effective  learners don’t read them anymore External origin (attribute of the environment) O pportunities: -Administrative information become more transparent when messages are shared effectively -Learners might also have possibility to utilise SMS in learning environment for their communication -Administrative information will focus more on essential course SMS are short T hreats: -Administration may trust too much on SMS for delivering message to all learners and forget to use also other ways -Overload of SMS could be expensive for schools -Schools may start to expect learners to have mobile phone on all the time

11 9: For some kids is very motivating because it is so new and 'cool' Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful To achieving the objective Internal origin (attribute of the characteristic) S trengths: - Promote learners’ better mastering of ICT - Promote learners’ central role in learning (interactivity, reactivity of the environment) - Promote attractiveness of learning - Optimize time of learning - Help to transmit information W eaknesses: - Security - Low didactic quality (loack of framework for the content) - Needs in teacher training - Lack of dissemination of quality materials (smartphone) External origin (attribute of the environment) O pportunities: - Environment friendly (save paper) and reduce material cost - Individualization and adjustment to the need of the learner T hreats: -Reinforce the learner as not being a member of a group (socialization) - Loneliness - Load charge for the teacher

12 8: You have your 'way of learning' always with you (even in the toilet) Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful To achieving the objective Internal origin (attribute of the characteristic) S trengths: -- Personalized learning, e.g. learning preferences -- Learning is free of time constraints as well as location constraints -- Learning is part of daily routine W eaknesses: -- No privacy -- Overload of SMS in private times, i.e. no relaxing time -- Disruption of workflow/ongoing activity External origin (attribute of the environment) O pportunities: -- Informative learning -- Non-stop learning -- Life long learning -- Learning when one needs it -- Learning connected to real life problems/situations, i.e. authentic learning T hreats: -- Receipt of SMS in inappropriate situation -- Expectation to learn/follow SMS instruction immediately

13 8: You have your 'way of learning' always with you (even in the toilet) Helpful to achieving the objective Harmful To achieving the objective Internal origin (attribute of the characteristic) S trengths: -- Personalized learning, e.g. learning preferences -- Learning is free of time constraints as well as location constraints -- Learning is part of daily routine W eaknesses: -- No privacy -- Overload of SMS in private times, i.e. no relaxing time -- Disruption of workflow/ongoing activity External origin (attribute of the environment) O pportunities: -- Informative learning -- Non-stop learning -- Life long learning -- Learning when one needs it -- Learning connected to real life problems/situations, i.e. authentic learning T hreats: -- Receipt of SMS in inappropriate situation -- Expectation to learn/follow SMS instruction immediately

14 Experience with Mobile Learning Finnish partner: Moodle Mobilogi Like a blog on the internet An effective tool for tutoring or as a learning diary Tutoring: Teacher can easily send activating questions via SMS to learners’ mobiles Learning diary: Learner has possibility to send SMS to their learning diary in an authentic situation. This learning diary or "learners own page" can also be used without mobile in Moodle.

15 Future Plans with Mobile Learning Finnish partner: Next year we will try out little bit similar system called "Movel" in Moodle (it's based on Skills. I described it in Stellla wiki). There you can have beforetimed activating question series or inquiries for learners. It can be used for giving any kind of tasks for learners or also as learning diary. Learners can also send pictures, videos or voice mails easily for their portfolio i.e from working place by mobilephone. It can be used with mobilephone or through Moodle. Both mobile tools are usable for example tutoring learners at work emplacement periods. More details for both systems are also in Stellla wiki.

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