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Prepared by Jason Hong, David Miko and the University of Calgary Debate Society.

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2 Prepared by Jason Hong, David Miko and the University of Calgary Debate Society

3 We couldn’t do it without you!

4  Name of Tournament  # of Rounds  Open/Closed Adjudication

5 This Brief Presentation Will Cover Five Talking Points That Will Train You To Be Great Judges Style of Debate Role Of Each Team Role of Each Debater Your Role as a Judge Turning Point Factors



8 Understanding the proceedings of the debate is key to understanding how to judge the debate. The basic structure of all debates remains consistent, and is very simple. 1 st Proposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 1 st Proposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 1 st Opposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 1 st Opposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 2 nd Proposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 2 nd Proposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 2 nd Opposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. 2 nd Opposition 6 minutes Beg. 8 Minutes Open. Reply Speeches 4min. Reply Speeches 4min.

9  Style Intended to be a fusion between Canadian Parliamentary Style and Worlds Style  In Senior High - Cases should not have a Canadian theme  The level of debate should be brought up to an international standard  First two rounds will be debated on the prepared topic “This House Would Punish Student Bystanders for Failing to Stop Bullying.”  Style makes use of Points of Information

10 You.


12  Proposes a motion  Defines the terms of the motion  “THW Punish Student Bystanders for Failing to Stop Bullying”  Watch out for slandered definitions, or possible definition debates  Gives Reasons to pass the motion  In Canadian National style, the proposition has a burden to extinguish

13  Opposes the Motion  If Necessary counters definitions  This should only occur if the definitions are clearly wrong or gives a very unfair advantage to the Prop  Themed Resolutions give room for open definitions  Gives Reasons against passing the motion  In Canadian National, the opposition can theoretically win by proving the prop has not proven their case


15  Clearly States the Definitions  “THW Punish Student Bystanders for Failing to Stop Bullying” The act of observing bullying and doing nothing should be punished Observing bullying and not stopping it makes you just as guilty  Opens the Government Case which will establish either:  A Need to Change  Benefits to Changing

16  Clashes with the proposition case  Presents counter arguments that show why either  Resolution Unnecessary  Resolution Does active harm  Presents a case that opposes negotiating with bullies  Philosophically  Pragmatically

17  Clashes with all of the opposition arguments presented thus far  Finishes off the case for the government  Should be rewarded for striking a good balance between the two

18  Last word from the Opposition on constructive material  Presents new constructive  Clashes with new arguments

19  Summarize the entirety of the debate  Elevate the arguments to clashes of ideology  Asks Questions which try to uncover deeper meaning to the subject  Presents no new material  Presents minimum examples  Does not really debate  Presents a Homily

20  Also a component of strategy  Used to ask questions in the middle of speeches  Pertinent  Should illustrate a flaw in the other teams arguments, or reposition one of their own arguments  Short, and Clear – A question and not a summary of their own points

21  Models or plans are used to determine how the team is going to take the action they are advocating  Not always necessary  Are useful in defining the pragmatics of the case  Does not need to address  Funding  Timelines  Legislative information  Only deals with how in an ideal world the Government would follow through


23 Your role as a judge revolves around some simple, core aspects Speaker Points The Choice Feedback

24  Your Primary Function as a Judge in this tournament is to award speaker points to each individual debater  Scores will be on a Point Scale

25 Please refer to the backside of your ballot Minimum Score : 67 Average Score : 70 Maximum Score : 73 67 – Poor 68 – Work Needed 69 – Satisfactory 70 – Average 71 – Good 72 – Excellent 73 – Exceptional Matter 27-29 The content of the debate including: argumentation, examples, logic, clash and reasoning. 28 Average Manner 27-29 How the debater presented the speech – the verbal and non verbal communication that made the speech effective or not effective. 28 Average Strategy 13-15 Use of the style, points of information, structure of speeches including time, strategic placements of clash and arguments. 14 Average

26  Depends on the balance that occurs at the end of the debate.  No Such thing as an automatic win, or automatic loss Weighing of Influences  Holistically comparing cases  In Canadian National Style the team points must be aligned with the “winning team”  Evaluating Arguments  Constructive  Clash  Who pushed the ball the most?

27  Occurs after the round has completed, after ballots have been completed, and handed to the chair for delivery  Is the most valuable tool for debaters  Centered around why the round was one or lost  What they can do individually to make themselves better debaters



30 Heckling is not allowed at this tournament Points can be deducted if heckles are used and they interrupt a speech Debaters should be respectful to each other Although not a major factor, being rude, offensive, or pestering can be taken into account

31  Provides a clear and concise road map of your case for the judges (and other debaters)  Helps reinforce your points (because the judges know what your points are)  Should be done at the beginning, the middle and the end of every speech  Tell them what your going to say, say it then remind them what you said

32 S tatement E xample E explanation  Substantiates arguments  Provides more evidence for the judges  Makes your points harder to bring down  Wins debates

33 Questions?

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