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 1804-1864 Gothic aspects of Romanticism Evil = strong force in the world Gloomy outlook on life/mankind  Born in Salem, MA  Puritan family Ancestor.

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2  1804-1864 Gothic aspects of Romanticism Evil = strong force in the world Gloomy outlook on life/mankind  Born in Salem, MA  Puritan family Ancestor was a judge in Salem witchcraft trials  Hawthorne’s life & writing were influenced by an inherited sense of guilt; haunted by the cruelty of his ancestors  Hawthorne added the “w” to his family name to disassociate himself from his ancestor’s reputation.

3  Even though Romanticism often focused on the positive aspects of human nature, it was a celebration of the individual and imagination.  Gothicism seemed like a natural part of the exploration of the darker side of human nature.

4  Isolation from society  The grotesque (for Hawthorne, it is largely imaginary—unknown sin of the minister)  Extreme sensitivity of main characters (Mr. Hooper does not want to remove his veil).  Life after death (more the thought in Hawthorne’s story).

5  The Scarlet Letter Novel about sin, guilt, adultery  The House of the Seven Gables Novel about guilt, atonement; supernatural, witchcraft  “The Minister’s Black Veil” Short story about secrets and sin

6  A story with both a literal and symbolic meaning  Simple, usually short, story that teaches a moral lesson  Fable = animals  Parable = human beings

7  Something that has meaning in itself while also standing for something greater Ex: In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” there is a literal veil covering his face, but it also represents a deeper idea (a symbolic meaning)

8  What do you think Father Hooper’s black veil represents?  Write a paragraph that first (A) answers the question, and then (P) proves the answer with text evidence. Then (C) comment how the proof supports the answer.  This is APC format.

9 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “The Minister’s Black Veil.” Holt McDougal Literature: American Literature. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010. 470-481. Print. Ramos, John Louie. “Biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne.” Helium. com. 7 May 2010. Web. 3 Jan. 2013. Sonfer, Larik. “From Gothicism to Romanticism: The History of Gothic Literature.” 22 May 2008. Web. 3 Jan. 2013.

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